Anfang der 60er Jahre, in einer Zeit, in der die Operngattung endgultig fur tot erklart wurde, erscheint G. Ligetis -imaginare Oper- "Aventures & Nouvelles Aventures." Was hat solch eine Bezeichnung zu bedeuten: Wird die Oper als (Alp)Traum, oder umgekehrt, der Alptraum als Objekt der Oper wiedergeboren? Und noch eine weitere Frage: In der Mitte der 70er Jahre geschriebenen -Anti-Anti-Oper- "Le Grand Macabre" wird der grosse Opernapparat umfassend verwendet; ist in diesem Werk die Gattung Oper w...
Making of Guys and Dolls (The Making of the Great Broadway Musicals)
by Keith Garebian
Each book in 'The Great Broadway Musicals Series' takes you behind the scenes of the original production of these classics of Broadway, composers, song writers and actors.
Theater Und Musik Fuer Kinder (Kinder- Und Jugendkultur, -Literatur Und -Medien, #12)
Der Band vereinigt aktuelle Beitrage ausgewiesener Fachleute zur Geschichte und Gegenwart des Kindertheaters und Kindermusiktheaters. Das Spektrum reicht von den Kinderschauspielen August Rodes von 1776 uber das Puppen- und Figurentheater, die Arbeiten der Komponisten Wilfried Hiller, Kurt Schwaen und Guus Ponsioen fur das Musiktheater der letzten Jahrzehnte bis hin zum faktenreichen Lagebericht uber die gegenwartige professionelle Kindertheater-Szene. Empirische und bibliographische Daten, hist...
"It's the first day of seventh grade, and Andrew is the new kid in town. As he walks off to school, Grandpa gives Andrew a gift -- a magic stone to help him get through the day. Andrew is skeptical at first, but becomes a believer when surprising things begin happening. First, he wins attention from popular Sophie and her genius-sister Clara, then he fires answers -- correct ones -- back to tough questions dished out by infamous Miss Legthorne. The day is going quite well until Andrew's stone fa...
The Scores of Sullivan - Looking Back - Sheet Music for Voice and Piano
Alberto Franchetti - Werkstudien Zur Italienischen Oper Der Langen Jahrhundertwende (Perspektiven Der Opernforschung, #19)
by Richard Erkens
Mit den Opern Asrael (1888), Cristoforo Colombo (1892) und Germania (1902) feierte der italienische Komponist Alberto Franchetti (1860-1942) internationale Erfolge. Ausgebildet bei Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger und Felix Draeseke in Deutschland, aber auch tief beeindruckt von den Musikdramen Richard Wagners, leistete Franchetti einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Neuausrichtung der italienischen Oper nach Giuseppe Verdi. Aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven nahert sich diese Studie seinem gesamten Opernsc...
Today's musical theatre world rocks. Now that rock 'n' roll music and its offshoots, including pop, hard rock, rap, r&b, funk, folk, and world-pop music, are the standard language of musical theatre, theatre singers need a source of information on these styles, their origins, and their performance practices. Rock in the Musical Theatre: A Guide for Singers fills this need. Today's musical theatre training programs are now including rock music in their coursework and rock songs and musicals in...
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, Broadway was notable for old-fashioned, feel-good shows (Hairspray, Jersey Boys), a number of family-friendly musicals (Little Women, Mary Poppins), plenty of revivals (Follies, Oklahoma!, Wonderful Town), a couple of off-the-wall hits (Avenue Q, Urinetown), several gargantuan flops (Dance of the Vampires, Lestat), and a few serious productions that garnered critical acclaim (The Light in the Piazza, Next to Normal). Unlike earlier decades which w...
Vocal Score of Iolanthe - Or, the Peer and the Peri
by William Schwenck Gilbert
The first in a series on Shakespeare's original texts, including facsimile pages, this version of "Hamlet" is claimed to be, in some ways, the most authentic version of the play that we have. Included are an introduction, notes, and a theoretical, historical and contextual critique. This text has been rejected by scholars as a "bad Quarto" - corrupt and pirated text printed without the permission of the playwright or his company. Nonetheless, it was the first version of the play to be published...
The American musical is this country's greatest contribution to the theater. With the publication of American Musical Theatre, Bordman has made available the definitive reference work on this original American art form. Beginning with an introductory chapter on our lyric stage before 1866, Bordman covers every musical that has ever opened on Broadway, offering a plot synopsis and a description of the physical production of each. In addition, the book contains numerous biographies of actors, song...