Bella, the Wildlife Ambassador (Bella, the Wildlife Ambassador, #1)
by Katherine Dolan
Where-to guide to 68 viewing sites of the best locations to watch wildlife including mammals and birds in their natural environment. Offical field guide of the Watchable Wildlife Series.
The passenger pigeon, the great auk, the Tasmanian tiger—the memory of these vanished species haunts the fight against extinction. Seeking to save other creatures from their fate in an age of accelerating biodiversity loss, wildlife advocates have become captivated by a narrative of heroic conservation efforts. A range of technological and policy strategies, from the traditional, such as regulations and refuges, to the novel—the scientific wizardry of genetic engineering and synthetic biology—se...
Looking at zoological gardens, private menageries, circuses, and natural history museums, this fascinating account explores the surprising extent of the exotic-animal trade in 19th-century England and its colonies. Filled with entertaining anecdotes-from the tiger that prowled down St. George's Street in London with a boy in its mouth and the polar bear that killed a dog in Liverpool to the kangaroos hopping around the lawns of stately homes and the boa constrictor who got loose in Tunbridge Wel...
Big Fat Bullet Style Journal Notebook Watercolor Baby Elephant (Nature, #3)
by Paper Dog Journals
365 inspirational suggestions for enjoying nature. These 'Random Acts of Wildness' will encourage you to fall in love with, learn about or even help wildlife and wild places near you. A Random Act of Wildness is any little thing that you can do as part of your day, to enjoy nature. It can take a few seconds - like smelling a wildflower on the way to work; or a few hours - like creating a whole area for wildlife in your garden. Some Random Acts of Wildness don't take any time at all, bu...