Explore and celebrate the Pacific Northwest coast like a local with this visual treat of an adventure guide that includes activities, crafts and recipes. From whale watching to squid jigging to making your own sea salt or fish prints, this adventure guide celebrates the wild beauty of the Northwest Coast. Learn how to catch and cook seasonal seafood, including recipes that can be prepared over a driftwood fire, enjoy beach activities for adults and kids, learn the basics of water sports like...
‘A remarkable and powerful book, the rarest of things … Nicolson is unique as a writer … I loved it’ EDMUND DE WAAL ‘Miraculous … An utterly fascinating glimpse of a watery world we only thought we knew’ PHILIP HOARE Few places are as familiar as the shore – and few as full of mystery and surprise. How do sandhoppers inherit an inbuilt compass from their parents? How do crabs understand the tides? How can...
Pirates and smugglers, ghost ships and sea-serpents, fishermen’s prayers and sailors’ rituals – the coastline of the British Isles plays host to an astonishingly rich variety of local legends, customs, and superstitions.In The Fabled Coast, renowned folklorists Sophia Kingshill and Jennifer Westwood gather together the most enthralling tales and traditions, tracing their origins and examining the facts behind the legends. Was there ever such a beast as the monstrous Kraken? Did a Welsh prince di...
THE ULTIMATE SURVIVAL GUIDE for anyone who thinks they'd survive the world's most hostile environments - or at least imagine they could do.-----------------------------First issued to airmen in the 1950s, the Air Ministry's Sea Survival guide includes original and authentic emergency advice to crew operating over the ocean. With original illustrations and text, these survival guides provide an insight to military survival techniques from a by-gone era. Packed with original line drawings and ins...
A stunning glimpse of some of Britain's finest coastline, from the granite columns of the Giant's Causeway on the Northern Irish coast and the rocky cliffs of Wales and South West England to the great open horizons of the East Anglian shore. However, this is not just a celebration of Britain's beauty, but an investigation into the preservation and maintenance of the UK's coastline. The Trust owns a remarkable amount of coastline, looking after it not only as a landlord and at times a harbourmast...
My sand life, my pebble life. My life measured out in tides, coming in and going out. My life measured out in games of trying to spot the sea first. My life measured out in the delicious and indulgent sadness that comes from leaving a holiday cottage for the last time and for the first time in several days it isn’t raining, but at least the kids have had a great time and, let’s face it, so have you. Warm and darkly funny, this sublimely crafted book transports you (in a blue Ford Zephyr, with...
Coastal Change, Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities
This collection of essays and design case studies explores a range of ideas and best practices for adapting to dynamic waterfront conditions while incorporating nature conservation in urbanized coastal areas. The editors have curated a selection of works contributed by leading practitioners in the fields of coastal science, community resilience, habitat restoration, sustainable landscape architecture and floodplain management. By highlighting ocean-friendly innovations and strategies being appl...
Moray Coast From Cullen to Culbin Through Time (Through Time)
by Jenny Main
The Moray coast contains a wide variety of scenery, from rocky coastlines, shifting shingle, rugged cliffs, sheltered bays, glorious stretches of sandy beaches and the largest dune system in Britain. Birdlife is plentiful and otters, seals, badgers and deer inhabit an area where once beaver, wolves and wild boar roamed. Meanwhile, flint arrowheads, Bronze Age settlements, burial cairns, standing stones, promontory forts, Pictish carvings and Roman coin hoards all leave intriguing hints into Mora...
The waters around Britain and Ireland contain a huge variety of marine life and some of the brightest and most attractive are the sea anemones and corals, the Anthozoa. Anemones and corals can be found from rockpools to the deepest depths and in all habitats from rocky reefs to soft mud.A comprehensive guide to all known sea anemones and corals found in British and Irish inshore waters. It is an essential companion for divers, snorkelers, rockpoolers and students who want to identify and know mo...
Bound by the wild Atlantic Ocean to the north south and west, and to the east by the Irish Sea, there lies an ever-shifting borderland shared by eagles, otters, seals, dolphins – and man. People have clung to the coast of Ireland for millennia. Ancient ancestors left great stone monuments bewildering to modern imaginations, the ruins of countless castles still hold the power to stir the blood, and centuries-old lighthouses defy physics and invite awe. Men and women have lived, loved and died in...
The Scheldt Estuary (Ecohydrology from Catchment to Coast)
The Scheldt Estuary: An Example of Sustainable Estuarine Management deals with all different aspects of a single estuary, including the biophysical aspects of the system and its socioeconomic aspects. It provides a description of how the management of the system developed over time and gives a blueprint of the approach to be followed for integrated and holistic management, along with a look to the future for this estuary and others. A detailed case study and decision trees to aid the reader in c...
In this remarkable and remarkably accessible synthesis of ecology, landscape design, and social sciences, the authors present an approach to lakeshore living that addresses the need to create rich, sustainable places and communities on the water, where both the loon and the family find a place, and where the cabin can be handed down with integrity to the grandchildren. Fragile shorelands require care, and that caring comes from knowledge, experience, and an environmental ethic. Radomski and Va...
A lavish celebration of the seabirds of the British Isles. Seabirds are the living links between land, air and sea. They enjoy a freedom that even humans, with all our technological assistance, can barely imagine. Many species travel mind-boggling distances across the length and breadth of our planet before returning to land to breed in large, deafening and confusingly crowded colonies. Yet within this commotion each mated pair forms a bond of extreme closeness and tenderness that survives sepa...