Perfection is endemic in the healthcare environment. The system that we have dedicated our life to is gradually eating our life away. In Healthcare Anonymous, Dr. Simon Maltais allows us to understand using real-life inspiring stories that training, misguided references, maladapted interactions with the system, and increasingly demanding hours have created a perfect nidus to manifest healthcare disease. He thoroughly exposes how it can lead to personal, professional, and potential lifelong devas...
Assessing the Effects of Emerging Plastics on the Environment and Public Health
This book assesses harmful effects of plastics on the environment and public health. Risk assessment of plastics is required to evaluate currently available treatment technologies and identify the significance of plastic pollution. This book covers background information concerning plastic pollution in the environment, sources and pathways of plastics, characterization and analysis of plastics in the environment, environmental risks of plastics, public health risk of plastics, life cycle approac...
After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, international aid organizations sought to help the victims but were stymied by post-Soviet political roadblocks. Efforts to gain access to the site of catastrophic radiation damage were denied, and the residents of Chernobyl were given no answers as their lives hung in the balance. Drawing on a decade of archival research and on-the-ground interviews in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, Kate Brown unveils the full breadth of the devastation and the white...
Suddenly, when the country caught fire, people realised what the government has not: that climate change is killing us. But climate deaths didn’t start in 2019. Medical officers have been warning of a health emergency as temperatures rise for years, and for at least a decade Australians have been dying from the plagues of climate change – from heat, flood, disease, smoke. And now, pandemic. In this detailed, considered, compassionate book, Paddy Manning paints us the big picture. He revisits...
This book is a compilation of proceedings that contain abstracts of all papers/posters presented at the International Echinoderm Conference held in 1984 and complete papers from those submitted for publication and accepted on the recommendations of referees.
Die soziale Pflegeversicherung (SPV) besteht seit dem 1. Januar 1995 als eigenständiger Zweig der Sozialversicherung. Sie wurde stufenweise eingeführt und sukzessive weiterentwickelt. Davon zeugen das Pflegeleistungs-Ergänzungsgesetz, das Pflege-Qualitätssicherungsgesetz sowie nunmehr das Pflege-Weiterentwicklungsgesetz. Wichtige Maßnahmen dieser aktuellen Reform der Pflegeversicherung sind unter anderem: Schaffung von Pflegestützpunkten, individuelle Pflegeberatung, Stärkung von Prävention und...
Health Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
Health Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster provides a multidisciplinary retrospective on the health consequences on the population the first decade after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Sections 1 and 2 of the book begins with an introduction and an overview of the developments surrounding the Fukushima accident. Section 3 discusses topics such as the physical health impact of radiation exposure as well as diseases that resulted from long-term evacuation. Section 4 examines the psychologic...
The only document of its kind, Crisis Without End represents an unprecedented look into the profound after-effects of Fukushima. In accessible terms, leading experts from Japan, the United States, Russia and other nations weigh in on the current state of knowledge of radiation-related health risks in Japan, impacts on the world's oceans, the question of low-dosage radiation risks, crucial comparisons with Chernobyl, health and environmental impacts on the United States (including on food and new...
THE PEP Partnerships
Member States in the UNECE/WHO European Region established the Transport, Health and Environment Pan European Programme (THE PEP) in 2002. It is an intersectoral and intergovernmental policy framework and it aims to promote mobility and transport strategies that integrate environmental and health concerns. THE PEP has developed, over the years, implementation mechanisms to support the work of member States. One of those mechanisms comprises THE PEP Partnerships. THE PEP Partnerships provide a me...