Unique Aspects of Anti-cancer Drug Development
After the Winter (Golden Greek) (MacLehose Press Editions)
by Guadalupe Nettel
"I envy how naturally she makes use of language; her resistance to ornamentation and artifice; and the almost stoic fortitude with which she dispenses her profound and penetrating knowledge of human nature. What's more, in this novel, she has impeccable syntactic control, and her ear is sharper than ever before" Valeria Luiselli, GuernicaA shy young Mexican woman moves to Paris to study literature. Cecilia has few friends, and a morbid fascination with watching the funerals taking place in Père...
Cancer and Inflammation Mechanisms – Chemical, Biological, and Clinical Aspects
A new perspective on the link between inflammation and cancer Inflammation is the human body's normal biological response to threats in the modern world, as well as a defense against the harmful influence of pathogens, the environment, and poor nutrition. But what happens when the inflammatory response is triggered repeatedly and sustained for long periods of time? Cancer and Inflammation Mechanisms: Chemical, Biological, and Clinical Aspects discusses the mechanisms by which chronic inflammatio...
The first and only book exploring the causes, cures and prevention of colorectal cancer. Includes terms, procedures, treatments, medical facts and data from American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute.
Ernesto Duran is convinced he is sick. It becomes an obsession far exceeding hypochondria, and when Dr Andres Miranda gives up responding to his letters and e-mails, Duran resolves to stalk him. The fixation has its own creeping effect on Karina, the hospital secretary, who cannot resist becoming involved. Meanwhile Dr Miranda is coming to terms with a tragedy of his own: his father has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and yet the doctor - the son - finds it im-possible to tell him. He hopes...
From the foundations of cancer to issues of survivorship, this new textbook edited by Julie Eggert will provide you with all the details and information you need to gain a true understanding of the "basics" of cancer. Written for nurses new to oncology and non-nursing professionals who are working in the specialty, Cancer Basics is a perfect resource for training and education.
CANCER REMEDIES That The Medical Establishment Doesn't Want You To Use
by Carolyn D'Our
Living with Learning Disabilities, Dying with Cancer
by Irene Tuffrey-Wijne
This book is a powerful and moving account of the experiences of 13 people with learning disabilities who were living with cancer. The author followed their lives as part of a 3-year research study, during which 10 people died. She spent extensive periods of time with them at their homes and day centres, in hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. In doing so, she gained a unique understanding of what it is like for individuals with learning disabilities to live with deteriorating health and how...
Maca (The Medicinal Plant of the Inkas) (Sex Drive and Women Dillodo)
by Dionisia Onio
Palliative Care Nursing as Mindfulness (Routledge Advances in the Medical Humanities)
by Lacie White
As nurses, we hear about mindfulness all the time, but what does that actually mean in practice? In this book readers are invited into conversation to explore how mindfulness influences palliative care nurses’ approaches to caring for themselves and others through experiences of living-dying. Under the guise of stress reduction and self-care, the assumption often made is that mindfulness can smooth out difficult experiences. Instead, the objective of this inquiry is not to bypass the practice...
While drug therapies developed in the last 50 years have markedly improved the management of some types of cancers, treatment outcomes, and drug side-effects for the most common types remain unacceptable. However, recent technological advances are leading to improved therapies based on targeting distinct biological pathways in cancer cells. Chemistry and Pharmacology of Anticancer Drugs is a comprehensive survey of all families of anticancer agents currently in use or in advanced stages of clin...
Cuando el mundo se detiene. Cáncer: del mito a la esperanza / When the World Sto p s: Cancer. From Myth to Hope
by Juan Fueyo
«Tenía que escribir este libro porque se me cayó la mordaza, porque ni los médicos ni los investigadores ni los pacientes deben callarse más. ¿Callarse por qué? Ya no. La era del silencio sobre el cáncer se acabó» El nuevo libro de Juan Fueyo es, sin duda, su obra más esperada: «el libro de mi vida», en sus propias palabras, «el más fácil y, a la vez, el más difícil de escribir», explica el autor. Cuando el mundo se detiene, fruto de más de veinticinco años de investigación en los campos de l...
The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist in Cancer Care
The focus is on providing insights and explanations related to the various components of the role of the CNS in cancer care, which involves both oncology and haematology. The book will be written by experienced CNSs in collaboration with educationalists in cancer care, for CNSs. The target audience are CNSs considering or working towards a role as a CNS so the aim is to provide clear insights into the components of the role to assist in their professional preparation for the role. The second...