Television in the Nursing Home: A Case Study of the Media Consumption Routines and Strategies of Nursing Home Residents is a three-stage ethnographic study of media use by the elderly in long-term care facilities. This research concludes that watching television is the most prevalent and pervasive activity for patients. Activity directors can now learn how television and media can offer diversion, enhancement of personality, awareness, and sociability to their patients and offers suggestions on...
Study Guide for Case Manager's Handbook
by Pawan Lingras and Rajendra Akerkar
State Residential Care and Assisted Living Policy: 2004
by Robert Mollica and Heather Johnson-Lamarche
Running a clinic for seniors requires a lot more than simply providing medical care. In Stories from the Tenth-Floor Clinic, Marianna Crane chases out scam artists and abusive adult children, plans a funeral, signs her own name to social security checks, and butts heads with her staff—two spirited older women who are more well-intentioned than professional—even as she deals with a difficult situation at home, where the tempestuous relationship with her own mother is deteriorating further than ev...
The Thanatology Community and the Needs of the Movement
Here is an excellent new book packed with state-of-the-art information on thanatology. It presents valuable insights on the history, current issues, and future directions for the modern death movement. This comprehensive volume is unique in that it offers multiple perspectives on the issues and problems facing the thanatology movement in the United States from well-known experts in a variety of fields, including nursing, psychology, death education, medicine, ethics, and suicide prevention. By c...
This book is about what we have called the "leadership illusion"; the hardwired habit of writers, researchers and leaders themselves, when examining success or failure, to focus on predominantly the individual and often the context, but very rarely both. The Leadership Illusion asserts that to make sense of leadership, we have to understand at the same time the context in which leaders operate because both are inextricably interlinked. To try to understand a leader without the context is only ha...
"I was thrilled to see content that focuses on quality improvement, patient safety, interprofessional collaboration, care coordination, and other content that supports the role of the AGNP as a clinical leader and change agent. The authors give these topics the attention that they deserve, with clear, insightful guidance and importantly, the evidence base. The chapters that address roles (including during disasters!), settings of care, billing, and medication use address salient issues that will...
Modernes Management Von Pflege- Und Gesundheitsschulen
by Carsten Drude and Christine Vogler
Navigating the Journey of Aging Parents proposes an entirely unique approach to the field of gerontology, giving dependent care receivers a voice. Caregivers will be made aware of what care receivers truly want during life's final chapters. Exploring issues of housing, spirituality, personal care and death, Cheryl Kuba has created a testament to the dependent elderly. This book draws on numerous interviews with aging people and discusses common caregiver mistakes and interpretations, what a c...
Creating Culturally Appropriate Outside Spaces and Experiences for People with Dementia
Demonstrating that it is essential to be sensitive to the cultural backgrounds of people with dementia in order to provide truly person-centred care, this book shows that it is possible to create culturally appropriate outdoor spaces and experiences that resonate with people with dementia on a fundamental level and are a source of comfort and wellbeing. Contributors drawn from a variety of backgrounds describe the significance of nature in the lives of people with dementia from diverse cultures,...
Medical Sociology and Old Age (Critical Studies in Health and Society)
by Paul Higgs and Ian Rees Jones
The nature of health in later life has conventionally been studied from two perspectives. Medical sociologists have focused on the failing body, chronic illness, infirmity and mortality, while social gerontologists on the other hand have focused on the epidemiology of old age and health and social policy. By examining these perspectives, Higgs and Jones show how both standpoints have a restricted sense of contemporary ageing which has prevented an understanding of the way in which health in late...
Presents the treatment of death both as a threat to meaning and as an opportunity to create meaning.
This controversial book argues that concepts such as ‘successful’ and ‘active’ ageing - ubiquitous terms in research, marketing and policy making concerned with older adults – are potentially dangerous paradigms that reflect and exacerbate inequalities in older populations. This author presents a new theory to make sense of the popularity of these ‘successful’ and ‘active’ ageing concepts. Readers are invited to view them through the prism of Model Ageing – a theory that throws light on the caus...
In increasing numbers, geriatric patients are being treated in intensive and critical care, as well as by trauma and emergency departments. This book is an evidence-based, best-practices guide that directs the bedside care of critically ill elders by practicing ICU nurses in an area where the care needs and issues differ from those of younger adults. The elderly present special clinical challenges, since concomitant diseases complicate their management. The clinical section discusses major disor...
Bereavement Care
by Jane Marie Kirschling, Marcia E. Lattanzi, and Stephen Fleming
Here is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary look at current bereavement care practices and key concerns of care providers. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, interests, and perspectives from divergent disciplines and clinical experiences, the contributing authors explore theories and constructs that can clarify and be useful in the provision of bereavement services.Bereavement Care: A New Look at Hospice and Community Based Services addresses important issues related to the delivery of bereavem...
Getting Old offers concise advice and practical suggestions for all readers interested in or worried about ageing, either in themselves or in someone they care about. With a focus on a positive view of ageing, it discusses central physical and mental aspects of getting old, as well as the social and psychological aspects such as choosing where to live and becoming more oneself. Rowan Bayne and Carol Parkes take a pragmatic approach to reviewing what is happening in many aspects of your life as...
As developing countries increasingly confront the issues of an aging population, this important book identifies the key period in the life cycle in which changes to the body, as well as concomitant psychological developments, result in the entering of a new phase of life, maturescence. The author defines the metapsychology of maturescence from a psychoanalytic standpoint, detaching it from the concepts of midlife and middle age. Supported by clinical examples, the book defines the stimuli which...
Chronic illness continues to be the leading cause of death and disability in adults in the United States. It impacts annual healthcare costs and significantly contributes to caregiver fatigue. Lubkin's Chronic Illness: Impact an Intervention, Eleventh Edition provides a solid foundation for nursing students by teaching them the skills and knowledge they need to care for both patients and families impacted by chronic illness. The text takes a holistic and patient-centric approach in addressing th...
Dementia Care with Black and Latino Families
by Delia J Phd Lcsw Gonzalez Sanders
Altenpflege Heute (Altenpflege - Lehrbuch - Urban & Fischer-Verlag)
An enlightening book, You Bring Out the Music in Me, explores how music motivates, enriches, touches, relaxes, and energizes the elderly in nursing homes. Practicing music therapists explain how music “speaks” to all of us, regardless of our language, culture, or abilities and how it can be used with groups and individuals in nursing homes to encourage relaxation and expression of feeling and increase socialization. The chapters encompass both music therapy practice in gerontology as well as pra...
Vielfalt statt Einfalt!Dieses Buch richtet sich an Fuhrungspersonen und Praktiker im Pflegebereich und zeigt alle wichtigen Aspekte fur ein erfolgreiches Arbeiten im Team mit unterschiedlichen Generationen. Der Mix aus verschiedenen Altersgruppen in einem Team ist nur in den seltensten Fallen ein erfolgreicher Selbstlaufer. Vielmehr kommt es darauf an, die Mischung gut zusammenzustellen und immer wieder aufs Neue entsprechend zu dosieren. Die einzelnen Zutaten dazu und wie es gelingen kann, find...