Turkeys are an excellent source of succulent meat, rich eggs, and nutrient-dense manure, and raising them is a rewarding and profitable activity for many farmers. Storey's Guide to Raising Turkeys provides expert information on breed selection, facilities management, health care, and slaughtering. With helpful tips on acquiring organic certification, processing both meat and eggs, and marketing your products, you'll have all the information you need to successfully raise your own healthy and pro...
Gail Damerow is the foremost authority on chickens in the United States, and her classic reference The Chicken Health Handbook (originally published in 1994) is now completely revised with up-to-the minute information and full-colour photography and illustrations. This essential guide thoroughly addresses every aspect of chicken health, including good nutrition; bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases; parasites and worms; reproductive issues; immune health; metabolic dysfunctions; and much more,...
Laboratory Urinalysis and Hematology for the Small Animal Practitioner
by Bernard Feldman and Carolyn A. Sink
This guide to routinely performed laboratory procedures is essential for any veterinary practitioner or nurse learning to, or actually performing routine urinalysis and hematology laboratory procedures. It includes the basic information of how to collect, preserve, prepare, and examine specimens. It deals specifically with common findings in urinalysis and hematology and provides a comprehensive set of high quality images for on-the-spot reference. The book includes step-by-step procedures for b...
Climate Change and Animal Health (CRC One Health One Welfare)
This benchmark publication assembles information on the current and anticipated effects of climate change on animal health. It empowers educators, managers, practitioners, and researchers by providing evidence, experience, and opinions on what we need to do to prepare for, and cope with, the largest threat ever to have faced animals on this planet. With expert contributors from across the globe, the text equips the reader with information and means to develop sustainable adaptation or mitigation...
Equine Cytoloic Diagnosis takes a systems-based anatomical approach with each chapter divided into pathological mechanisms. Ideally suited to reference in a clinical setting, the book is fully illustrated and referenced throughout.
Mycoplasmas in Swine
Swine can be infected with many different mycoplasmas. Some are important pathogens, causing significant health and welfare issues in pigs and major losses to the swine industry worldwide. Other mycoplasmas are not pathogenic for swine and can be considered commensals. This book provides up-to-date scientific, clinical and practical information of the most important pathogenic mycoplasmas in swine. Most emphasis has been placed on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae as the most economically important, but...
This updated edition gives straight forward and easy-to-understand guidance on good management, common diseases and problems, and how to watch for the early signs of problems, with the idea of catching them before they prove fatal. Although free-range poultry are much healthier than those kept intensively, even they can suffer from coccidiosis, avian TB and other diseases as well as possibly having a vitamin deficiency or lice.Some knowledge of a bird's anatomy and how it works will help to expl...
Sheep Flock Health: a planned approach is a practical guide to the diagnosis and management of production limiting diseases in sheep. The problem-based approach helps both farmers and veterinary practitioners identify health problems. The focus is on good management practices to prevent disease in the first place and to optimise production. Focuses on the achievement and maintenance of optimal productivity, rather than on a catalogue of individual diseases of sheep. Written by an expert with...
Learn how to successfully raise your own pigs. Providing all the information a small-scale pig farmer needs, this comprehensive guide covers breed selection, housing, humane handling, butchering, disease management, and more. Stressing the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices, Kelly Klober provides expert tips on making your hog operation more efficient and profitable. Storey's Guide to Raising Pigs will give beginners the confidence they need to succeed, whil...
In Vitro Digestion for Pigs and Poultry
There is now widespread interest in the development of in vitro methods for assessing the digestibility of feedstuffs for monogastric farm animals, i.e. pigs and poultry. In vivo methods require the use of surgically modified animals, which is becoming less favoured due to increased awareness of animal welfare, and are expensive and slow. A number of research groups around the world are now developing in vitro methods, and this book, based on a workshop held at the Rowett Research Institute in O...
Reptiles & Amphibians (Veterinary Self-Assessment Color Review)
by Fredric L Frye and David L. Williams
Much has happened in the 19 years since the publication of the first edition of Reptiles and Amphibians: Self-Assessment Color Review. Many more scientists and clinicians have taken an interest in reptiles and amphibians, novel radiographic techniques have been developed, and veterinary surgeons have devised operative solutions to numerous serious conditions in both reptiles and amphibians. The time is right for an expanded second edition that covers these developments and more. See What's in t...
Gracey′s Meat Hygiene 11e
Storey's Guide to Raising Beef Cattle, 3rd Edition (Storey's Guide to Raising)
by Heather Smith Thomas
"Storey's Guide to Raising Beef Cattle" is the go-to reference for new and experienced cattle ranchers, providing expert advice on everything from breed selection, calving, feeding, and housing, to humane handling and slaughter practices. The 3rd edition, now with 125,000 copies in print contains new and expanded features: up-to-the-minute coverage of diseases and vaccination options; complete information on raising grass-fed animals; and, how to identify and deal with toxic pasture plants.
Preparing Globally Minded Literacy Teachers
This textbook brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide an overview of print and digital literacy instruction for pre-service teachers and teacher educators. It examines historical and cultural contexts of literacy practices around the globe, and addresses issues that teachers need to consider as they teach children from diverse world cultures, languages, and backgrounds. Organized into three Parts-Early Literacy, Intermediate to Adolescent Literacy, and Case Studies-the tex...
Thanks to James Herriot, the Dales have fame and popularity worldwide. The Herriot books introduced a huge public to the colourful life of a rural veterinary surgeon - an interest which has endured for more than four decades.The Dales Vet is different. It is a unique book celebrating author Neville Turner's passions for the countryside, natural history, dales heritage, music-making, and photography. Neville has marvelled at the world of nature since he was a small boy. He spent over 30 years in...
China is one of the world's largest developing agricultural countries and dominates the international livestock revolution in terms of its aggregate size and growth rate. While the sheep meat industry is still in the early stages of development, it is an excellent example of the upheaval taking place in Chinese agriculture. This book focuses on the growing sheep meat industry while drawing on associated research from other areas of the Chinese livestock section. Using this research, the authors...
Yorkshire Vet, Julian Norton, is back with a new book of anecdotes from his veterinary work in North Yorkshire. Ruminations of a Yorkshire Vet continues his ‘Diary’ series of books. His work is varied and, during this period of Julian’s work, most of his days are filled with farm animals: calving cows and replacing prolapses, treating milk fever, and even removing an eye from a bull! Other cases include: sheep semen; lopsided fish; accident-prone cats; bald guineapigs; a three-legged hedgehog; P...
Farm Animal Genetic Resources (BSAS Publication, #30)
Cattle farming is under considerable public pressure for creating possible health risks (e.g. BSE), for inadequate attention to animal welfare and for having adverse affects on the environment. This book outlines the latest methods of farming with dairy and beef cattle, particularly those that provide for optimum production combined with appropriate consideration of the animal's welfare. Topics covered include housing requirements, cattle diseases, reproduction, nutrition, milk quality and grazi...