You can learn how to understand and train your Thoroughbred Horse to be good, and learn some general helpful advice on horse care and nice living conditions for your horse. 1. The Characteristics of Thoroughbred Horse 2. How to Saddle a Horse 3. How to Muck out a Horse Corral 4. How to Raise a Pony 5. How a Bit, Harness and Reins Work 6. How to Use a Hoof Pick 7. What Kind of Shelter does your Horse Need? 8. How to Use a Round Pen 9. The Best Ways to Keep Flies of your Horse 10. The Different Ki...
Ja! Ich Rieche Nach Stall Nein Ich Finde Das Nicht Schlimm
by Pferdebuch Notizbuch
Renowned wild horse ecologist Mary Ann Simonds provides a soup-to-nuts manual for stress-reduction in performance horses. Based on her 30-plus years of personal research and experience of wild horse ecology and domestic horse behaviour, as well as data provided by other equine scientists, readers will find a foundation of understanding related to the natural life cycle and history of the horse, from birth to forming friendships and families. The importance of gender, age, breed, culture, and hab...
If At The End of Day You Smell Like Horses Its Been A Good Day
by Rockingkits Press House
Training Miniature Performance Horses
by Jennifer Alisia Garrett and Jennifer Alisia Garrett Bryant
The Spirit of the Horse series takes an arti stic look at horse breeds, evoking a love that is centuries old. Brimming with facts about breed''s history, nature and p hysical characteristics, it is a wonderful journey. '
Winning showing classes is an art and a science - a magic mixture of talent, experience and hard work. In a unique format this book collects advice, tips and salutary lessons from some of the most successful performers on the showing scene. Share the secrets of big names such as Lynn Russell, Kate Moore, Robert Oliver and Julia Woods. Find out how to choose the right horse or pony and how to produce it to perfection. Learn how to feed, school and turn out your potential star so that you maximize...
An exploration of Tai Chi as it relates to riding and to developing a mind-body connection both on and off the horse.
Showing Native Ponies (Allen Photographic Guides, #37)
by Clive Richardson
Showing Native Ponies examines the wide range of opportunies open to mountain and moorland ponies and explains the classes and judging criteria. Advice is given on show preparation, conditioning and training for the show ring as well as on specific care and turnout requirements for individual breeds. There are sections on shoeing, tack and correct dress of the handler or rider. Individual shows and ringcraft techniques are described, together with tips on how to maximize a pony's potential to pr...
"Riding Western" introduces the newcomer to the basics of Western riding, including the conversion of the 'English' horse and rider. Every aspect of this style of riding, the equipment, the clothing and the Spanish nomenclature is carefully explained, as is the history and reasoning behind it.
"Know Your Horse Inside Out" shows how by understanding the way tensions and blocks affect your horse, you can take steps to improve every aspect of his life safely and effectively. Practical and hands-on, this guide will take you step-by-step through the exercises and bodywork that will allow you and your horse to break free of nagging problems and enjoy the benefits of better health and a happier relationship. With useful tips on how to help your horse stay sound, recover from an injury and ho...
The Horses We Love, the Lessons We Learn (Howell Equestrian Library)
by Tena Bastian
Fun Horse Coloring Book For Girls Ages 4-7
by Mahleen Horse Gift Press