The Respiratory System at a Glance, Fifth Edition (At a Glance)
by Jeremy P T Ward, Jane Ward, and Richard M. Leach
Making Sense of Sleep Medicine (Making Sense of)
This is a practical and patient-complaint focused handbook, directed to motivate non-sleep experts and beginners in sleep medicine and technology. This book provides a basic review of the area of sleep, identifies some common patient presentations and illustrates the types of investigations that should be requested. With sleep and breathing problems being so common and affecting many other chronic clinical conditions, it is important that primary care and other general physicians as well as alli...
Arriving amid exciting developments in nanotechnology and recent successes in catalytic emulsion polymerization of olefins, Colloidal Polymers describes ultramodern approaches to synthesis, preparation, characterization, and functionalization of latexes, nanoparticles, and myriad additional colloidal polymer systems. This research-saturated resource communicates critical parameters for method selection, guidelines for controlling structural and colloid properties, and other tools to assist in th...
Covid-19, an Issue of Cardiology Clinics (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #40)
Pulmonary Diseases, an Issue of Medical Clinics of North America, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #107)
Fundamentals of Respiratory System and Sounds Analysis (Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering)
by Zahra Moussavi
Causes of Sleep Complaints, an Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #17)
Pediatric Sleep Clinics, an Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #18)
Die Entdeckung des Blutkreislaufs war ein langwieriger Prozess. Er reicht von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. In der Antike kannte man keinen Kreislauf, sondern glaubte, dass das Herz eine Warmepumpe ist, von der eine Beseelung ausgeht (Spiritus vitalis und animalis). Im Mittelalter wurde der Lungen- oder kleine Kreislauf zum Abrauchen der Fuligines uber die Lunge entdeckt. Erst zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts erfolgte die Entdeckung des grossen Kreislaufs und in der zweiten Halfte die Entdeckung...
Measuring Sleep, an Issue of Sleep Medicine Clinics, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #16)
by Erna Sif Arnardottir
Clinical Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease
by Tatjana Peros-Golubicic and Om P Sharma
Die Sauglingstuberkulose in Lubeck
by Albert Moegling, P Schumann, H Kleinschmidt, Ludwig Lange, Hildegard Pescatore, Minna Bocker, Hermann Jannasch, and Gertrud Reme
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Emphysema and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
by Robert J Green Jr N D
Imaging of Diffuse Lung Disease, an Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #60)
The focus of this book is on subjects related to drug delivery to the lung. The text spans topics from aerosol deposition through pharmaceutical chemistry and formulation to the final clinical evaluation of pharmaceutical products. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach, the chapters consider toxicology from the point of view of drugs and pharmaceutical excipients used in aerosols.
The Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema Handbook
by Dr Francois Haas and Dr Sheila Sperber Haas
Overcoming Asthma (Natural Health Guru) (Natural Health Guru S.)
by Dr Sarah Brewer
This unique book from doctor and international best-selling author Sarah Brewer provides a highly authoritative yet easy-to-follow program of complementary medicine and self-care treatments, specially designed to support the conventional treatment for asthma. If you’re suffering from this debilitating condition, and are looking for an expert to guide you through all the positive steps you can take to alleviate your symptoms and enhance your health and well-being, this is the book for you. Dr Sar...
Lord Jim (Picador Books) (Serie Aventures de Joseph Conrad, #4)
by Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim (1900): Jim is one of Conrad's most complex creations, and Conrad explores, along the vast horizon of this gorgeous novel, the phenomena of shame, guilt, retribution -- and redemption. How right it is for our times!Originally published in 1904, Nostromo is considered by many to be Conrad's supreme achievement. Set in the imaginary South American republic of Costaguana, the novel reveals the effects of unbridled greed and imperialist interests on many different lives. V.S. Pritchett wrot...
Neural Control of the Respiratory Muscles (Routledge Revivals)
First published in 1997. The respiratory muscles are multifunctional muscles involved in other behaviors besides breathing -- from the protection of the upper airway to cognitive functions such as speech or singing. Neural Control of the Respiratory Muscles presents an overall consideration of how these muscles are regulated by the central nervous system in normal as well as in pathological situations. A group of 40 internationally recognized scientists and clinicians have collaborated to discu...