History will teach you there actually existed a "Temple of Isis," and the translations thereof, although many of them are very incorrect, of the wonderful magic therein performed, lead one to think there was some Wisdom issued from that Temple that is yet beyond the human family, as a whole, to understand.
Rounding out her warm and wise Goddess collection, Michelle Skye presents a unique guide to connecting with goddess energy through the power of your voice for spiritual fulfillment and empowerment. Featuring 27 goddesses from diverse cultures around the world, this practical guide provides simple yet effective mantras and rituals to help you attune to each goddess for peace, a healthier environment, forgiveness, love, self-love, healing, growth, hope, and spirituality. Draw love and passion to y...
A modern gospel that is an investigation of the relationship between darkness and the soul. The darkness Clark Strand is talking about here is literal: the darkness of the nighttime, of a world before electricity, when there was a rhythm to life that followed the sun's rising and setting. Strand here offers penetrating insight into the spiritual enrichment that can be found when we pull the plug on our billion-watt culture. He argues that the insomnia so many of us experience as "the Hour of the...
Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement
by Miriam Robbins Dexter and Vicki Noble