Hueso Nasal, Ductus Venoso Y Otros Marcadores Ecogr ficos de I Trimestre de Embarazo (Coleccion de Libros Dr. Manuel Gallo Y Cols, #7)
by Manuel Gallo
Die Angst vor Brustkrebs ist berechtigt, da es sich um die haufigste Krebserkrankung der Frau handelt. Manchmal wird diese Angst gezielt geschurt, das Risiko bewusst ubertrieben. Wer aber sollte Interesse haben, diese Furcht auszunutzen? Welche Folgen hat das fur Frau und Gesellschaft? Dieses Buch beschreibt nicht nur einen Koerperteil, der als Krankheitsort fur Betroffene, Angehoerige, AErzte und Pharmaindustrie unterschiedliche Bedeutung gewinnen kann. Es skizziert die Brust auch als Symbol, d...
Hinman's Atlas of Urosurgical Anatomy E-Book
by Greg T MacLennan and Lee Evan Ponsky
With its trademark clear, concise writing style and evidence-based focus, Comprehensive Gynecology, 8th Edition, remains your #1 choice for practical, in-depth coverage of any women's health issue you're likely to encounter. It covers all key issues in gynecology, now fully updated to include new information on topics such as laparoscopy and innovations in robotic surgery, reversible contraception, and advancements in treating endometriosis. For residents, specialists, primary care doctors, and...
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
by Dennis Chi, Andrew Berchuck, Don S Dizon, and Catheryn M. Yashar
Completely reorganized to be more clinically focused on diagnosis and treatment, Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, Eighth Edition, provides the up-to-date information practitioners, researchers, and students need in an easily accessible manner. Drs. Dennis S. Chi, Dineo Khabele, Don S. Dizon, and Catheryn Yashar oversee an expert team of international, multidisciplinary authors who offer practical coverage of the entire field, including new management and treatment strategies for...
Veel fysiologische en pathologische functies in het lichaam worden beïnvloed door biologische verschillen tussen de beide seksen. Mannen en vrouwen verschillen in patronen van klachten, ziekte, metabolisme en reageren vaak verschillend op behandelingen. Met name binnen de cardiologie zijn er veel genderverschillen. Kennis hiervan is van belang voor een goede patiëntenzorg. Cardiovasculaire ziekten (CVZ) zijn niet alleen in Nederland, maar ook wereldwijd de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak bij vrouwe...
The Hidden Truth: Deception in Women's Health Care
by John T Littell MD Faafp
Textbook of Assisted Reproductive Technology Laboratory and Clinical Perspectives
by Kavid K Gardner, Ariel Weissman, Colin M Howles, and Zeev Shoham
'Eleanor writes as fearlessly as she has fought this disease; with heart, honesty and a humour that is rarely afforded to subjects as serious as this. Your head will explode with what you'll learn and your heart will explode with the courage of this author. She's truly extraordinary' Phoebe Waller-BridgeAS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4'S WOMAN'S HOURA STYLIST TOP NON-FICTION BOOK OF 2019ONE OF DAZED'S 2019 HOT AUTUMN BOOKS If 1 in 10 women, 200 million worldwide are suffering, why aren't we talking about...
Erfolg Und Scheitern Der Hegar-Operation (Medizingeschichte Im Kontext, #14)
by Jette Jung
1872 fuhrte der Freiburger Ordinarius fur Gynakologie und Geburtshilfe Alfred Hegar (1830-1914) erstmals Ovarektomien (Entfernung der Eierstoecke) durch, um Frauen kunstlich in die Menopause zu versetzen. Der Diskurs um die Wirkung dieser Operation, die bei verschiedenen somatischen aber auch bei psychischen Krankheitsbildern, so der Hysterie, eingesetzt wurde, beschaftigte die Frauenheilkunde uber 25 Jahre. Die wissenschaftshistorische Untersuchung analysiert vor dem Hintergrund zeitgenoessisch...
This practical, extensively illustrated handbook covers the procedures that are undertaken in andrology and ART laboratories to analyse and assess male-factor infertility, and to prepare spermatozoa for use in assisted conception therapy. The content is presented as brief, authoritative overviews of the relevant biological background for each area, plus detailed, step-by-step descriptions of the relevant analytical procedures. Each technical section includes quality control considerations and th...
Laparoscopic Urogynecology
Fetal Electrocardiography. Cardiopulmonary Medicine from Imperial College Press.
by E M Symonds
Gynecologic Oncology Handbook
by Michelle Benoit, M Yvette Williams-Brown, and Creighton Edwards
The 2007 Report on Canned Vegetables Excluding Hominy and Mushrooms
by Philip M. Parker