Nietzsche's relationship with Wagner has long been a source of controversy and has given rise to a number of important studies, including this major breakthrough in Nietzsche scholarship, first published in 1982. In this work Hollinrake contends that the nature and extent of the anti-Wagnerian pastiche and polemic in Thus Spake Zarathustra is arguably the most important factor in the association between the two. Thus Wagner, as the purveyor of a particular brand of Schopenhauerian pessimism, is...
If you are going to fight, you might as well fight to win! This book presents 20 simple fighting techniques that will win any fight, anytime! Fight to Win teaches you how to fight with a minimum of technical jargon. It allows you to quickly develop the ability to win by learning a small number of techniques that always work in every situation. This is far more effective than memorizing hundreds of movements and variations which work only in specific circumstances (and are quickly forgotten i...
The Rise of Big Business
From the Industrial Revolution, big business has been an integral part of the economic landscape. Yet the response by economists to big business has ranged from an enthusiastic endorsement of mass production to an immense concern about trusts and monopolies. This set collects some of the most important early responses to the big business phenomenon. It addresses issues such as cartels, trusts, mergers, acquisitions and rationalizations, and charts the development of the theory of the firm from M...
The Impact of Science on Contemporary Protestant Theology
by Thomas William Settle
The Metaphysics of Mind presents and discusses the major contemporary theories of the nature of mind, including Dualism, Physicalism, Role-Functionalism, Russellian Monism, Panpsychism, and Eliminativism. Its primary goal is to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the theories in question, including their prospects for explaining the special qualitative character of sensations and perceptual experiences, the special outer-directedness of beliefs, desires, and other intentional states, and—mo...
In Personalist Papers, John F. Crosby continues the discussion of Christian personalism begun in his highly acclaimed book, The Selfhood of the Human Person. Trained in phenomenology, Crosby stays close to our experience of persons, so that what he says finds a deep resonance in the personal existence of the reader. In his exceptionally clear style, he explores the unrepeatability of persons, drawing out the unique worth and dignity of each individual person. Crosby also explores interpersonal r...
This is the first book to critically address and draw consequences from Badiou's claim that his work is a 'Platonism of the multiple' and that philosophy today requires a 'platonic gesture'. Examining the relationship between Badiou and Plato, Bartlett radically transforms our perception of Plato's philosophy and rethinks the central philosophical question: 'what is education?'
Lorenz von Stein und der französische Frühsozialismus
by Maximilian Wilms
de la Creation Poetique (Autour de l'Oeuvre de Jacques Garelli) (Encre Marine)
by Jacques Garelli
Erlebnispadagogische Ansatze im Philosophieunterricht der Sekundarstufe I
by Pierre Sascha Kedziora
Critical Thinking is a much-needed guide to thinking skills and above all to thinking critically for oneself. Through clear discussion, students learn the skills required to tell a good argument from a bad one. Key features include: *jargon-free discussion of key concepts in argumentation *how to avoid confusions surrounding words such as 'truth', 'knowledge' and 'opinion' *how to identify and evaluate the most common types of argument *how to spot fallacies in arguments and tell good reasoning...
Les Bases de la Morale Evolutionniste (8e Ed.) (Philosophie)
by Spencer-H