In the first book devoted to Charles Burnett, a crucial figure in the history of American cinema often regarded as the most influential member of the LA Rebellion group of African American filmmakers, James Naremore provides a close critical study of all Burnett's major pictures for movies and television, including Killer of Sheep, To Sleep with Anger, The Glass Shield, Nightjohn, The Wedding, Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property, and Warming by the Devil's Fire. Having accessed new information an...
Roman Polanski: The Cinema of a Cultural Traveller
by Professor Ewa Mazierska
Violence and media are important issues in media theories and research. In the research conducted with the participation of 400 university students, the effects of the concepts of digital media literacy, cyber violence and emotional deafness (alexithymia) on the perception of individuals as justification violence are discussed as factors that cause individuals to perceive violence as legitimate through communication tools. It was determined that variables of being cyberbullying victim, being a c...
Michael Winterbottom (Conversations with Filmmakers (Hardcover)) (Conversations with Filmmakers)
Prolific British director Michael Winterbottom (b.1961) might be hard to pin down and even harder to categorize. Over sixteen years, he has created feature films as disparate and stylistically diverse as Welcome to Sarajevo, 24 Hour Party People, In This World, Butterfly Kiss, and The Killer Inside Me. But in this collection, the first English-language volume to gather international profiles and substantive interviews with the Blackburn native, Winterbottom reveals how working with small crews,...
As the director of Badlands, Days of Heaven, The Thin Red Line, and The New World, Terrence Malick has created a remarkable body of work that enables imaginative acts of philosophical interpretation. Steven Rybin's Terrence Malick and the Thought of Film looks closely at the dialogue between Malick's films and our powers of thinking, showing how his work casts the philosophy of thinkers such as Stanley Cavell, Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin, Andre Bazin, Edgar Morin, and Immanuel Kant in new...
Andrei Tarkovsky's Poetics of Cinema
by Redwood Thomas and Thomas Redwood
"If you look for a meaning, you'll miss everything that happens."Almost twenty-five years after the death of Andrei Tarkovsky, the mystery of his films remains alive and well. Recent years have witnessed an ever-increasing number of film theorists, critics and philosophers taking up the challenge to decipher what these films actually mean. But what do these films actually show us?This study undertakes a close formal analysis of Tarkovsky's later films. Charting the stylistic and narrative innova...
Born in 1958 in Shanghai, he moved to Hong Kong with his parents at the age of five. There he studied Graphic Design in college, and graduated to become a professional screenwriter, working across an array of genres from romantic comedy to action drama. His stunning breakthrough into film direction came in 1991 with the acclaimed Days of Being Wild. The glorious succession of films that have followed - Chungking Express (1994), Fallen Angels (1995), Happy Together (1997), and In the Mood for Lov...