The New Politics of Old Age Policy
As the average age of the U.S. population continues to increase, age-related policies have come under intense scrutiny, sparking heated debates. In the past, older people were seen as a frail, dependent population, but major policies enacted or expanded on their behalf have made them major players in electoral and interest-group politics. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Robert B. Hudson's The New Politics of Old Age Policy not only explains the politics behind the country's age-ba...
La Reponse de La Science Medicale Au -Devenir Vieux-
by Sanni Yaya Hachimi
Cost-benefit Analysis in Education (World Bank Staff Occasional Papers)
by Hans H. Thias and Martin Carnoy
"I was thrilled to see content that focuses on quality improvement, patient safety, interprofessional collaboration, care coordination, and other content that supports the role of the AGNP as a clinical leader and change agent. The authors give these topics the attention that they deserve, with clear, insightful guidance and importantly, the evidence base. The chapters that address roles (including during disasters!), settings of care, billing, and medication use address salient issues that will...
Gesund und fit zu sein sind Attribute, die keine Altergrenze kennen. Das Altern selbst ist gewiss nicht zu verhindern, doch eine angepasste Lebensfuhrung verzoegert die Alterungsvorgage signifikant und steigert Wohlbefinden, Vitalitat und Lebensqualitat. In diesem Sachbuch vermittelt Ihnen Univ.-Prof. Dr. Paul Haber leicht verstandlich und wissenschaftlich fundiert, wie optimale Ernahrung und regelmassige Bewegung als Eckpfeiler eines gesunden Lebensstils zusammenwirken und in den persoenlichen...
Geriatric Emergency Care, an Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, E-Book (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #39)
Schneider - Rowe the Handbook of the Biology of Aging 4e
Being the family member of someone in a nursing home is part of a difficult and painful process that begins long before a loved one enters the home. Focusing on the psychological, emotional and social aspects of that process, this guide offers family members practical advice and emotional support, and it explains the intricacies of care and nursing homes. Peter S. Silin seeks to approach his subject with compassion and sensitivity, guiding readers through the entire process. The first section he...
Das Pflegeberufegesetz in der stationären Altenpflege. Drei Szenarien
by Ugur Cetinkaya
Molecular Mechanisms of Skin Aging and Age-Related Diseases
Our skin changes as we age. It becomes thinner and loses fat, making it less plump and smooth. Clinically, aged skin is characterized by wrinkles, sagging, age spots and dryness. Emphasizing laboratory and clinical research, this book comprehensively describes the molecular mechanisms of human skin-aging and age-related skin diseases. This includes molecular understanding of the development of aging skin and its prevention as well as mechanisms-based clinical rejuvenation. The book also focuses...
Clinical Nutrition and Aging
This title includes a number of Open Access chapters. Sarcopenia—the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with advancing age—is a major health challenge, particularly in North America, Europe, and Japan, which have large aging populations. This compendium volume is a valuable addition to the existing literature, providing state-of-the-art information on the most effective prevention and treatment options. Included are research articles on nutrition management and the prevention of sa...
Updates in Geriatric Urology, an Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine (Clinics: Internal Medicine, #41)
Many people passively accept factors like diminished brain power, reduced sex drive, and the loss of youthful exuberance, even though they are only entering their forties and fifties. Dr Khalsa argues that these factors are not a natural part of growing older, He claims that our brains can be rejuvenated, and we can get back our memories, our energy, our good mood, and our youthful sex drive. When we are under stress and we "age", he claims, we naturally produce an adrenaline hormone, cortisol,...
Social differences in health and mortality constitute a persistent finding in epidemiological, demographic, and sociological research. This topic is increasingly discussed in the political debate and is among the most urgent public health issues. However, it is still unknown if socioeconomic mortality differences increase or decrease with age. This book provides a comprehensive, thoughtful and critical discussion of all aspects involved in the relationship between socioeconomic status, health an...
Dr. Robert N. Butler coined the term "ageism" and made "Alzheimer's" a familiar word. Now he brings his formidable knowledge to a recent and unprecedented achievement: the extension of human life expectancy by thirty years, and the growing number of people over age sixty-five.Alarmingly, our society has not adapted to this change. In this urgent and ultimately optimistic book, Butler calls for us to reexamine our personal and societal approach to aging right now, so that the boomers and the gene...
Mobility and Transportation in the Elderly
This comprehensive volume examines the gradual reduction of mobility in the elderly. The authors first review the physiological and psychological changes that occur as we age, and go on to illustrate how this gradual decrease in adequate mobility can lead to an increase in automotive accidents. They also review the limitations that mass transportation systems and driving individual vehicles present for the elderly, and discuss different assistive devices that have been and should be implemented...
Social Integration in the Second Half of Life
Social scientists use the term social integration to refer to individuals' connections with others in their environments. The concept and its consequences have been the subject of considerable study. Many researchers have asserted that meaningful and enduring ties to other persons serve as a buffer against stress, and thereby promote physical and mental health. The results are especially pronounced for older persons. Social Integration in the Second Half of Life presents integrative reviews of...