Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, The, Volume 9
by Edmund Burke
Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
by Shewata Pandita
Uremic Toxins (Wiley Series on Mass Spectrometry, #50)
by Toshimitsu Niwa
Reviews all the latest basic and clinical research findings With contributions from leading international experts in the field, this book is dedicated to all facets of uremic toxins research, including low molecular weight solutes, protein-bound solutes, and middle molecules. Moreover, it covers everything from basic mass spectrometry research to the latest clinical findings and practices. Uremic Toxins is divided into three sections: *Section One, Uremic Toxins, explores the definition, classif...
There has been a growing awareness that nephrotoxicity represents a key factor in human nephropathies, where, irrespective of the causative agent, only a few clinical end-effects are diagnosed. Thus nephropathies are generally classified as acute or chronic renal failure, malignancies or immunological changes. The weaknesses in diagnosing nephropathies arises because of the effective role the kidney plays in maintaining homeostasis, despite the fact that it has been extensively damaged. The freq...
Prostatakarzinom (Multimediale Bibliothek Der Medizin / Springer Symposia Live)
Renal Diet Cookbook For Beginners (Linda's Healthy Cookbooks)
by Linda Terrence
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has increased in the United States from 20 million in 2004 to over 26 million adult Americans in 2008. Since there are many factors that can lead to kidney disease, and the gradual loss of kidney function can occur without noticeable symptoms, it is important that everyone be aware of the risks for this condition and the options available to those with kidney problems. This clearly presented, easy-to-follow guidebook is an all-in-one resource to und...
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Physiology E-Book
by Kamel S Kamel and Mitchell L. Halperin
Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Development of Endothelial Dysfunction and Kidney Disease
by Himanshu Sankrityayan
A revolutionary program that can indefinitely postpone the need for dialysis If you've been diagnosed with kidney failure, this book could save your life. If you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, obesity, or any of a host of conditions that put you at risk for kidney disease, you owe it to yourself to read what is in this book. If you are among the 60,000 North Americans who go on dialysis each year, the information in this book could substantially improve your quality of life. In Coping...
Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology
by Richard J Johnson, Jurgen Floege, and Marcello Tonelli
Pediatric Nephrology, an Issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #69)
Nephrotoxic Mechanisms of Drugs and Environmental Toxins
by George A Porter
The majority of the offending toxicants to be reviewed in this volume were devel oped to help mankind, and it is only with prolonged or widespread application that their adverse effects have been recognized. Conversely, in the case of pre scrip tion drugs, there has been an attempt to identify the adverse effects in advance and incorporate these risks into the decision of approval for human consumption. Unfortunately, for those drugs in which recognized injury occurs only after prolonged use,...
Joan Brookhyser Hogan is a registered dietition who has packed this new book 'The Vegetarian Diet for Kidney Disease,' with clearly stated, up-to-date information on the most effective methods for managing kidney disease. Her focus on vegetarian nutrition comes from a growing awareness of its value in wrestling kidney disease down to size, or, in the best-case scenario, stopping the progression of this destructive disease in it's tracks. When the author first became a dietition several decades a...
The kidney is innervated with efferent sympathetic nerve fibers reaching the renal vasculature, the tubules, the juxtaglomerular granular cells, and the renal pelvic wall. The renal sensory nerves are mainly found in the renal pelvic wall. Increases in efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity reduce renal blood flow and urinary sodium excretion by activation of α1-adrenoceptors and increase renin secretion rate by activation of β1-adrenoceptors. In response to normal physiological stimulation,...
Effect of Low Acid Diet on Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
by Pragya S