Die Behauptung des Buches lautet: direkte Demokratie ist sinnvoll und moglich. Sie ist es, wenn man sie lokal eingrenzt. Dann aber ist sie der Schlussel zu einer weitreichenden Neuverteilung von Macht und Verantwortlichkeiten zwischen Staat und Burger. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein solches Modell, erstens, sich selber finanziert, zweitens steht und fallt mit seiner Fahigkeit zur Verwaltung des Sozialen, drittens daran zu messen ist, ob und wie weit es lokale Politik generiert - ein offentliches Han...
Borders of Justice (Politics, History, and Social Change) (Politics History & Social Chan)
Exploring the limits of and contradictions of transitional justice
Der Public Corporate Governance Kodex des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen und moegliche Steuerungsdefizite
by Ri Sa
Voting of the Macedonian Diaspora in the Parliamentary Elections in Republic of Macedonia
by Ana Mijovska
This book explains how senior officials within the executive branch of government manage the policymaking process and how those policies are crafted and communicated to stakeholders and the public at large, with practical advice on how to write memos, prepare polling questions, and navigate the clearance process. Case studies show how actual policies were developed and how and why policies and processes differed across Administrations. Finally, scenarios allow students to practice the tools and...
Memoiren, Erlebtes, Erforschtes Und Erdachtes, Volumes 1-4 - Primary Source Edition
by Johann Joseph Most
The Organisation of Employment (Management, Work & Organisations)
by Jill Rubery, Senior Lecturer in Employment Studies Manchester Business School Damian Grimshaw, and Arjan Keizer
The Organisation of Employmentexplores the diversity in the organisation of employment among advanced industrial societies. It focuses on the implications of distinctive employment systems for international competitiveness, organisational performance and social divisions and considers the impact of globalisation on the sustainability of such diversity. Ideal for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of international business and human resource management, The Organisation of Employ...
The Sentiments of an Impartial Member of Parliament, Upon the Two Following Questions
by Unknown Author
Examining the Department of Homeland Security's Efforts to Recruit, Hire, and Promote Veterans