New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Old-Time Radio Blockbusters 1-Hour Collections)
The Coming out Show: Twenty Years of Feminist ABC Radio
Five Directors collects the fascinating memories of some of radio's most vivid personalities: Himan Brown, Axel Gruenberg, Fletcher Markle, Arch Oboloer, and Robert Lewis Shayon. They explain in their own words their journey through radio broadcasting, how it affected their lives, and how they saw it affecting the consciousness of a country. Their histories are not just stories of success in early twentieth century America, but individual portraits of the roller coaster changes in lifestyle that...
Intended for both the casual listener and the serious hobbyist or researcher, this one-volume handbook includes a descriptive log of more than 2,000 different programs, with casts, announcers, network, length of program, duration of appearance, availability, and, where appropriate, story lines; categorized logs of more than 4,500 programs, organized by type of program; separate characters covering each type of program, with historical information and guidelines for researching and understanding...
This collection assembles the best interviews from Steve Cushing's long-running radio program Blues Before Sunrise, the nationally syndicated, award-winning program focusing on vintage blues and R&B. As both an observer and performer, Cushing has been involved with the blues scene in Chicago for decades. His candid, colorful interviews with prominent blues players, producers, and deejays reveal the behind-the-scenes world of the formative years of recorded blues. Many of these oral histories det...
Produccion en la radio moderna
by Carl Hausman, Lewis O'Donnell, and Philip Benoit
Esta obra presenta una vision actualizada del campo de la radio, pues incorpora las nuevas tecnologias en la produccion; tambien incluye los sistemas analogicos anteriores y, con ello, promueve en el estudiante un marco de referencia que le permitira observar las posibilidades y desventajas de cada uno.