Mosby's Oncology Nursing Advisor
Find oncology information fast with this concise, all-in-one clinical reference! Mosby's Oncology Nursing Advisor, 3rd Edition uses a streamlined format to provide quick access to the most essential information on oncology nursing care. Evidence-based guidelines include topics such as the major cancers, principles of cancer management, and principles of symptom management, as well as oncologic emergencies, palliative care, and nursing practice considerations. This edition includes new informatio...
Study Guide for the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing
by Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), Claudette G. Varricchio, and Patricia F. Jassak
This companion to "ONS: Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing" contains hundreds of practice questions that help nurses review for certification and evaluate their mastery of vital oncology nursing practices and skills!
The best-selling textbook in the field, "The Last Dance" offers an interdisciplinary introduction to death, dying, and bereavement. Integrating the experiential and the scholarly, as well as the emotional and intellectual dimensions of death and dying, the seventh edition has been thoroughly revised to provide the most cutting-edge coverage of death studies.
You have cancer, and you need the help and support of your spouse and family more than ever. I Have Cancer, Now What? includes information on how to overcome the shock and fear of diagnosis, how to talk to your spouse and extended family, how to consult on what you want from your doctors, where and how your family can give you support, the transition of normal household duties and how to manage those, the real costs of cancer, both financial and emotional, what you need from your spouse and fami...
Natural Products and Cancer Drug Discovery
Oncology Massage
In Oncology Massage – an integrative approach to cancer care the authors have created a textbook which will provide both experienced and inexperienced therapists with a resource to expand their knowledge and understanding of working with people with cancer. Cancer occurrence and survivorship are now so common that every massage therapist will at some time work with clients who have been through cancer treatment. The short and long-term effects of biomedical cancer treatment require massage the...
Stepping back into everyday life after having faced a life-threatening illness is not as simple as it sounds. Now what? How do you pick up the pieces of your life and put them back together again? There are no guidelines to follow once treatment for cancer finishes--no bridge from hospital to home. How do you discuss the variety of changes you are experiencing when you may not even know how to describe them? All you know is that you are confused and that you feel out of sync with yourself and wi...
Miscellaneous Pesticides (IARC Monographs, #30)
by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
In the age of genomics, oncogenetics is a growing discipline. It is defined as the identification and management of families where there is a suspected hereditary risk of cancer. This relatively new discipline is part of a modern medicine that aims to be both preventive and predictive. Constitutional Oncogenetics gives precise descriptions of the main syndromes that cause a predisposition for cancer. The first part examines the most common syndromes in the majority of the world, including the he...
Oncology Rehabilitation
by Deborah Doherty, Chris Wilson, and Lori Boright
The Lives & Times: Fundraising Book for Beating Bowel Cancer
by Tim Darvell
The "oldest old," individuals aged 85 and above, are the most rapidly growing segment of American society. And although more than a third of cancer occurs in people over 75 years of age, their tumors are less fully diagnosed and often less fully treated than those in younger patients. Ageism may account for this discrepancy—why intervene if an older man or woman with cancer doesn't have long to live anyway? Yet older people often tolerate chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation as well as younger p...