Biostatistics (Probability & Mathematical Statistics S.) (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, #800)
by Wayne W. Daniel
Encouraging the extensive use of computers, this non-calculus introduction to statistical methods and applications contains printouts from the SAS and MINITAB statistical software packages. The edition has been updated and revised to include new topics, such as logistic and stepwise regression techniques. Among the subjects covered are descriptive statistics, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis (simple, multiple, stepwise and logistic), contingency table ana...
A disturbing report of the current global crisis of new and resurgent diseases. This account investigates how and why diseases such as AIDS, legionnaires' disease, ebola, TB, and new forms of cholera and malaria occur. Karlen charts humanity's relationship with microbes, from the earliest hominids' probable encounters with bubonic plague, to the spread of infections through trade, conquest and empire, to the problems awaiting the human race in the near future. Using research from the fields of g...
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in Der Entwicklung (Essentials)
by Manuela Maack-Schulze, Anna Lina Kauffmann, Tina Bass, Karin Agor, Rolf Kaestner, and Hans-R Hartweg
This book examines how the digital revolution has reorganized the model of healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic and argues for a continued paradigm shift to digital healthcare. Katarzyna Kolasa sets the vision of healthcare 5.0 that relieves the burden on limited healthcare resources and creates better health outcomes by switching the focus from treatment to prediction and prevention. She advocates for a patient centric ecosystem that empowers patients to take control of their health via new...
Anyone can catch a sexually transmitted disease. STDs are widespread in all walks of life, regardless of gender, race, social status, or education. Seduced into complacency by the notion that "it can't happen to me," many sexually active teens and young adults are stunned when they are diagnosed with an STD. To drive home the risks and realities of unprotected sex, Dr. Jill Grimes narrates real-life stories of young people infected with STDs. The accounts of these young men and women, and their...
Une Meilleure Gestion Des Dechets d'Activites de Soins
by P Rushbrook and R Zghondi
Climate Change and Animal Health (CRC One Health One Welfare)
This benchmark publication assembles information on the current and anticipated effects of climate change on animal health. It empowers educators, managers, practitioners, and researchers by providing evidence, experience, and opinions on what we need to do to prepare for, and cope with, the largest threat ever to have faced animals on this planet. With expert contributors from across the globe, the text equips the reader with information and means to develop sustainable adaptation or mitigation...
Biological Odour Treatment (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Pratima Bajpai
Showcasing the very latest technologies for neutralising the unpleasant—and sometimes dangerous—odours from industrial and waste management processes, this Springer Brief in Environmental Sciences covers physical, chemical and biological methods. The volume includes modern biotechnological approaches now making it cost-effective to tackle malodorous chemicals at very small concentrations. The book reflects the fact that odour affects us in several ways, which range from compromising our quality...
Acrylamide (Environmental Health Criteria)
Report of the panel on food and agriculture
Aedes aegypti (Vector biology & control training & information materials slide set)
International Digest of Health Legislation (International Digest of Health Legislation)
An Introduction to the Geography of Health
by Helen Hazen and Peter Anthamatten
In the second edition of An Introduction to the Geography of Health, Helen Hazen and Peter Anthamatten explore the ways in which geographic ideas and approaches can inform our understanding of health. The book’s focus on a broad range of physical and social factors that drive health in places and spaces offers students and scholars an important holistic perspective on the study of health in the modern era. In this edition, the authors have restructured the book to emphasize the theoretical sign...
Introduction to Health Promotion
It is possible to eliminate death and serious injury from Canada's roads. In other jurisdictions, the European Union, centres in the United States, and at least one automotive company aim to achieve comparable results as early as 2020. In Canada, though, citizens must turn their thinking on its head and make road safety a national priority. Since the motor vehicle first went into mass production, the driver has taken most of the blame for its failures. In a world where each person's safety is de...
The Elephant in the Room
by September Williams and San Jose Mothers' Milk Bank
Public and Community Health Services Requiring Greater Attention
by Anita Finkelman
Designed to support current standards and goals for the nursing profession, Public and Community Health Services Requiring Greater Attention provides readers with a view of health services that require an interprofessional team of healthcare providers and others who provide social and community services, while considering the social determinants of health, equity, diversity and disparities, population health, and vulnerable populations. The text examines the population health management (PHM) f...
Community and Public Health Nursing
by Rosanna DeMarco and Judith Healey-Walsh
Drawing on research in plant science, systems ecology, environmental philosophy, and cultural anthropology, Andrew F. Smith shatters the distinction between vegetarianism and omnivorism. The book outlines the implications that these manufactured distinctions have for how we view food and ourselves as eaters.