Effective review tools from the MCAT experts:
Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Secrets - Elsevier E-Book on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card) (Secrets)
by Michael A. Weiner, Darrell J Yamashiro, Prakash Satwani, Monica Bhatia, and Cindy Neunert
Kaplan Medical USMLE Physical Findings Flash Review: The 200 Questions You're Most Likely to See on the Exam
by Conrad Fischer and Sonia Reichert
Crash Course Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Crash Course)
by Jacqueline Sia, Sophie Strong, and Dila Zengin
Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 Ck 7th Ed. (Master the Boards)
by Conrad Fischer
EMT Exam for Dummies Access Code Card (1-Year Subscription)
by Arthur Hsieh
So . . . You Have Decided to Become a Physician - Advice to Aspiring Young Doctors
by Dimitrios Linos
This book, written by an internationally acknowledged pioneer in endocrine surgery, is intended as advice for aspiring medical professionals, in particular for young people from around the world who are hoping to attend one of the great medical schools in the US or the UK, such as Harvard or Oxford. In clear, concise language, Dimitrios Linos explains the steps one needs to take to get into a top medical school, succeed as a resident, and become a board certified doctor. Drawing on his many year...
Kaplan's DAT Prep Plus 2021-2022 provides the test-taking strategies, realistic practice, and expert guidance you need to score higher on the Dental Admissions Test. Our comprehensive updated subject review reflects recent changes to the blueprint of the exam, question types, and test interface. You'll get two full-length practice DATs, practice questions, and expert tips to help you face Test Day with confidence. We're so confident that DAT Prep Plus offers all the knowledge you need to excel...
For basic training courses in Homemaker/Home Health Aide/Home Care Aide.Designed to prepare Home Care Aides for the National Association for Home Care's (NAHC) written national certification exam, this manual addresses the unique content needs of the home care aide and supplies basic training information required for all unlicensed assistive personnel.
The Ultimate Medical School Interview Guide
by Dr. Ranjna Garg and Rohan Agarwal
Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms
by Emine E. Abali, Roy Carman, and Douglas Spicer
Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms takes a problem-based approach to understanding and applying biochemistry for superior clinical outcomes. Organized around the common symptoms encountered by clinicians, this engaging text clarifies the connections between foundational science and clinical manifestations to help users form confident diagnoses throughout their clerkship and beyond. Each chapter explores the biochemical concepts behind underlying causes and demonstrates their ties to presenting...
Mastery of quality health care and patient safety begins as soon as we open the hospital doors for the first time and start acquiring practical experience. The acquisition of such experience includes much more than the development of sensorimotor skills and basic knowledge of sciences. It relies on effective reason, decision making, and communication shared by all health professionals, including physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, and administrators. How to Think in Medicine, Reasoning,...
Exploring Medical Language
by Danielle LaFleur Brooks and Myrna LaFleur Brooks
Behavioral Science (Blackwell Underground Clinical Vignettes S.)
by Vikas Bhushan, Tao Le, and Vishal Pall
"Blackwell Underground Clinical Vignettes: Behavioral Science, Fourth Edition" is your primary source for clinically relevant, case-based material essential for USMLE Step 1 review. Each Clinical Vignette simulates USMLE format, and includes classic buzzwords in history taking, physical examination, lab, imaging, and pathology. This revised edition contains: carefully selected cases templated to fit the way you are tested and taught to think; valuable links to Step 1 and 2; atlases for emphasis...