Die Geburt der Tragodie Versuch einer Selbstkritik
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Marx's Associated Mode of Production (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms)
by Paresh Chattopadhyay
This book aims to restore Marx's original emancipatory idea of socialism, conceived as an association of free individuals centered on working people's self- emancipation after the demise of capitalism. Marxist scholar Paresh Chattopadhyay argues that, Marx's (and Engels's) ideas have been deliberately warped with misinterpretation not only by those who resent these ideas but more consequentially by those who have come to power under the banner of Marx, calling themselves communists. This book ch...
Fichte ist – trotz fabelhafter Gesamtausgabe – der am meisten interpretationsbedürftige Kopf der nachkantischen Philosophie. Sein Werk bildet für unsere Zeit den interessantesten Teil der sogenannten klassischen deutschen Philosophie von Kant zu Fichte, Schelling und Hegel. Gerd Irrlitz sieht das Rebellierende – und manchmal auch Geblendete – eines großen deutschen Reformdenkers, der national dachte, weil der Absolutismus die Internationalität war, und weil er eine antifeudale Bewegung des Volke...
Darstellung meines Systems der Philosophie
by Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
German Idealism Today
This collection of essays provides an exemplary overview of the diversity and relevance of current scholarship on German Idealism. The importance of German Idealism for contemporary philosophy has received growing attention and acknowledgment throughout competing fields of contemporary philosophy. Part of the growing interest rests on the claim that the works of Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel remain of considerable interest for cultural studies, sociology, theology, aesthetics and other areas of...
Essays in the Philosophy of History
by R G Collingwood and Robin George Collingwood
The sixteen chapters of Josiah Royce for the Twenty-first Century are papers from the Fourth Annual Conference on American and European Values / International Conference on Josiah Royce, held at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Opole, Poland in June 2008. The presentation of diverse perspectives, and the development of many distinctive, promising strands of inquiry from the spring of Royce's work, establish that Royce offers significant resources for a number of areas of contemporary p...
Pragmatism has been reinvented in every generation since its beginnings in the late nineteenth century. This book, by one of today's most distinguished contemporary heirs of pragmatist philosophy, rereads cardinal figures in that tradition, distilling from their insights a way forward from where we are now.Perspectives on Pragmatism opens with a new accounting of what is living and what is dead in the first three generations of classical American pragmatists, represented by Charles Sanders Peirc...
Die Ohnmacht Des Spekulativen (Jena-Sophia. Studien Und Editionen Zum Deutschen Idealismus Und Zur Fruhromantik)
by Ivan Boldyrev
The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology
This volume examines the complex dialogue between German Idealism and phenomenology, two of the most important movements in Western philosophy. Twenty-four newly authored chapters by an international group of well-known scholars examine the shared concerns of these two movements; explore how phenomenologists engage with, challenge, and critique central concepts in German Idealism; and argue for the continuing significance of these ideas in contemporary philosophy and other disciplines. Chapters...
This book is a philosophical effort to deal with the problem of otherness, particularly as it has been bequeathed to contemporary thought by the legacy of German idealism, whose most challenging, influential thinker was Hegel.