Caffeinated Beverages (ACS Symposium, #754)
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the recent developments in the flavour and chemistry of caffeinated beverages. It includes an update on the chemistry and flavour research on coffee, tea, and cocoa, specifically addressing antioxidantive phenolic compounds found in the beverages, and an examination of the health benefits, such as the anticancer, anti-aging, and heat disease prevention properties of these beverages.
The Practitioner's Guide to Psychoactive Drugs (Topics in General Psychiatry)
by Ellen L. Bassuk
Books, like people, are born, and, if they survive the trauma of birth, mature in response to a changing environment. This volume is no exception. It imme diately proved its usefulness to psychiatric clinicians upon its publication six years ago, and it is not surprising to find it now entering a new phase of life in a second edition. The many and significant changes that the reader will find herein reflect not only the rapid growth of knowledge in the field of psy chopharmacology but also the...
Though there has been much written about dying and bereavement in recent years, the particular stress of terminal illness in childhood - as it affects both the families and the professionals - is only beginning to be better understood. In this book Dorothy Judd, a child psychotherapist who has worked with ill, disabled and dying children and adolescents for many years, places her clinical experience in the context of a full understanding of death, the moral and ethical issues raised by some of t...
In diesem Buch informiert der renommierte Kopfschmerzexperte Professor Dr. Hartmut Goebel uber Formen und Ursachen von Kopfschmerzen und Migrane sowie uber moderne Diagnosemoeglichkeiten und Therapieverfahren, inklusive alternativer Behandlungsverfahren. Daruber hinaus erhalten Betroffene wichtige Informationen und Tipps zur Selbsthilfe und Vorbeugung. Dazu gehoeren u.a. zahlreiche Adressen von Selbsthilfegruppen und Kliniken, Tipps zur richtigen Einnahme von Medikamenten und Hinweise auf wertvo...
This comprehensive sourcebook combines evidence-based insights from more than 1,000 studies from cannabinoid and consciousness research to present a convincing case for the powerful healing effects of medical marijuana on over 100 chronic symptoms and diseases. Written by a former paramedic with a PhD in alternative healthcare, this in-depth reference shows that the subtle shifts in awareness commonly observed in cannabis-using patients vastly contribute to these compounds' therapeutic potential...
Sports Anesthesia, an Issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #41)
Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
by Yedy Israel, Frederick B. Glaser, Harold Kalant, Robert E. Popham, Wolfgang Schmidt, and Reginald George Smart
Over the last decade the world has experienced a growing interest in problems associated with the nonmedical use of drugs. This interest has corresponded to a real growth in the extent, diversity, and social impact of the use of alcohol and drugs in many societies. As a result, the amount of research and writing on the subject of drug problems has greatly increased, and it has become very difficult for one individual to keep up with all the relevant literature. There is thus an acute need in the...
This accessibly written book examines the most commonly used substances and techniques for managing pain, exploring why they work (or don't), their risks and benefits, and key research findings regarding their use. No one is a stranger to pain. From sudden injuries to post-operative discomfort to nagging aches and stiffness, pain is an unwelcome but familiar part of life. There are numerous methods for managing pain, but it can be difficult to know which is the best fit and to separate truth fr...
'Pain is bad, right? In this fascinating book, Brock Bastian will convince you otherwise. Drawing on both vivid everyday examples and surprising laboratory findings, he shows how pain, suffering, and struggle give us pleasure, make us kinder, focus our thoughts, and give our life meaning. Bastian is a brilliant researcher and deep thinker and THE OTHER SIDE OF HAPPINESS is a delight to read' Paul Bloom, author of AGAINST EMPATHY'Brock Bastian skilfully shatters the zeitgeist of positive thinkin...
Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability
by Robert C Anderson
Create pathways in theological education and congregational practice for people with disabilities! Graduate Theological Education and the Human Experience of Disability examines graduate schools of theology and their limited familiarity with the study of disabilityand the presence of people with disabilities in particularon their campuses. Dubbed a missing note by one theologian, this text offers critical research and illuminates new pathways for theologia and practice in the community of faith...
A sane, balanced and impartial source of advice and information on what is known about various drugs, their history and how they are used. The legal and medical status of each drug is covered and facts are sifted from hysteria. Drugs covered include alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and steroids.
Medicine, and particularly neuroscience, appears to offer the kind of educational quick fixes that politicians and the public would love to have. Following media reports of drugs that seemingly improve learning and memory, David Turner examines commonly held beliefs about learning, knowledge and intelligence, and critically assesses such claims. Using the Medical Model in Education then moves beyond the immediate, fashionable or any specific substance, to a deeper examination of what society doe...
Give Sorrow Words
Give Sorrow Words gives an overview of children’s attitudes toward death and considers the moral and ethical issues raised by treatments for life-threatening illnesses in children. In this new edition, available for the first time in the United States, Dorothy Judd draws on her increasing experiences with dying children and their parents to refine and clarify her work as presented in the earlier edition. This book helps readers to make sense out of the irreconcilable tension of embracing death a...
Ziel der Grundlagenforschung in der Anaesthesie ist es, Narkoti- ka zu entwickeln, deren Toxizitat minimal ist, die keine zentra- le Depression der Atmung bewirken und die frei von Nebenwirkun- gen auf die inneren Organe sind. Es ist zu erwarten, daB diese WUnsche des Klinikers am besten von Substanzen erfUllt werden, die aus korpereigenen Stoffen abgeleitet sind oder diesen sogar entsprechen. Ein interessantes parenteral wirkendes Anaesthetikum ist die aus der y-Aminobuttersaure im Zentralnerve...
The latest advice from the original bestselling Back Doctor Twenty-five years ago, Dr. Hamilton Hall wrote the book that changed the way back-pain sufferers deal with their affliction. In The Back Doctor, he advocated activity instead of bed rest. In place of braces and girdles, he suggested that patients follow a program of specific exercise. Most of all, he took the mystery out of back pain. Three out of four Canadian adults, and an increasing number of children, suffer some form of back dis...
Practical Management of Pain E-Book
by Honorio MD Benzon, James P Rathmell, Christopher L Wu, Dennis C Turk, Charles E Argoff, and Robert W Hurley