Stress? Ursachen, Erklarungsmodelle und praventive Ansatze Gemeinsam mit der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover fasst die Kaufmannische Krankenkasse (KKH) den Stand der Wissenschaft zu wichtigen Aspekten des Themas Stress zusammen. Die Auswertung der Routinedaten der KKH zeigt, dass nicht nur Erwachsene mittleren Lebensalters zunehmend von Stress (mit-)verursachten psychosomatischen Gesundheitsbeschwerden, psychischen Storungen sowie Alkoholproblemen betroffen sind, sondern auch Kinder und Jugend...
Medicines and Medical Devices Act 2021
A truly interdisciplinary approach to the study of health, Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach uses the social ecological perspective to explore the impact of five systems on individual health outcomes: individual, culture/family, social/physical environment, health systems and health policy. In order to provide readers with an understanding of how health affects the individual on a mental and emotional level, the author has taken an interdisciplinary approach, considering the roles...
COVID-19 Pandemic: The Threat and Response (Routledge Studies in the Politics of Disorder and Instability)
Critically analyzing the specific security threat posed by COVID-19 to global society, the contributors to this book offer a comprehensive and critical examination of global challenges and responses while suggesting more balanced and nuanced approaches to handling these security impacts. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a huge challenge to health security across the globe. Several countries were pushed into lockdown repeatedly to prevent the spread of infection. The global economy has seen a...
Stakeholders and Scientists
Nation and the World must move forward with development of a range of energy sources and savings, all with attendant environmental problems. Solving these problems, and those remaining from past energy-related activities, will require iteration, inclusion, and collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, including U.S., State and local governmental agencies, Tribal Nations, scientists, environmentalists, public policy makers, and the general public.
Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured (Children's Health Defense)
by Children's Health Defense and Robert F Kennedy
Are vaccine injuries really “one in a million,” as governments and public health experts constantly tell us? This comprehensive look at the evidence by Children’s Health Defense, illustrated by nine real-life stories of serious vaccine injury, exposes health agencies’ soft-pedaling of vaccine risks as a dangerous lie. For most people, the potential risks of vaccination, which include life-changing illness, family bankruptcy, and even death, are invisible and almost inconceivable—until a vacc...
Local Government and Community in Java (South-east Asian Social Science Monographs)
by John Sullivan
This book discusses the development and use of community as an instrument of government. It argues that the small local communities embracing most of Java's population are basically political constructions and elements of a modern capitalist order. Sullivan proposes that the practice demonstrates that it is more efficient to govern communal collectives than a smaller family or other household units, making it possible to control vast populations with little administrative overhead.
This book contains hundreds of cosmetic and toiletry formulations based on information received from numerous industrial companies and other organizations. Each formulation is indentified by a description of end use. The formulations contains a listing of each raw material, processing procedure, and source of the formula.
Biological Odour Treatment (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)
by Pratima Bajpai
Showcasing the very latest technologies for neutralising the unpleasant—and sometimes dangerous—odours from industrial and waste management processes, this Springer Brief in Environmental Sciences covers physical, chemical and biological methods. The volume includes modern biotechnological approaches now making it cost-effective to tackle malodorous chemicals at very small concentrations. The book reflects the fact that odour affects us in several ways, which range from compromising our quality...
Health Communication
Health Communication provides coverage of the major areas of interest in the field of health communication, including interpersonal, organizational, and health media. It takes an in-depth approach to health communication research by analyzing and critically evaluating research conducted across multiple paradigmatic perspectives. This edited textbook includes chapters covering such topics as: interpersonal health communication issues, challenges, and complexities in health communication, com...
Beyond the Numbers
Palladium Emissions in the Environment
In 2004 an amount of 187 tons of palladium has been sold in world market. The main demands were automotive catalyst (58%), electronics (14%), jewellery (14%) and dental practises (13%). Especially, the increasing use of palladium in catalytic converters is a reason for substantial research in this field. Emission, environmental distribution and possible health effects of pla- num have been summarized detailed in two recent books "Emissionen von Platinmetallen: Analytik, Umwelt- und Gesundheitsre...
This book examines the methods used to evaluate the value of health promotion projects and determines whether attempts to change people’s lifestyles have proved successful. Taking in to account the practical and ethical issues involved in deciding the appropriate approach to take in efforts to reduce health inequalities, the book assesses what might be the best path forward for health promotion.
Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution
Pollution of the environment with organic compounds, mostly due to industrial ac- tivities, has become a major environmental issue. The situation is getting worse due to the continued release of large amounts of chemicals and the broadening of the spectrum of xenobiotics that to which the biosphere is exposed to. The field of biodegradation and bioremediation has experienced a dynamic and in- tense period of development during the last few years, encompassing all its different disci- plines: Iso...
This book is an economist's view of the health care sector with little economics jargon, accessible to the informed layperson as well as the professional. Knowledge of the basic economic concepts, however, will enable the reader to understand the recent tremendous changes in the U.S. health care industry. Excerpts from health industry antitrust litigations are featured at the end of many chapters, providing a real world understanding of how the health care marketplace behaves. Comparisons with t...
This textbook considers statistical learning applications when interest centers on the conditional distribution of the response variable, given a set of predictors, and when it is important to characterize how the predictors are related to the response. This fully revised new edition includes important developments over the past 8 years. Consistent with modern data analytics, it emphasizes that a proper statistical learning data analysis derives from sound data collection, intelligent data mana...
A Joint Response to HIV/AIDS
Mycotoxins (Environmental Health Criteria)
Why the U. S. Gets the Worst Childbirth Outcomes in the Industrialized World
by Jill Herendeen
In the light of the Occupy Wall Street movement, WHY THE U. S. GETS THE WORST CHILDBIRTH OUTCOMES IN THE INDUSTRIALIZED WORLD presents the bad news about our for-profit maternity system (which our mainstream media refuse to air) and why it is this way, and compares it with how the countries which get the best maternity results approach the jobs of maternity care, health care in general, and family support. Not only could the U.S. see solid improvement, it could be easily affordable, and even ch...