Stakeholder Performance Reporting Von Nonprofit-Organisationen
by Sandra Stoetzer
Sandra Stoetzer entwickelt ein normatives Modell fur eine stakeholderorientierte Leistungsberichterstattung von Nonprofit-Organisationen. Sie gibt konkrete Handlungs- und Gestaltungsempfehlungen fur die praktische Ausgestaltung des Performance Reporting und behandelt eine Vielzahl innovativer Einzelaspekte.
Stress? Ursachen, Erklarungsmodelle und praventive Ansatze Gemeinsam mit der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover fasst die Kaufmannische Krankenkasse (KKH) den Stand der Wissenschaft zu wichtigen Aspekten des Themas Stress zusammen. Die Auswertung der Routinedaten der KKH zeigt, dass nicht nur Erwachsene mittleren Lebensalters zunehmend von Stress (mit-)verursachten psychosomatischen Gesundheitsbeschwerden, psychischen Storungen sowie Alkoholproblemen betroffen sind, sondern auch Kinder und Jugend...
Chancen Fur Das Deutsche Gesundheitssystem
by Both Professors Michael E Porter and Clemens Guth
Die Kosten im deutschen Gesundheitssystem steigen, zugleich werden Qualitatsprobleme immer offensichtlicher - trotz aller Reformbemuhungen. Die Autoren gehen davon aus, dass nicht Kostenkontrolle, sondern die Steigerung des Patientennutzens das Ziel ist, das alle Akteure vereinen kann. In zwoelf Empfehlungen erklaren sie, wie sich Leistungserbringer im Wettbewerb um Qualitat organisieren sollten, wie Krankenkassen eine aktivere Rolle spielen und das Vergutungssystem kunftig Exzellenz in der Vers...
Public Sector Reform Using Information Technologies: Transforming Policy into Practice
Key Tools and Techniques in Management and Leadership of the Allied Health Professions
by Robert Jones and Fiona Jenkins
The Allied Health Professions - Essential Guides series is unique in providing advice on management, leadership and development for those in the Allied Health Professions (AHP). This highly practical volume offers a wide range of assessment tools and techniques in such critical areas as management quality, organisational and management structure, benchmarking, capacity and demand management, care pathway design, activity analysis, report writing and presentation skills. The layout is conducive t...
First published in 1925, this book explores public health and its administration. It looks at both local and central health administration and surveys the various departments including The Board of Education and The Home Office. The book discusses motives, principles, and results of reform in the sector and gives a history of public health services. Other chapters include those on public health as a career, poor law and public health administration, and health insurance.
Considers the diagnostics process both within and outside mainstream medicine Strategies for addressing diagnostic failure are discussed Lays a foundation for medical education reform to improve diagnosis Contains useful glossary and appendices for cognitive biases and logical fallacies
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in Der Entwicklung (Essentials)
by Manuela Maack-Schulze, Anna Lina Kauffmann, Tina Bass, Karin Agor, Rolf Kaestner, and Hans-R Hartweg
Das vorliegende Buch gibt einen umfassenden UEberblick uber den aktuellen Stand und die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Telemedizin in Deutschland. Das Herausgeberteam aus einem der fuhrenden Telemedizinzentren Deutschlands und ein interdisziplinares Autorenteam liefern wesentliche Grundlagen sowie zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem stationaren und ambulanten Bereich. Zudem werden Chancen und Risiken der Telemedizin eroertert, so dass der Leser gut fur die Zukunft in Klinik oder Praxis gerustet...
The Coordination of European Public Hospital Systems (Public Sector Organizations)
by Sorin Dan
This book engages theoretically and empirically with the unprecedented wave of public management reforms in public hospitals in Europe in the past 25 years. It provides a useful overview of these reforms and studies the way in which they have influenced the ability of national policy-making institutions to co-ordinate the system of public hospitals as a whole. Using a comparative structure, as well as original empirical data collected by the author, the book examines case studies on which little...
Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext (Book Only)
by Marsha S Diamond
Performance Improvement for Healthcare: Leading Change with Lean, Six Sigma, and Constraints Management
by Bahadir Inozu, Dan Chauncey, Vickie Kamataris, Charles Mount, and Novaces LLC
This book describes the causes of and methods to prevent states of exhaustion and burnout in professional contexts. It overviews a range of issues from human resource practices in commercial enterprises, to prevention of fatigue and preservation of the working individual's vital energy. The book also addresses new measurement and training methods stemming from the latest applications of biofeedback, testing and training methods, and heart rate variability research, and their application in compa...
Studyware for Bowie/Schaffer's Understanding ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-Pcs: A Worktext
by Mary Jo Bowie and Regina M Schaffer
Succeed in your coding course and have fun with Studyware software! This dynamic resource is packed with interactive games, quizzes, and other resources that your mastery of key concepts in the corresponding chapter in your textbook.
Horizontale Verbundstrukturen Im Deutschen Krankenhausmarkt
by Benjamin Isaak Behar
Benjamin I. Behar untersucht, inwieweit Krankenhauser in verschiedenartig organisierten Verbundtypen den Anforderungen gerecht werden koennen, ihre operative Exzellenz zu steigern und sich an die sich standig andernden institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen anzupassen.
Kooperation Und Integration - Das Unvollendete Projekt Des Gesundheitssystems (Gesundheit. Politik - Gesellschaft - Wirtschaft)
Praise for the First Edition: "A real, combined approach of behavioural, social, biomedical, and clinical sciences is paramount. [This book] is one pioneering example of such integration, bridging core sociology with medical education." – Dikomitis L, Wenning B, Ghobrial A, and Adams K.M. (2022). Embedding behavioural and social sciences across the medical 2 curriculum: (Auto) ethnographic insights from medical schools in the United Kingdom. Societies, 12, 101. "Constantinou’s book not only c...
Healthcare Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Safe Harbors
by Jonathan P. Tomes