Intersections of Children's Health, Education, and Welfare (Education Policy)
by B Cooper and J. Mulvey
Children need more than just good schooling: they require safe lives, good health, and sufficient resources to live and grow successfully in their community. This book makes this vital connection, as society must promote a quality education, available health services, and financial equity and opportunity for all.
Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Midwives provides the reader with a fundamental understanding of the essentials of pharmacology associated with childbearing women, improving safety and care outcomes whilst ensuring the comfort of the mother. It is essential that midwifery students have a knowledge and an understanding of pharmacology, along with an ability to recognise the positive and opposing effects of medicines from conception to birth-including allergies and drug sensitivities, side effect...
Health Informatics - E-Book
by Lynda R Hardy, Ramona Nelson, and Nancy Staggers
Hesi Comprehensive Review for the Nclex-Rn(r) Examination - E-Book
Mosby's(r) Pathophysiology Memory Notecards - E-Book
by Julia Rogers and Jo Carol Claborn
Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools. Nurse as Educator: Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice, Fifth Edition prepares nurse educators, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners and students for their ever-increasing role in patient teaching, health education, and health prom...
Delivering Person-Centred Care in Nursing (Transforming Nursing Practice)
by Bob Price
Understanding Medicines Management for Nursing Students (Transforming Nursing Practice)
by Paul Deslandes, Ben Pitcher, and Simon Young
French: Mosby's Prep Guide for the Canadian PN Exam - Elsevier E-Book on Vitalsource (Retail Access Card)
by Marianne Langille and Karen Katsademas
This innovative volume introduces Twinley’s concept of ‘The Dark Side of Occupation’. Focused on less explored and under-addressed occupations, it is an idea which challenges traditional assumptions around the positive, beneficial, health-promoting relationship between occupation and health. Emphasising that people’s individual experiences of occupations are not always addressed and may not always be legal, socially acceptable, or conducive to good health, the book investigates how these exper...
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook, 12th Edition Revised Reprint with 2021-2023 Nanda-I (R) Updates
The Compassionate Mind Approach to Building Self-Confidence (Compassion Focused Therapy)
by Dr Mary Welford
Many of us have a tendency to measure our self-worth by comparing ourselves to others. But when we fail to reach our own, families, communities or societies 'ideals' this often results in feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and low mood. We may become self-critical, experience shame and a sense of being different from others. Although an improvement in 'self-esteem' is what we may feel we want this is not necessarily what we need. This is because self-esteem is often associated with times when...
Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care
by Joyce E Dains, Linda Ciofu Baumann, and Pamela Scheibel
Trusted for more than 30 years, Drain's PeriAnesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach, 8th Edition provides comprehensive clinical content tailored specifically for perianesthesia nurses. An easy-to-use format with five distinct sections - covering the PACU, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, nursing care, and special considerations - means you get the equivalent of five books in one. Nursing and pharmacologic interventions are integrated with in-depth coverage of pathophysiology, and upda...
Wie mensen met dementie begeleidt, krijgt met veel uitdagingen te maken. Zoals het opvangen van mensen die worden opgenomen in een instelling. Zoals contact maken met ouderen die in de communicatie ernstig beperkt zijn, of door hun persoonlijkheid ‘anders dan gewone’ begeleiding nodig hebben. Zoals het voorkómen van spanning en agressief gedrag, en als het toch gebeurt zo goed mogelijk daarop inspelen. Zoals het omgaan met cliënten die hun situatie als uitzichtloos ervaren. Deze uitdagingen kom...
Die Beweislastumkehr im Zivilprozess bei Pflege- und Behandlungsfehlern
by Oliver Roth