The Practitioner's Guide to Identifying Trauma and Mental Health Issues
by Linet Amalie
Telepathy, thought transference, unconscious communication. While some important early psychological theorists such as William James, Frederic W. H. Myers and Sigmund Freud all agreed that the phenomenon exists, their theoretical approaches to it were very different. James's and Myers's interpretations of and experimental investigations into telepathy or thought transference were an inextricable part of their psychical researches. Freud's insistence on the reality of thought transference had not...
For over seventy-five years, the prophecies and readings of Edgar Cayce-- The Sleeping Prophet-- have inspired millions of people around the world, and been the subject of hundreds of books. Over fifty years after his death, Cayce is still regarded as the father of the new age movement, and the foremost psychic of the twentieth century. His thoughts on the soul's journey, past lives, dreams, ancient civilizations, and astrology are still closely studied and followed by practitioners in these fie...
Heaven (Visions with Jesus, #3)
by Troy J Boyer and Nanyamka a Boyer
Special Medical Part of the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, Vol. 30
by London Society for Psychical Research
AN OFFICE HAUNTING - 5TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. 'TRUTH CAN BE STRANGER THAN FICTION.' 'An Office Haunting' was first released in 2006 to great acclaim. Following a double-spread feature in Paranormal Magazine, the title soared into the Amazon Paranormal top ten and stayed there for the best part of a year, peaking at number 3. Now licensed to Sarum Publishing, the book has been updated, given a 'make-over' and re-published for the benefit of another generation, as well as those that missed out fir...
Prophets and their predictions have intrigued, amazed and disturbed humankind throughout recorded history, and in the mysterious realms of myth and legend. Geoffrey Ashe presents here a factual, learned, but easily accessible overview of major and minor prophecy, from the oracles at Delphi to modern attempts to find the future in dreams and horoscopes. Ashe's eclectic approach brings fresh insight into the subject, including Biblical prophecy, prophetic elements in the works of Dante and Milton,...
Jenny Dent shares her experiences in using White Eagle's classic book of sayings, "The Quiet Mind", to face life's challenges for her personal growth. This practical book gives a spiritual perspective on issues faced by us all, provides affirmations centred on the Christ, or the Light, within us, and offers meditation as a tool in self-healing and the quiet radiation of healing light to others.
Haunted Subjects: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and the Return of the Dead
by Fellow Colin Davis