Workman now publishes a separate full-color calendar catalog that includes detailed sales copy for all 1998 wall calendars, desk diaries. Page-A-Day "RM" calendars, and other calendar products. Calendar titles for 1998 are listed here also and, for your convenience, can be ordered through this catalog.Please see the order form for display information. In addition, calendars ship in August unless noted on the order form.If you have not already received a copy of the full-color calendar catalog, p...
Seacliff Beach Fun! Santa Cruz Sunset - August 2, 2008 - Northern California Paradise Beach Series (English eBook C7)
The Bright Side of Belgium
by Sigrid Vandensavel and Hadewijch Ceulemans
'The Bright Side of Belgium' is more than just another tourist guide to Belgium. It is also an inspiring photo book that takes the reader off the beaten track and introduces the great cultural cities, examining the natural beauty of regions such as Limburg province's orchards, the Ardennes and the coast. The authors report on the different places, accompanied by interviews with prominent figures, lists of the best places to eat, sleep and drink. The book's unique design, created by Sanny Winters...
This addition to the "Britain in Old Photographs" series brings together a collection of black-and-white pictures spanning the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Drawn from family albums, local collections and professional photographers, they show the way things were and how they have changed. Every photograph is captioned, providing names and dates where possible, revealing historical and anecdotal detail and giving life to the scenes and personalities captured through the camera lens. Bringin...
David Douglas Duncan presents a photographic record of the life which Picasso and Jacqueline shared together in their home. The author was a friend of the couple and records the time he spent with them, from his first visit in 1956 to Picasso's death in 1973 and afterwards, until Jacqueline herself died in 1986. He portrays their everyday domestic life, their leisure time and intimate moments and also shows Picasso at work on his paintings. Duncan recalls "The three of us enjoyed a life so close...
Blank Drawing Pad for kids (Cute Drawing Book, #5)
by Drawing Pad and Sketchbook