Smart polymers are high-performance materials that change as a response to the environment. They show sharp, predictive, and large change in properties upon small changes in the external environment like temperature, pH, light, radiation, enzymes, bacteria, virus, etc. They impact in biomedicine, in optical applications, and in mechanical devices for artificial muscles, self propelled movement, self-healing and shape-memory systems.
Enhancing Mobility in Late Life (Assistive Technology Research, v. 17)
Outdoor mobility in old age is a complex phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a basic human need and means the physical ability to move. On the other, it means the realization of all types of trips out-of-doors, either by foot or by means of transportation. In addition, societal and individual necessities, modern values and economic interests mutually reinforcing each other have resulted in mobility as an ever more important precondition of ensuring the ability to lead an autonomous life and parti...
Assuring Data Quality and Validity in Clinical Trials for Regulatory Decision Making
In an effort to increase knowledge and understanding of the process of assuring data quality and validity in clinical trials, the IOM hosted a workshop to open a dialogue on the process to identify and discuss issues of mutual concern among industry, regulators, payers, and consumers. The presenters and panelists together developed strategies that could be used to address the issues that were identified. This IOM report of the workshop summarizes the present status and highlights possible strate...
Recent Advancements in Smart Remote Patient Monitoring, Wearable Devices, and Diagnostics Systems
Biomaterials and Engineering for Implantology (de Gruyter Stem)
by Yoshiki Oshida and Takashi Miyazaki
Dieses interdisziplinare Lehrbuch bietet eine gut verstandliche und hochaktuelle Einfuhrung in alle Fachgebiete der modernen Enzymtechnologie. Im ersten Teil dieses dreiteiligen Lehrbuchs wird der Leser zunachst in die Grundlagen zu Enzymstruktur, Reaktionsmechanismen, Enzymkinetik, Enzymmodellierung und Prozessfuhrung eingefuhrt. Im zweiten Teil werden Methoden zum Auffinden, zur Expression, Optimierung, Reinigung, Immobilisierung und zum Einsatz von Enzymen in ungewoehnlichen Reaktionsmedien v...
Smart Technology for Aging, Disability, and Independence
Independent living with smart technologies Smart Technology for Aging, Disability, and Independence: The State of the Science brings together current research and technological developments from engineering, computer science, and the rehabilitation sciences, detailing how its applications can promote continuing independence for older persons and those with disabilities. Leading experts from multiple disciplines worldwide have contributed to this volume, making it the definitive resource. T...
Nanocarrier Drug Delivery Systems
Nanotechnology can treat diseases by site-specific and target-oriented delivery of precise medicines. Nanomaterials improve the efficacy of drugs and selective diagnosis. The book covers detection and treatment. It explains the use of nanocarriers for a variety of diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, cancer, and ulcerative colitis. It includes topical, transdermal, and ocular drug delivery and combined medication delivery.
Biovitrokeram Implantatwerkstoffe (Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Ddr / N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Techn, #1985)
by F G Wihsmann, G Berger, V Thieme, and H Hofmann
Consumer-Driven Technologies in Healthcare: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice
The world of medical technologies is undergoing a sea change in the domain of consumer culture. Having a grasp on what appeals to consumers and how consumers are making purchasing decisions is essential to the success of any organization that thrives by offering a product or service. As such, it is vital to examine the consumer-centered aspects of medical technological developments that have a patient-centered focus and allow patients to take part in their own personal health and wellness. Consu...
Dictionary of Biotechnology (Dictionary)
Artificial Intelligence in Health
Undeniable, inescapable, exhilarating and breaking free from the exclusive domain of science, artificial intelligence has become our main preoccupation. A major generator of new mathematical thinking, AI is the result of easy access to information and data, as facilitated by computer technology. Big Data has come to be seen as an unlimited source of knowledge, the use of which is still being fully explored, but its industrialization has swiftly followed in the footsteps of mathematicians; today'...
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields is of major importance to improve the use of resourses and time. This book provides an analysis of how AI is used in both the medical field and beyond. Topics that will be covered are bioinformatics, biostatistics, dentistry, diagnosis and prognosis, smart materials, and drug discovery as they intersect with AI. Also, an outlook of the future of an AI-assisted society will be explored.
Biophages--a technology that hasn't been taken seriously by Western scientists for more than 50 years--may be making a comeback in the fight against fast-evolving microbes.
The Victorian Chemist and Druggist (Shire album, #80)
by W a Jackson
After a historical introduction and a description of a Victorian chemist and druggist’s shop, this book describes and illustrates many of the items used and sold there. Most of the dispensing equipment and containers for the drugs used are now obsolete and appear from time to time in antique shops. Articles sold over the counter included medicines, perfumes and toiletries and a wide variety of objects used in the sickroom or nursery. The book also contains a chapter on medical and surgical instr...
Multi-agent Systems for Healthcare Simulation and Modeling
The modeling of healthcare components and systems in order to develop a complete understanding of component interactions is one of the more challenging simulation and modeling problems for software agent systems. ""Multi-Agent Systems for Healthcare Simulation and Modeling: Applications for System Improvement"" provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings used by medical professionals in the implementation of multi-agent systems. This ""Premier Reference So...
This proceedings volume reports the worldwide small light source instrumentation and applications to material and bio-medical sciences. The unique and very sharp x-ray image obtained by MIRRORCLE is demonstrated, and IR synchrotron lights from 10 MeV version makes it possible to study dynamics and behavior of the living specimens in each level such as protein, cell, organ, and whole body.
A biosensor is a device incorporating a biological sensing element either intimately connected to or integrated within a physical transducer. Most commonly, the aim is to produce a signal proportional in strength or frequency to the concentration of a chemical or biochemical to which the biological element reacts. The marriage of these two disciplines promises to revolutionize approaches to many analytical problems, providing a powerful technology with the specificity and sensitivity of biologic...