Alternative Models of Sports Development in America (Ohio University Sport Management)
by B. David Ridpath
In the United States, the entanglement of sports and education has persisted for over a century. Multimillion-dollar high school football stadiums, college coaches whose salaries are many times those of their institutions' presidents, psychological and educational tolls on student-athletes, and high-profile academic scandals are just symptoms of a system that has come under increasing fire. Institutions large and small face persistent quandaries: which do they value more, academic integrity or a...
Better Health in Africa Experience & Lessons Le
Poor health in Sub-Saharan Africa has immense economic consequences. Besides the high mortality and disease rates and the pain and suffering it causes, poor health robs the continent of human capital, reduces returns to learning, impedes entrepreneurial activities, and restricts economic growth. This study argues that despite financial constraints, significant improvements are possible in many countries, as has been seen in Benin, Botswana, Kenya, Mauritius, and Zimbabwe. The book also presents...
The Effects of Changing the Staffing in Military Treatment Facilities
by Jacob Alex Klerman and M.Rebecca Kilburn
British Private Medical Practice and the National Health Service
by Samuel Mencher
Samuel Mencher spent a year in Great Britain (1965-1966) interviewing leaders of professional medical associations, executives of the health insurance societies, and general practitioners and specialists engaged in private practice. His study of the private medical service twenty years after the passage of the National Health Service Act reviews the changes, problems, and successes of the National Health Service: trends in the amount and types of private medicine, the issues of conflict between...
The Institute for Mathematical Sciences at the National University of Singapore hosted a research program on Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases: Dynamics and Control from 15 August to 9 October 2005. As part of the program, tutorials for graduate students and junior researchers were given by leading experts in the field.This invaluable volume is a collection of three expanded lecture notes of those tutorials which cover a wide range of topics including basic mathematical details for va...
Since World War II, abortion policies have remained remarkably varied across European nations, with struggles over abortion rights at the forefront of national politics. This volume analyses European abortion governance and explores how social movements, political groups, and individuals use protests and resistance to influence abortion policy. Drawing on case studies from Italy, Spain, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the European Union, it analyses...
Heterosexual Africa? The History of an idea from the age of exploration to the age of AIDS explores the historical processes by which a singular, heterosexual identity for Africa was constructed. Epprecht argues that Africans, just like people all over the world, have always had a range of sexualities and sexual identities. Heterosexual Africa? aims to understand an enduring stereotype about Africa and Africans. It asks how Africa came to be defined as a "homosexual-free zone" during the colonia...
Obama Health Law What it Says and How to Overturn it
by Betsy McCaughey
Enhancing Philanthropy's Support of Biomedical Scientists
by National Research Council and National Academy of Sciences
During an interval of 15 years, the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust spent over $500 million on four programs in the basic biomedical sciences that support the education and research of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty, and senior researchers. The Markey Trust asked the NRC to evaluate these programs with two questions in mind: a /Were these funds well spent?a and a /What can others in the biomedical and philanthropic communities learn from the programs of the Markey Tr...
Drug Addiction and Drug Policy (Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative)
This book is the culmination of five years of impassioned conversations among distinguished scholars in law, public policy, medicine, and biopsychology, about the most difficult questions in drug policy and the study of addictions. As these intensely argued chapters show, the obvious answers are always alluring but frequently wrong. Do drug addicts have an illness, or is their addiction under their control? Should they be treated as patients, or as criminals? Challenging the conventional wisdom...
Medicare Matters (California/Milbank Books on Health and the Public, #14)
by Christine Cassel
Savvy, comprehensive, and authoritative, this book, written by a physician with more than thirty years' experience caring for elderly patients, assesses the current state and the future prospects of Medicare, perhaps the most influential health care program of our time. Christine K. Cassel draws upon the latest developments in science and medicine in a sweeping analysis of Medicare's social, demographic, institutional, political, and policy contexts. Writing in accessible language, using case st...
A Companion to Life Course Studies (Routledge Advances in Sociology)
Since the end of the Second World War, society has been characterised by rapid and extensive political, economic, scientific, and technological change. Opportunities for education, employment, human relations, and good health, have all been greatly affected by those changes, as have all aspects of life. Consequently, each post-war generation has been like no other before or since. Britain, uniquely, has five large-scale life course studies that began at intervals throughout that period. They hav...
How can caregivers remain both caring and strong enough to withstand the stress of their work?How can caregiving organizations effectively improve their management and practice?Increasing pressure on caregiving organizations to serve more people with fewer resources means that epidemics of burnout, high staff turnover, dissatisfaction and internal conflict often appear inevitable. Holding Fast focuses on the particular stress of caregiving work, its influences on the people and organizations who...
The failure of long-term care is the country's best-kept embarrassing secret. Almost every adult in the United States will either enter a nursing home or have to deal with a parent or other relative who does. Studies show that 40 percent of all adults who live to age sixty-five will enter a nursing home before they die, while even more will use another form of long-term care. Part memoir, part practical guide, part prescription for change, It Shouldn't Be This Way is a unique look at the problem...
World-leading health economist Cam Donaldson defends NHS-type systems on the same basis as their detractors: economic efficiency. However, protecting government funding of health care is not enough: scarcity has to be managed. Donaldson goes on to show how we can get more out of our systems by addressing issues of value for money. In particular, he demonstrates what has been achieved through health care reform but questions how much more this can deliver relative to getting serious about priorit...
While some health indicators in Madagascar are on par with international and regional standards, the country is lagging behind in others. This is largely explained by the vulnerability of two groups: (i) children under five and (ii) women who are pregnant and give birth. The Government has designed and implemented, with donor support, a sector strategy that has started to produce results. Child mortality declined significantly between 2003/04 and 2008/09 and a series of initiatives were launched...
This book examines policies and programs which overcome the barriers that too often impede policy makers and aid agencies from effectively engaging with private health providers to assure and improve care.The private health sector plays a critical role in developing countries, as it often provides a large share of all care. In most countries, it is impossible to improve health services and products without engaging the private sector, and without this engagement health outcomes stagnate. Yet, po...
Salud, Excelencia Y Sostenibilidad (Acción Empresarial)
by William A. Haseltine
Fordney's Medical Insurance and Billing
Gain the medical insurance skills you need to succeed in today's outpatient and inpatient settings! Fordney's Medical Insurance and Billing, 16th Edition helps you master the insurance billing specialist's role and responsibilities in areas such as diagnostic coding, procedural coding, billing, and collection. Using clear, non-technical explanations, this book covers all of the types of insurance coverage commonly encountered in hospitals, physicians' offices, and clinics. Step-by-step guideline...