In quest'opera sono riportate le conoscenze piu aggiornate sulle indagini del DNA che sono comunemente utilizzate per l'identificazione di autori di reati violenti nelle indagini criminali, per l'attribuzione dell'identita a resti umani ed a vittime di disastri di massa, per la ricostruzione di rapporti parentali nelle indagini di paternita. La monografia descrive la biologia dei diversi tipi di DNA che sono utilizzati a questo scopo - i microsatelliti del DNA autosomico, il DNA mitocondriale, i...
Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome (Methods in Molecular Biology, #556)
In the early years of microarray technology, efforts were directed mainly at profiling expressed genes, while recently the microarray platform has been adapted into diverse applications directed toward the investigation of the physical genome. In Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field cover DNA microarray applications for the detection and characterization of genomic DNA-associated copy number alteration, loss of heterozygosity (LOH), cytosine met...
Expression Genetics (Biotechniques Update)
by Michael McClelland, Arthur B Pardee, and Michael McCelland
Genetics, Diversity, and the Biosphere
by D McLain and Denson K McLain
Statistics in Genetics (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, #112)
Though the Genome Project will eventually result in the sequencing of the human genome, as well as the genomes of several other organisms, there will still be a need for good statistics for family studies of complex diseases. The papers in this volume are contributions by some of the leading researchers in the field to the current topics in statistical genetics. One section deals with DNA sequence matching and issues related to forensics, while another deals with statistical problems of modeling...
Loeffler/Petrides Biochemie Und Pathobiochemie (Springer-Lehrbuch, #1)
Jetzt kommt Bewegung in die Biochemie! Die ganze Welt der Biochemie und Pathobiochemie in 74 uberschaubaren Kapiteln und uber 1000 Abbildungen erklart - da bleibt keine Frage offen. Und mehr noch, damit Sie die komplexen Vorgange in Stoffwechsel, Signaltransduktion und Molekularbiologie schneller verstehen, sind mit der kostenlosen MoreMediaApp uber 400, teils vertonte Videos direkt aus dem Buch abrufbar - einfach das Bild mit dem Smartphone oder Tablet scannen und schon werden Citratzyklus, D...
Gehoeren Sie auch zu den Menschen, die einen Donut nur betrachten mussen, um 3 Kilo mehr auf der Waage zu haben - wohingegen andere den ganzen Tag essen koennen, ohne ein Gramm zuzunehmen? Haben Sie sich auch schon einmal gefragt, was schuld daran ist, dass Sie keinen Alkohol vertragen, beim lustigen Karaoke Abend ausgebuht werden, mit 30 schon eine Glatze haben oder so ein Morgenmuffel sind? Eine einfache Antwort auf diese Fragen ware: Das habe ich von meinen Eltern geerbt - das liegt alles nu...
Molekulare Populationsgenetik
by Wolfgang Stephan and Anja C Horger
Das Buch behandelt die genetische Vielfalt von Populationen von Organismen. Es erlautert, wie genetische Vielfalt gemessen wird und wie aus diesen Daten die Mechanismen untersucht werden koennen, die die Variabilitat auf der Genomebene und damit die Mikroevolution einer Population beeinflussen. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, das Wirken der naturlichen Selektion im Genom zu verstehen und vom Einfluss neutraler Evolutionskrafte (wie genetischer Drift, Mutation und Rekombination) unterscheiden zu lerne...
`A manual for the new, healthy way of being dirty ... Read it, and you will learn to love your microbiota' Newsweek Obesity, autism, mental health problems, IBS, allergies, auto-immunity, cancer. Does the answer to the modern epidemic of `Western' diseases lie in our gut? You are 10% human. For every one of your cells, there are nine impostors hitching a ride. You are not just flesh and bone, but also bacteria and fungi. And you are more `them' than you are `you'. Y...
Pharmacogenomics (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)
"Summarizes the history of, and available applications, techniques, and approaches to, pharmacogenomics--improving efficacy and tolerance to pharmaceutical compounds, evaluating pharmacogenomics on clinical trial design, and increasing the chances of successful clinical trials and patient outcomes. Compares pharmacogenomics to pharmacogenetics, focusing on the essential components that incorporate individual genetic variations to drug regimens resulting in different responses to therapeutics."
Eminent researchers provide broad coverage of plant molecular biology and genetic engineering, detailing technological advances in plant cell transformation and responses. This state-of-the-art text includes coverage of molecular action of plant growth hormone, signal transduction, light mediated expression of genes, and genetic engineering of crop plants and trees.
Responding to the immense changes due to recent development in research, "Genomes" is the first in a generation of molecular genetics books which combine standard molecular biology with more contemporary genomics. This book focuses on genome organization, expression, replication, and evolution, and includes a description of applications for molecular ecology and anthropology, reflecting the impact of genome biology on other fields of study.
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA. The discovery was a profound, Nobel Prize-winning moment in the history of genetics, but it did not decipher the messages on the twisted, ladderlike strands within our cells. No one knew what the human genome sequence actually was. No one had cracked the code of life. Now, at the beginning of a new millennium, that code has been cracked. Kevin Davies, founding editor of the leading journal in the field, "Natur...
This book explores the many prospects, challenges and ethical questions that surround the engineering of our reproductive cells. It is an accessible, three-part examination, moving from focused, realistic assessments of the promise and problems for this advancing technology to a section of short essays on the implications of our technological ability. Also included is a panel discussion in which leading scientists, ethicists, and public policy workers give voice to their thoughts and concerns re...
Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics, 2 Volume Set (Print)
by Jurgen Fuchs and Maurizio Podda
The Encyclopedia of Medical Genomics and Proteomics offers trail-blazing studies and authoritative contributions from more than 400 specialists on molecular diagnostics, genomics, microbiology, genetics, pharmacogenetics, pathology, forensics, tissue and cell typing, and disease susceptibility. It features coverage of key methods and technologies such as predictive genetic and pharmacogenetic testing and tissue typing for transplantation. It compiles recommendations, research, spanning critical...
Examines the possible source of HIV, analyzing a number of theories concerning its origins and investigating current scientific inquiries into HIV, AIDS, and the search for a cure.
Microarrays Methods and Applications (Nuts and Bolts)
Methods in Yeast Genetics
by Chris Kaiser, Susan Michaelis, and Aaron Mitchell
Biochemical And Genetic Mechanisms Used By Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria
by Bernard R. Glick, G Holguin, C L Patten, and Donna M Penrose
This book is intended for a wide range of individuals, including scientists, students and informed laypersons who are interested in agricultural biotechnology, alternative agriculture, bioremediation of the environment and decreasing our reliance on pesticides and fungicides. It will deal primarily with understanding, at a biochemical and molecular biological level, how certain free living bacteria are able to promote plant growth; symbiotic bacteria such as Rhizobia will be mentioned only brief...