A practical guide to pathworking and other esoteric techniques from the ancient mystery schools predating Christianity --Provided by publisher.
Trinity of Wisdom, Truth, Philosophy, & Hermetic Alchemical Qabalah
by Mark Dean Knight
Spiritual Christianity Collected From The Theological Works Of Emanuel Swedenborg
by Emanuel Swedenborg
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the famous Sherlock Holmes, was also a believer in ghosts and fairies and wrote books about spiritualism and fairies. This is the most famous of them.
Las velas. Influjos y poderes. Formas, ritos evocadores, cómo y cuándo, utilizarlas
by Laura Rangoni
The Most Holy Trinosophia - With 24 Additional Illustrations, Omitted from the Original 1933 Edition (Aziloth Books)
by Le Comte de St -Germain
By now, parapsychology should have become an accepted scientific field of research. However, there is great resistance to parapsychological research despite the strength of evidence in favor of conducting it. This collection of essays focuses on the future of the psychical research field. One essay speculates about the kind of future where psychic phenomena are studied in every university. Another identifies 10 areas of potential difficulty facing parapsychology. Other essays indicate areas wher...