Making Twenty-First-Century Strategy - An Introduction to Modern National Security Processes and Problems
by Donald M. Snow and Dennis M. Drew
Die wirtschaftlichen, religioesen, kulturellen und ethnischen Merkmale der Gesellschaft des Staates Israel
by Hannes S Auer
What happens in post-war Iraq may well be decided by what happens in Iran. In this powerful account of its theocratic regime, the author pays particular attention to the Iranian factor in the 2003 Iraq war, and the likely impact of the continuation of the mullahs' regime and its tendency to interfere in its neighbour's affairs. He reveals startling new information about Iran's continued links with fundamentalist Islamic organizations abroad, the pursuit of its nuclear ambitions, and its ongoing...
Attempts to theorize contemporary globalization rarely stray beyond variations on old themes of superordination versus subordination. Yet there are many new definers of our present global reality - depletion of strategic resources, degradation of our environment, counter-offensives against modern patterns of thought and action - which suggest that a new framework of global relations is needed. Nelson Keith challenges the presumptions upon which Western notions of the world have rested, and soun...
Sustainable Development (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology, #19)
With growing evidence of unsustainable use of the world's resources, such as hydrocarbon reserves, and related environmental pollution, as in alarming climate change predictions, sustainable development is arguably the prominent issue of the 21st century. This volume gives a wide ranging introduction focusing on the arid Gulf region, where the challenges of sustainable development are starkly evident. The Gulf relies on non-renewable oil and gas exports to supply the world's insatiable CO2 em...
Future of Us Global Power, The: Delusions of Decline (International Political Economy)
by Stuart S. Brown
Accountability and democracy in Poland and Spain (Studies in Politics, Security and Society, #8)
by Anna Sroka
This book is a response to the need for scientific research on one of the components of quality of democracy, id est accountability. The author analyses thoroughly in cross-section the accountability mechanisms in Poland and Spain. This approach required that each of the issues under investigation be reviewed synthetically, and only the aspects meaningful for the notion of accountability have been explored. This book may be a starting point for further, more in-depth analyses of accountability,...
Los Manifiestos Que Conmovieron Al Mundo
by Karl Marx, Adam Smith, and Mao Tse-Tung
The concept of 'Soft Power' is used to discuss how culture can assert dominance within international relations, but what if entertainment could be used as a weapon itself? Despite recent upheavals like the worldwide financial meltdown and the Arab Spring, organized global resistance to American power remains fragmented. Advanced communications technologies have played an essential role in the rise and persistence of American power, and in many respects, has been a 'weapon' against rejection of A...
Food Security (SAGE Library of International Security)
Following years of complacency about food security and agriculture, world food prices began increasing in 2000 and currently remain well above long run trends. Research into this phenomenon reveals a highly complex and cross-disciplinary issue, which is fast becoming a defining feature of our times. Fuelled by a huge variety of interlinking factors, including rapid or improved economic growth -particularly in Asia and Africa - as well water scarcity, climate change, and the increasing demand for...
The League of Nations and Its Problems; Three Lectures
by Lassa Oppenheim
The 21st century will feature unprecedented global transparency. From the advent of the Internet to the rise of global media to the proliferation of commercial satellites, more information will be available to more people about more things than ever before. This increase in transparency is certain to have a major effect on international politics, and particularly on the possibility of armed conflict in the new millennium. This volume represents the first comprehensive collection of articles by l...
When does the U.S. support partition of a warring or failing state? Why has the U.S. supported partition for some secessionists, or irredentists, but not for others? Is it a policy of last resort or are there certain variables that are strong determinants of this position right from the start? This book seeks to answer these questions by examining U.S. policy toward secessionist movements in three countries during the first decade following the end of the Cold War: Iraq, Ethiopia and Bosnia-Herz...
In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registra...
Obama and China's Rise: An Insider's Account of America's Asia Strategy
by Visiting Scholar Jeffrey A Bader
Varieties of Right-Wing Extremism in Europe (Routledge Studies in Extremism and Democracy) (Extremism and Democracy)
Beginning with an analysis of the complex relationship between fascism and the post-war extreme right, the book discusses both contemporary parties and the cultural and intellectual influences of the European New Right as well as patterns of socialization and mobilization. It then analyses the effects of a range of factors on the ideological development of right-wing extremism including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, religious extremism and the approach towards Europe (and the European Union).The...
Weltregionen Im Globalen Zeitalter (Grundwissen Politik)
by Martin List
Spectres of Fascism
Concerns over the rise of fascism have been preoccupied with the Trump presidency and the Brexit vote in the UK, yet, globally, we are witnessing a turn towards anti-democratic and illiberal forces. From the tragic denouement of the Egyptian Revolution to the consolidation of the so-called Gujarat Model in India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the consolidation of the power of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the recent election of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, fa...
The Mediterranean Sea is now the deadliest region in the world for migrants. Although the death toll has been rising for many years, the EU response remains fragmented and short sighted. Politicians frame these migration flows as an unprecedented crisis and emphasize migration control at the EU's external boundaries. In this context, At Europe's Edge investigates why the EU prioritizes the fortification of its external borders; why migrants nevertheless continue to cross the Mediterranean and to...