Throughout history man has revered his penis as his 'most precious ornament'. Yet, ambivalently, his penis has always been the source of man's deepest neuroses too. Do women find it, in the erect state, inherently ridiculous? Why can't a man be certain his penis will stand and deliver when he commands? If and when it steadfastly refuses, what can he do to remedy the situation? And then, of course, there's the matter of size... To possess a penis, Sophocles said, is to be 'chained to a madman'....
Male Sexual Dysfunction
The "hormone of desire," testosterone, acts on the brain to stimulate sexual interest, sensitivity to sexual stimulation, and orgasmic ability in both sexes. The amount of testosterone circulating in a woman's blood declines by about 50 percent between her twenties and fifties. The most common complaint associated with this decline is a seemingly unexplainable decrease or loss of sexual desire and enjoyment. In I'm Not in the Mood, Dr. Reichman reveals the effectiveness of small doses of testost...
A drop is all it takes...Jesus College, Oxford, 1881. An undergraduate is found dead at his lodgings and the medical examination reveals some shocking findings. When the young man’s guardian blames the college for his death and threatens a scandal, Basil Rice, a Jesus college fellow with a secret to hide, is forced to act and finds himself drawn into Sidney Parker’s sad life. Basil soon attracts the help of Rhiannon Vaughan, a young Welsh polymath and one of the first female students. Both mis...
Plant Cytogenetics
Plants have played a significant role in the discovery of inheritance principles and many biological phenomena, such as the chromosomal basis of inheritance, the genome dynamics conferred by transposable elements, or the evolutionary implications of chromosomal mutations. While the molecular basis of gene structure and function has been widely studied, many aspects of chromosome structure, its functional significance and evolutionary implications remain to be established. This special issue of...
1 Introduction The prostate causes a signi?cant number of medical problems in the adult male, and the lower urinary tract symptoms are accepted as an unavoidable consequence of male aging. Most of these symptoms are mainly due to clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is the most frequent benign tumor in the male, in- pendent of race or culture. On the other hand, cancer of the prostate shows an increasing incidence, being the second leading cause of death in men, after lung cancer....
This book is a great asset to all men who need to make their own health a priority."?Joe Gibbs, NFL Hall of Fame coach and owner of 4x NASCAR champion Joe Gibbs Racing Everything you need to know about men's health in one handy package. In their decades of clinical practice, Dr. Neil Baum and Dr. Scott Miller have treated sexual problems, prostate problems, urinary leakage, pelvic pain, urinary tract infections, and questions about infertility. They have seen countless male patients describe...
Contraceptive Research, Introduction, and Use
by Polly F Harrison and Allan Rosenfield
We inherit mechanisms for survival from our primeval past; none so obviously as those involved in reproduction. The hormone testosterone underlies the organization of activation of masculinity: it changes the body and brain to make a male. It is involved not only in sexuality but in driving aggression, competitiveness, risk-taking - all elements that were needed for successful survival and reproduction in the past. But these ancient systems are carried forward into a modern world. The ancient wo...
Family planning and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development
This booklet is based on the Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2019, which includes estimates at the global, regional and country level of contraceptive prevalence, unmet need for family planning and SDG indicator 3.7.1 "Proportion of women who have their need for family planning satisfied by modern methods".
Congenital Diseases and the Environment (Environmental Science and Technology Library, #23)
In recent years, increasing attention and resources have been brought to bear on the relationship between the environment and congenital diseases. These diseases were previously thought to be mostly due to genetic causes. Even though the importance of genes as factors in causation is accepted, environmental factors seem to be implicated just as strongly. This book explores some further concepts that have arisen from more recent perceptions of environmental effects and their possible interactions...
Neurochemistry & Clinical Disorders (Routledge Revivals)
First Published in 1989, this book offers a full, comprehensive guide to neurochemistry in certain mental health conditions and psychosomatic syndromes. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes, diagrams, and references this book serves as a useful reference for students of medicine, and other practitioners in their respective fields.
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
by World Health Organization
This document reviews the medical eligibility criteria for use of contraception, offering guidance on the safety of use of different methods for women and men with specific characteristics or known medical conditions. The recommendations are based on systematic reviews of available clinical and epidemiological research. It is a companion guideline to 'Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use'. Together, these documents are intended to be used by policy-makers, programme managers,...
Life in the Frozen State
While it is barely 50 years since the first reliable reports of the recovery of living cells frozen to cryogenic temperatures, there has been tremendous growth in the use of cryobiology in medicine, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and the conservation of endangered or economically important species.As the first major text on cryobiology in the genomic era, Life in the Frozen State describes the current understanding of how living cells and complex organisms survive very low temperatures. Le...
Insights from Animal Reproduction
Artificial Insemination in Farm Animals
Totally Pants
by Tricia Kreitman, Tricia Kreitman Neil Simpson Rosemary Jones, and Rosemary Jones
Growing up may be normal but that doesn't mean it's easy! Do you ever wonder what's happening to your body? RELAX! It's not just you. All boys have doubts and worries, so here are the facts: -Puberty and the changes in your body -Growth spurts, hairy bits and a breaking voice -Everything about your willy -Girls and what happens to them -Sex - what you need to know -Hormones and your moods With questions and queries that other boys have raised, this is a clear, practical look at willies and...
Explore the ways that work, welfare, and material hardship affect the mental health of low-income women!Welfare, Work, and Well-Being reflects a growing interest among the research, policy and media communities in the connections between the psychological and economic well-being of poor women and their families. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (PRWORA) of 1996, and the sharp declines in welfare caseloads that began even prior to the legislation, have changed the lives of poo...