Is Socialism the Answer? the Intelligent Man's Guide to Basic Democracy
by William 1885-1962 Irvine
Michel Beaud believes that the whole socialist project needs redefinition. What is Socialism? Planning as opposed to Market? State intervention? Surely not. The socialist tradition hoped for a withering away of the state, and collective appropriation allows domination by a privileged class over the producers. The word -socialism- has been increasingly identified with regimes with few socialist characteristics or traditions: the former USSR and its satellites in Eastern Europe, China, and their T...
The texts in this collection demonstrate both the diversity and continuity in British theories of democratic socialism. The selection encompasses the Ricardian socialists, the Christian socialists, and the Fabian socialists.
A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism
by Vladimir Ilich Lenin
Socialism and the Servile State
by Hilaire 1870-1953 Belloc and James Ramsay 1866-1937 MacDonald
Featuring a new foreword by Robin D. G. Kelley, this updated edition of the classic exploration of the economic inequality that fuels systematic racism, from one of the leading Black public intellectuals of the 19th century, is as timely and radical today as it was when it was first published. "The preeminent Black journalist of his age" (Henry Louis Gates, Jr., author of The Black Church) and an early agitator for civil rights, T. Thomas Fortune astutely and compellingly analyzes the relations...
The May Fourth Movement, which began in 1919, was a time of nationalist and revolutionary activism and intellectual ferment in China which can be likened to the 1960s in the United States. Anarchism was the predominant revolutionary ideology; Marxism was virtually unknown. Yet by 1921 the Communist Party of China had emerged as the unchallenged leader of the Left. This book offers a new explanation of this development using documents previously unavailable in China but released since the death o...
The Productive Body asks how the human body and its labor have been expropriated and re-engineered through successive stages of capitalism; and how capitalism's transformation of the body is related to the rise of scientific psychology and social science disciplines complicit with modern regimes of control. In Discipline and Punish, Foucault cited Guery and Deleule in order to link Marx's diagnosis of capitalism with his own critique of power/knowledge. The Productive Body brings together Marxis...
Whittaker Chambers (Library Modern Thinkers)
by Richard M Reinsch II
Whittaker Chambers is rightly remembered for his pivotal role in the electrifying Alger Hiss spy case. But as Richard Reinsch reminds us in the latest volume in ISI Books' acclaimed Library of Modern Thinkers, Chambers was more than just a government informant; he was a profoundly important thinker who grappled with the nature of modern man's predicaments.Whittaker Chambers: The Spirit of a Counterrevolutionary shows that Chambers's thought posed-and still poses-a challenge to American conservat...