The Complete Guide to Medications During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
by Carl P Weiner
Non Recours Aux Premiers Soins Neonatals Modernes En Cote d'Ivoire (Omn.Pres.Franc.)
by Stephane-K
A little boy describes how the hospital staff provided care for his premature baby brother.
First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Half a million babies are born prematurely in the United States every year. In this gripping medical narrative, Dr. Adam Wolfberg brings readers into the complex world of newborn intensive care, where brilliant but imperfect doctors do all they can to coax life into their tiny, injured patients. As a specialist in high-risk obstetrics and the father of a child born prematurely, Wolfberg explores the profound questions raised by such fragile beginnings, both from the front lines of the NICU and f...
Prenatal Tests (The Facts)
by Lachlan De Crespigny and Frank A. Chervenak
In this book, all parents-to-be are offered tests to check on the well-being of their unborn baby. They need clear and relevant information about the purpose, the timing and the risks of each test, as well as details of how the test will actually be performed. The book covers every prenatal test, giving the necessary amount of information on each, without overloading the reader. At each stage of pregnancy, parents can rely on it to: provide background reading before discussions with medical staf...
Nonhuman Primates in Perinatal Research
The purpose of this study is to present a cohesive review of research involving the physiology and pathology of reproduction in nonhuman primates. Four major aspects of the reproduction cycle - the pregnant animal, the embryo, the foetus and the neonate - are covered separately, although there is obviously a great deal of overlap between these sections. The authors of each chapter review the literature relevant to their topic, compare data obtained with various species of primates, and discuss t...
Cholinesterase Genes: Multileveled Regulation (Monographs in Human Genetics, #13)
Every year, 400,000 families in the United States welcome premature babies ... Ten percent of babies born in the U.S. are preemies. But that one word, "preemie," encompasses a range of medical and cultural experiences. There are textbooks, medical-ish guidebooks, and the occasional memoir to turn to ... but no book that collects personal experiences from the many people who have parented, cared for, or been preemies themselves. Until now. In What We Didn't Expect, journalist Melody Schreibe...
The Birth of the Patient
by Anastasia Novkunskaya, Artemiy Minakov, and Anna Klepikova
Inspired by Sarah DiGregorio’s harrowing experience giving birth to her premature daughter, An Intimate History of Premature Birth is a compelling and empathetic blend of memoir and rigorous reporting that tells the story of neonatology – and explores the questions raised by premature birth. ‘A definitive history of neonatology, written with urgency and clarity, beauty and compassion. DiGregorio is at once a clear-eyed reporter and a mother who has lived throug...
Carole Kramer Arsenault has spent the last two decades helping parents through pregnancy, labor, and all of their new responsibilities once baby comes home—both as a longtime pediatric nurse, and as the founder of the most highly regarded baby-care service in New England. From the first trimester to the “fourth” (baby’s crucial first three months), Arsenault and her team of professional nurses have seen it all. Now, they share their expert advice on: Preparing your home, including safety tips an...
Pediatric Neuroimaging: State-of-the-Art, an Issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics of North America
by Ho
Placental Toxicology examines placental transfer and toxicology of drugs and environmental agents to placenta, as well as to fetus. For the first time in a single volume, placental and fetal consequences of exposure of pregnant women to drugs, environmental chemicals, and infections, such as HIV, are discussed. Topics include:The art of in vitro perfusion of human placenta Abuse of alcohol, nicotine, morphine, and cocaine during pregnancy, their placental transfer and fetal growth retardation Pl...