Critical Civic Literacy
This book has received the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) Critics Choice Award 2013. Do we live in a democracy? Have we ever practiced democratic education? Will our children and grandchildren inherit a sane or sick society and political order? Those are some of the profound questions that this book tackles, within a broad and evocative conversation on civic literacy in America. Amid calls for academic standardization and high-stakes testing, civic education, once a cornerstone...
Perspektiven Der Menschenrechte (Versicherungsrechtliche Studien,, #15)
Die starke politische Bedeutung der Allgemeinen Erklarung der Menschenrechte von 1948 ist unbestritten. Ihr Katalog der Grundfreiheiten beeinflusste zahlreiche Staatsverfassungen, so auch das deutsche Grundgesetz von 1949. Trotz ihrer rechtlichen Ausweitung und der Tatsache, dass mitlerweile insgesamt 128 Staaten beide Pakte der UN-Erklarung unterzeichnet haben, bleibt die Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte eines der wichtigsten Ziele der Menschheit. Das funfzigste Jubilaum der UN-Erklarung verlan...
One is usually conscious of tyranny and oppression; domination is more subtle. It is an abandonment of our freedom, our will, and our love of justice, and yet socially, psychologically, and ontologically domination in some degree seems inevitable. There is now in the western world an uneasy sense that more domination is going on than necessary, and this work tries to outline the theoretic modalities of this human predicament. The twelve essays in Domination examine such questions as: Does the eg...
Albert Camus and the Political Philosophy of the Absurd
by Matthew H. Bowker
This book demonstrates that Albert Camus' concept of absurdity is best understood when decoupled from what might be called its ontological aspirations. Rather than pretend that absurdity usefully describes 'the human condition,' 'the silence of god,' 'the deprivation of transcendence,' or 'metaphysical revolt,' I argue that, for absurdity to be a fruitful idea, it must be approached as a psychological disposition and its basic tenets must be translated into phenomenal and psychological language....
Despite John Stuart Mill's widely respected contributions to philosophy and political economy, his work on political philosophy has received a much more mixed response. Some critics have even charged that Mill's liberalism was part of a political project to restrain, rather than foster, democracy. Nadia Urbinati argues here that this claim misrepresented Mill's thinking. Although he did not elaborate a theory of democracy, Mill did devise new avenues of democratic participation in government. Dr...
It was not until 1961 that Foucault published his first major book, History of Madness. He had already been working as an academic for a decade, teaching in Lille and Paris, writing, organizing cultural programmes and lecturing in Uppsala, Warsaw and Hamburg. Although he published little in this period, Foucault wrote much more, some of which has been preserved and only recently become available to researchers. Drawing on archives in France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden and the USA, this is the...
Ensayo Sobre El Catolicismo, El Liberalismo y El Socialismo
by Juan Donoso Cortes
Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social Work
by Lynelle Watts and David Hodgson
This book offers a much-needed critical overview of the concept of social justice and its application in professional social work practice. Social justice has a rich conceptual genealogy in critical theory and political philosophy. For students, teachers and social workers concerned with empowerment, social change and human rights, this book provides a guide to the key ideas and thinkers, crucial historical developments and contemporary debates about social justice. It synthesises interdisciplin...
For many years Hannah Arendt (1906--1975) has been the object of intense debate. After her bitter critiques of Zionism, which seemed to nullify her early involvement with that movement, and her extremely controversial Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963), Arendt became virtually a taboo figure in Israeli and Jewish circles. Challenging the "curse" of her own title, Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem carries the scholarly investigation of this much-discussed writer to the very place where her ideas have been mos...
This text presents an exploration of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. Dorothea Olkowski says Deleuze accomplished the "ruin of representation", the complete overthrow of hierarchic organic thought in philosophy, politics, aesthetics, and ethics, as well as society at large. In Deleuze's philosophy of difference, she discovers the source of a different ontology of change, which in turn opens up the creation of new modes of life and thought, not only in philosophy and feminism but wherever creati...
John Rawls was the most influential political thinker of the twentieth century. This book applies his theory of justice to four perennial matters of concern that remain contested in the twenty-first century. Drawing surprising implications, this book deepens our understanding of these issues and points the way toward rational, just policy reform.
In recent years, political theorists have increasingly focused on the question of legitimacy rather than on justice. The question of legitimacy asks: even if legal coercion falls short of being perfectly just, what nonetheless makes it morally legitimate? Yet legitimacy remains poorly understood. According to the regnant theory of justificatory liberalism, legitimate legal coercion is based on reasons all reasonable persons can accept and is conceived in terms of a hypothetical procedure. Philip...
Contemporary Western war is represented as enacting the West's ability and responsibility to help make the world a better place for others, in particular to protect them from oppression and serious human rights abuses. That is, war has become permissible again, indeed even required, as ethical war. At the same time, however, Western war kills and destroys. This creates a paradox: Western war risks killing those it proposes to protect. This book examines how we have responded to this dilemma an...
La obra de arte en la era de su reproducibilidad tecnica
by Consultant Statistician Walter Benjamin
The impact of the digital world and its algorithms on human beings and societyWe read all sorts of things about AI, as the promise of a future happiness or as a threat capable of putting an end to humanity. While we cannot be "for" or "against" AI - it's already here, and not likely to disappear any time soon - the question we face is how to exist as human beings - individually, socially, collectively - in a world governed by algorithms. Since the dawn of humanity, technological objects have int...
This set documents contemporary European responses to Marx's work.
Currently in Bill Gates's bookbag and FT Books of 2018 Increasingly, the demands of identity direct the world's politics. Nation, religion, sect, race, ethnicity, gender: these categories have overtaken broader, inclusive ideas of who we are. We have built walls rather than bridges. The result: increasing in anti-immigrant sentiment, rioting on college campuses, and the return of open white supremacy to our politics. In 2014, Francis Fukuyama wrote that American and global institutions were i...
Recent years have seen the rise of anti-politics as a political phenomenon. Beyond this new rejection of the political class there has long existed a deeper challenge to the political itself. Identifying the work of Derrida as 'a politics' and that of Baudrillard as 'transpolitics' this book charts convergences and divergences in their approaches.
They contain about 300 pages of exciting ideasand informed papers discussing all aspects of Social Justice and its implementation and todays challenges.The papers include a section by the worlds first professor of social justice and also by the Head of the Heterodox Economists Association and also by a Nobel Prize winning economistThe papers are very informative and very lively and varied with authors from all over the world. The papers have inspired at least 5 books from them too.
Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, and Its Influence on Morals and Happiness, Vol. 2 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
by William Godwin