Virgil Gheorghiu on Communism, Capitalism and National Socialism
by Iuliu-Marius Morariu
La Reforme Intellectuelle Et Morale (3e Ed.) (Ed.1872) (Histoire)
by Ernest Renan
First published in 1987, Althusser, The Detour of Theory was widely received as the fullest account of its subject to date. Drawing on a wide range of hitherto untranslated material, it examined the political and intellectual contexts of Althusser’s ‘return to Marx’ in the mid-1960s; analysed the novel character of the Marxism developed in his major works; charted their author’s subsequent evolution, from his self-criticism to the proclamation of a ‘crisis of Marxism’; and concluded with a balan...
When the Brazilian public intellectual Marcia Tiburi published The Psycho-Cultural Underpinnings of Everyday Fascism in 2015, fascism was yet to return to the public consciousness. But Tiburi was motivated by the kind of fascism she was noticing in daily life — people who fail to practise any kind of reflection about society, betraying a pattern of everyday thought characterized by the repetition of clichés and the angry language of hatred. Three years later, Brazil elected the far-right Preside...
Born in the village of Llangeinor, near Bridgend in south Wales, Richard Price (1723–91) was, to his contemporaries, an apostle of liberty, an enemy to tyranny and a great benefactor of the human race. His friend Benjamin Franklin described aspects of his work as ‘the foremost production of human understanding that this century has afforded us’. A supporter of the American and French Revolutions, Price corresponded with the likes of Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Mirabeau and Condorcet. In Novemb...
Like most discussions within the tradition of rights-talk, this study is motivated by the desire to promote the idea that rights are moral assets that people should acquire in the course of their membership within social and political frameworks. However, while most participants in rights-talk concentrate on the safety and protection constraints required for a successful exercising of rights, the present study inquires into the circumstances under which people's rights lose their validity. The a...
Die -Schoene Seele- Und Ihre -Sittliche Wirklichkeit- (Muenchener Studien Zur Literarischen Kultur In Deutschland, #1)
by Karlheinz Well
Hegels enzyklopadische Philosophie bezieht asthetische Politik und politische Asthetik aufeinander: die Kunst wird politisch, indem sie sich an der Transformation der vorburgerlichen Gesellschaftsformen in die Moderne beteiligt. Ihr Resultat ist die Herausbildung der modernen Subjektivitat, wie sie sich fur Hegel in der vollendeten Gestalt des Staates der Rechtsphilosophie artikuliert. Der von Hegel konzipierte selbstbewusste Staat der Sittlichkeit ist allerdings selbst asthetisches Produkt eine...
Positive Freedom
Freedom is widely regarded as a basic social and political value that is deeply connected to the ideals of democracy, equality, liberation, and social recognition. Many insist that freedom must include conditions that go beyond simple “negative” liberty understood as the absence of constraints; only if freedom includes other conditions such as the capability to act, mental and physical control of oneself, and social recognition by others will it deserve its place in the pantheon of basic social...
Dr. Ron Paul's newest book, LIBERTY DEFINED, returns to the format and scope of his no 1 New York Times bestseller The Revolution. Rather than delve so deeply into one issue (as End The Fed did) or simply update the topics discussed in The Revolution, this is a brand new, comprehensive, A-Z guide to his position (unwavering support of personal liberty and small government) on 50 of the most important issues of our times, both foreign and domestic. His devoted followers will be able to use it as...
Children's Voices in Politics (Ralahine Utopian Studies, #19)
by Michael S. Cummings
Is the official political silencing of children in a democracy rational and just, or is it arbitrary and capricious? How might democratic polities benefit from the political engagement and activism of young people? Michael Cummings argues that allowing children equal political rights with adults is required by the basic logic of democracy and can help strengthen the weak democracies of the twenty-first century. A good start is for governments to honor their obligations under the ambivalently uto...
New Society Models for a New Millennium
Nuclear Pacifism (American University Studies, #4)
by Edward J Laarman
Interpreting Conflict (Studies in International Relations, #4)
by Oded Balaban
Fruehgeschichte Und Utopie (Schriftenreihe Zur Politik Und Geschichte, #12)
by Wolf Schimmang
Am Beispiel der Leninschen Staatslehre versucht der Autor zu zeigen, dass, im Gegensatz zur vorherrschenden Meinung, gerade die Ablehnung jedes Anscheins von Utopie durch Lenin jene zwanghaften Strukturen theoretisch ermoglicht hat, die den Staat der Oktoberrevolution ins Kreuzfeuer der Kritik ruckten. Als Quelle der empirisch gemeinten Staatslehre Lenins wird die Rezeption von -Ancient Society- geschildert, bei der Friedrich Engels den amerikanischen Ethnologen Lewis H. Morgan ebenso wie seinen...
A guide to reading The Republic with a critical and appreciative mind. Includes background on the author's life and times, sample tests, term paper suggestions, and a reading list.
America's Philosopher examines how John Locke has been interpreted, reinterpreted, and misinterpreted over three centuries of American history. The influence of polymath philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) can still be found in a dizzying range of fields, as his writings touch on issues of identity, republicanism, and the nature of knowledge itself. Claire Rydell Arcenas's new book tells the story of Americans' longstanding yet ever-mutable obsession with this English thinker's ideas, a saga...
Negotiating Community and Difference in Medieval Europe (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, #142)
This collection builds on the foundational work of Penelope D. Johnson, John Boswell's most influential student outside queer studies, on integration and segregation in medieval Christianity. It documents the multiple strategies by which medieval people constructed identities and, in the process, wove the boundaries of inclusion and exclusion among various individuals and groups. The collection adopts an interdisciplinary approach, encompassing historical, art historical, and literary perpsectiv...
Faire Justice de l'Irreparable (L'Esprit Des Lois)
by Magali Bessone
Great Political Thinkers (Gramercy Great Philosophers and Thinkers)