Inventory of Fish Species in Fort Clatsop National Memorial, Astoria, Oregon (2002)
In light of concerns about food and human health, fraying social ties, economic uncertainty, and rampant consumerism, some people are foregoing a hurried, distracted existence and embracing a mindful way of living. Intentional residential communities across the United States are seeking the freedom to craft their own societies and live based on the values of nonviolence, self-sufficiency, equality, and voluntary simplicity. In Living Sustainably, A. Whitney Sanford reveals the solutions that su...
Prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment and a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage, this report blends the contributions of 120 experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resources management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive, and understandable, analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah--includ...
Bathing Water Use in Scotland
Timber deals with wide-ranging use of the material in historic buildings, from vast structural timber-frames through to high-class joinery and simple fixings. Particular attention is paid to how and why timber decays or faults occur, and the methods of assessing and dealing with this. The bulk of the book covers appropriate methods of repair and maintenance.
Böden der Welt
by Wolfgang Zech, Peter Schad, and Gerd Hintermaier-Erhard
Böden gehören zu den wichtigsten Lebensgrundlagen der Menschheit. Sie unterscheiden sich in den verschiedenen Regionen der Erde außerordentlich stark. Dieser Bildatlas beschreibt und illustriert die Böden der Welt im Zusammenhang mit ihren Naturräumen. Grundlage ist die internationale Bodenklassifikation WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources) in der Neuauflage von 2006. Darin sind zahlreiche Begriffe neu bzw. schärfer definiert. Mit den Technosolen und Stagnosolen fanden zwei neue Refere...
Methods for the Detection of Toxic Substances in the Air
Scientific Basis for Soil Protection in the European Community
PH. BOURDEAU Directorate-General Science. Research and Development. Commission of the European Communities. Brussels. Belgium We are living on a unique planet, the only one in the solar system where life exists. The very existence of life has modified the physical and chemical environment of the earth, its atmosphere and oceans, in a way that makes life sustainable. This system with its complex cybernetic mechanisms has been named GAIA by Lovelock. Man has always interfered with it on a more or...
Klimavorhersage und Klimavorsorge (Ethics of Science and Technology Assessment, #16)
by M Schroder, A Grunwald, M Clausen, A Hense, S Lingner, G Klepper, K Ott, D Schmitt, and D Sprinz
Die menschliche Gesellschaft ist durch moderne wissenschaftliche Verfahren der Klimamodellierung in der Lage, Vorhersagen des zukünftigen Klimas zu treffen. Ebenso lassen sich anhand der aktuellen Klimaforschung mögliche menschliche Ursachen für Klimaänderungen ausmachen. Damit wird das Klima im gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein zur Sphäre menschlicher Handlungsfolgen. Menschliches "Klimahandeln" wird somit notwendig. Dabei berücksichtigt werden muss sowohl die Risikolage durch unwünschbare Klimawi...
Is private ownership an inviolate right that individuals can wield as they see fit? Or is it better understood in more collective terms, as an institution that communities reshape over time to promote evolving goals? What should it mean to be a private landowner in an age of sprawling growth and declining biological diversity? These provocative questions lie at the heart of this perceptive and wide-ranging new book by legal scholar and conservationist Eric Freyfogle. Bringing together insights f...
Survival - 20 Advanced and Survival Pantry
by Survival Prepper and Fredrick M Woods
The Jarrah Forest (Geobotany, #13)
The Western Australian jarrah forest is unique, contammg some of the most beautiful flora in the world, more than 100 species of birds and some 50 mammals indigenous to this State. This book "The Jarrah Forest - A Complex Mediterranean Ecosystem" is a collection of scholarly essays on every known aspect of the northern part of the jarrah forest extending from south of Collie to the Avon River. All of the work has been researched by members of tertiary institutions, the private sector and governm...
Phosphorus in Freshwater Ecosystems (Developments in Hydrobiology, #48)
Teach Yourself Conservation
by Nicholas Foskett and Rosalind Foskett
Idaho National Landscape Conservation System Strategy 2012-2015
by Bureau of Land Management
Climate Change and Resilience in Indiana and Beyond
Climate change is affecting Indiana's environment, threatening the way Hoosiers live and do business, and introducing new stresses to the state's economy, health, and infrastructure. And while scientists predict more days of extreme weather, increased public health risks, and reduced agricultural production in the coming years, Hoosiers still have a substantial say in determining their future environment. Climate Change and Resilience in Indiana and Beyond confirms that Indiana can rise to mee...
Sugarcane Germplasm Conservation Exchange (ACIAR Proceedings, No 67)
Processes, Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
by Danny D Reible
Wege Zu Einem Nachhaltigen Umgang Mit Süßwasser (Welt Im Wandel, #1997)
Die globale Susswasserkrise wird sich zukunftig weiter verscharfen. Neueste Analysen des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveranderungen (WBGU) zeigen nicht nur die heutigen Brennpunkte, sondern auch die zukunftig fur Wasserkrisen besonders anfalligen Weltregionen auf. Zusatzlich werden drei eng mit der globalen Susswasserkrise in Verbindung stehende "Krankheitsbilder der Erde" untersucht. Aus dieser Zusammenschau leiten die Wissenschaftler in ihrem neuesten Jahresberi...