Sehr Geehrte Damen Und Herren Bitte Erheben Sie Sich Ihre Majestat Die Musiklehrerin Betritt Den Raum
by Elisabeth Fehman
Niemand ist perfekt aber als Sportlehrerin ist man verdammt nah dran
by Elisabeth Fehman
The Collected Mathematical Papers of Arthur Cayley Volume 1
by Arthur Cayley
Dynamics Reported (Dynamics Reported: New, #1)
Dynamics Reported is a series of books dedicated to the exposition of the mathematics of dynamcial systems. Its aim is to make the recent research accessible to advanced students and younger researchers. The series is also a medium for mathematicians to use to keep up-to-date with the work being done in neighboring fields. The style is best described as expository, but complete. Thus, there is an emphasis on examples and explanations, but also theorems normally occur with their proofs. The focus...
Discover the incredible connection between numbers and reality itself! Think of a number between one and ten...No, hang on, let's make this interesting. Between zero and infinity. Even if you stick to the whole numbers, there are a lot to choose from - an infinite number in fact. Throw in decimal fractions and infinity suddenly gets an awful lot bigger (is that even possible?). And then there are the negative numbers, the imaginary numbers, the irrational numbers like pi which never end. It lite...
Chemistry of Powder Production focuses on the solid-state chemistry of powder materials and relates this to the structure, properties and preparation, and characterization techniques for these important industrial products. Additionally, the properties of the particles are discussed in relation to their surface structure and characteristics. This book describes the fundamentals of statistical methods for measuring the characteristics of particles. New advanced materials being developed in...
Fun Coloring And Tracing Practice
by Alinoor Rahman and 7color Publisher
This insightful Guide is meant to serve any and all interested in pursuing a career in mathematics education and research. The author’s goal and the book’s theme is to help students and others make a smooth transition to teachers and researchers of mathematics. Part I presents helpful techniques on teaching and conducting research. This innovative book also offers strategies on how to observe from and develop research methods, carry out research, and begin writing research papers. It includes a...
Price-Forecasting Models for Investors Bancorp, Inc. ISBC Stock
by Ton Viet Ta
An illustrated tour of the structures and patterns we call "math" The only numbers in this book are the page numbers. Math Without Numbers is a vivid, conversational, and wholly original guide to the three main branches of abstract math—topology, analysis, and algebra—which turn out to be surprisingly easy to grasp. This book upends the conventional approach to math, inviting you to think creatively about shape and dimension, the infinite and infinitesimal, symmetries, proofs, and how these...
High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization (Applied Optimization, #82)
This volume contains the edited texts of the lectures presented at the Workshop on High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization held in Erice, Sicily, at the "G. Stampacchia" School of Mathematics of the "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture, June 30 - July 8, 2001. In the first year of the new century, the aim of the Workshop was to assess the past and to discuss the future of Nonlinear Optimization, and to highlight recent achieve ments and promising research tren...
Most people now realise that economic growth, however desirable, will not solve all our problems. Instead, we need a philosophy and a science which encompasses a much fuller range of human need and experience. This book argues that the goal for a society must be the greatest possible all round happiness, and shows how each of us can become more effective creators of happiness, both as citizens and in our own organisations. Written with Richard Layard's characteristic clarity, it provides hard...
Carbide, Nitride and Boride Materials Synthesis and Processing
Many of the advanced ceramics being developed today are boride, carbide and nitride materials. These are targeted for applications in both electronic and structural markets. This book aims to address methods for the synthesis of these materials. This text is intended as an overview of the subject and is suitable for practitioners in the industry as well as those looking for an introduction to the field. The subject matter ranges from introductory material properties and applications to various m...
Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations (The MIT Press) (Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations)
by Brian Hayes
A non-mathematician explores mathematical terrain, reporting accessibly and engagingly on topics from Sudoku to probability. Brian Hayes wants to convince us that mathematics is too important and too much fun to be left to the mathematicians. Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations is his entertaining and accessible exploration of mathematical terrain both far-flung and nearby, bringing readers tidings of mathematical topics from Markov chains to Sudoku. Hayes, a non-mathematician, argues...
Price-Forecasting Models for Invesco Quality Muni Income Trust IQI Stock
by Ton Viet Ta
DYNAMICS REPORTED reports on recent developments in dynamical systems. Dynamical systems of course originated from ordinary differential equations. Today, dynamical systems cover a much larger area, including dynamical processes described by functional and integral equations, by partial and stochastic differential equations, etc. Dynamical systems have involved remarkably in recent years. A wealth of new phenomena, new ideas and new techniques are proving to be of considerable interest to scient...