Course Revision and Examination Preparation
by Lorna Hardwick, Chris Emlyn-Jones, Colin Cunningham, and J. Purkis
How the Tea Party Captured the GOP - Insurgent Factions in American Politics
by Rachel M Blum
The rise of the Tea Party redefined both the Republican Party and how we think about intraparty conflict. What initially appeared to be an anti-Obama protest movement of fiscal conservatives matured into a faction that sought to increase its influence in the Republican Party by any means necessary. Tea Partiers captured the party's organizational machinery and used it to replace established politicians with Tea Party-style Republicans, eventually laying the groundwork for the nomination and elec...
El Pensamiento Pol-Tico de Benito Jurez (Politica y Derecho)
by Jos' Carlos Valad's
Vast, diverse, dynamic, and turbulent, the true nature of Africa is often obscured by its poverty-stricken image. In this controversial and gripping guide, Tom Young cuts through the emotional hype to critically analyse the continent's political history and the factors behind its dismal economic performance. Maintaining that colonial influences are often overplayed, Young argues that much blame must lie with African governments themselves and that Western aid can often cause as much harm as good...
The Right to Self-Determination Under International Law and Politics
by Hassan Hamdam
Herrschaft Durch Kader (Schriften Des Zentralinstituts Fur Sozialwiss. Forschung Der, #28)
by Gert-Joachim Glaener
Diese Arbeit ist im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens entstanden, das unter dem Arbeitstitel "Fachwissen in der Politik. Studien zum Wandel des Herrschafts- und Gesellschaftssystems in der DDR seit 1963" im Arbeitsbereich DDR-Forschung und -Archiv des Zentralinstituts fur sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung der Freien Univer- sitat Berlin durchgefuhrt wird. Im Arbeitsbericht des Instituts wird die Problemstel- lung dieses Projekts folgendermassen beschrieben: Das "Neue OEkonomische System der Planu...
A Political History of the Civil War in Angola, 1974-1990 (The East-South Relations)
When Portugal's colonial rule in Angola ended in 1974, three liberation groups-UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), FNLA (National Front for the Liberation of Angola), and MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola)-agreed to a tripartite movement for the fledgling nation. Conflicts quickly arose and the MPLA, with Cuban and Soviet assistance, drove its rivals from the capital, instigating a civil war, which continues into three periods (1975-1991, 1992-94, and 1...
John F. Kennedy carried on a lifelong love affair with England and the English. From his speaking style to his tastes in art, architecture, theatre, music and clothes, his personality reflected his deep affinity for a certain kind of idealised Englishness. Setting his work against a backdrop of some of the twentieth century’s most profound events – the Great Depression, the Second World War, the Cold War and its arms race – noted biographer Christopher Sandford tracks Kennedy’s exploits in Great...
Failure of a Dream: The Independent Labour Party from Disaffiliation to World War II
by Gidon Cohen
This book presents essays from Comparative Politics which analyze the Third World in terms of commonally shared intra-state dynamics. It draws attention to the internal attitudinal, behavioral, and organizational problems and transitions which characterize Third World countries.
The Age of Salisbury, 1881-1902 (A History of the Conservative Party)
by Richard Shannon
Richard Shannon provides a magisterial account of the fortunes of the Conservative party after the death of Disraeli, tracing the changes in party thinking and organization under the pressures of the newly expanded electorate. The rise of Lord Salisbury is thoroughly examined together with the demands of empire, the problems of Home Rule and the Unionist alliance.
Politics and Society in Contemporary Africa
by Naomi Chazan, etc., Robert A. Mortimer, John Ravenhill, and Donald Rothchild
Africa has undergone significant political, economic, and social change since the first edition of this book was published in early 1988. Now revised and updated throughout, this new edition includes current economic, social, and political data, as well as entirely new sections on the dismantling of apartheid, civil society, democratization and multiparty politics, economic reform and structural adjustment, and the prospects for African development in the twenty-first century. Review comments on...
The 2011 Arab Spring protests seemed to mark a turning point in Middle East politics, away from authoritarianism and toward democracy. Within a few years, however, most observers saw the protests as a failure given the outbreak of civil wars and re-emergence of authoritarian strongmen in countries like Egypt. But in Delta Democracy, Catherine E. Herrold argues that we should not overlook the ongoing mobilization taking place in grassroots civil society. Drawing upon ethnographic research on Egyp...
Failed Führers (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right)
by Graham Macklin
This book provides a comprehensive history of the ideas and ideologues associated with the racial fascist tradition in Britain. It charts the evolution of the British extreme right from its post-war genesis after 1918 to its present-day incarnations, and details the ideological and strategic evolution of British fascism through the prism of its principal leaders and the movements with which they were associated. Taking a collective biographical approach, the book focuses on the political career...
Most people believe that large corporations wield enormous political power when they lobby for policies as a cohesive bloc. With this controversial book, Mark A. Smith sets conventional wisdom on its head. In a systematic analysis of postwar lawmaking, Smith reveals that business loses in legislative battles unless it has public backing. This surprising conclusion holds because the types of issues that lead businesses to band together—such as tax rates, air pollution, and product liability—also...