Risk And Stochastics: Ragnar Norberg
with an autobiography from Ragnar NorbergThe Risk and Stochastics Conference, held at the Royal Statistical Society in April 2015, brought together academics from the worlds of actuarial science, stochastic calculus, finance and statistics to celebrate the achievements of Professor Ragnar Norberg as he turned 70. After the conference, Ragnar Norberg suddenly fell very ill and passed away; this book honours his life and work.This collection of articles is written by speakers of the conference, th...
An Introduction to Differential Equations
by Anil G Ladde and G. S. Ladde
The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers with basic knowledge of Probability and Integration Theory. It introduces classical inequalities in vector and functional spaces with applications to probability. It also develops new extensions of the analytical inequalities, with sharper bounds and generalizations to the sum or the supremum of random variables, to martingales and to transformed Brownian motions. The proofs of the new results are presented in great detail.
Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, #39)
This volume is a collection of 15 research and survey papers written by the speakers from two international conferences held in Japan, The 11th Mathematical Society of Japan International Research Institute's Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems and Stochastic Analysis and Statistical Mechanics. Topics discussed in the volume cover the hydrodynamic limit, fluctuations, large deviations, spectral gap (Poincare inequality), logarithmic Sobolev inequality, Ornstein-Zernike asympto...
200 Worksheets - Finding Smaller Number of 10 Digits (200 Days Math Smaller Numbers, #9)
by Kapoo Stem
How to Gamble If You Must (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Lester E. Dubins
Some Recent Advances in Mathematics and Statistics - Proceedings of Statistics 2011 Canada/Imst 2011-Fim XX
Applications in Rigorous Quantum Field Theory (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics, #34)
by Fumio Hiroshima and Jozsef Lorinczi
This is the second updated and extended edition of the successful book on Feynman-Kac theory. It offers a state-of-the-art mathematical account of functional integration methods in the context of self-adjoint operators and semigroups using the concepts and tools of modern stochastic analysis. In the second volume, these ideas are applied principally to a rigorous treatment of some fundamental models of quantum field theory.
Stochastic Processes, Physics And Geometry
The book deals with a powerful and convenient approach to a great variety of types of problems of the recursive monte-carlo or stochastic approximation type. Such recu- sive algorithms occur frequently in stochastic and adaptive control and optimization theory and in statistical esti- tion theory. Typically, a sequence {X } of estimates of a n parameter is obtained by means of some recursive statistical th st procedure. The n estimate is some function of the n_l estimate and of some new observat...
Stochastic Calculus of Variations (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematics)
by Yasushi Ishikawa
This monograph is a concise introduction to the stochastic calculus of variations (also known as Malliavin calculus) for processes with jumps. It is written for researchers and graduate students who are interested in Malliavin calculus for jump processes. In this book "processes with jumps" includes both pure jump processes and jump-diffusions. The author provides many results on this topic in a self-contained way; this also applies to stochastic differential equations (SDEs) "with jumps". The b...
Quantum Probability and Related Topics (Qp-Pq, Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis)
Reliability Calculations with the Stochastic Finite Element
by Wenhui Mo
Handbook of Differential Equations (Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations, #1)
This book contains several introductory texts concerning the main directions in the theory of evolutionary partial differential equations. The main objective is to present clear, rigorous, and in depth surveys on the most important aspects of the present theory. The table of contents includes: W.Arendt: Semigroups and evolution equations: Calculus, regularity and kernel estimates A.Bressan: The front tracking method for systems of conservation laws E.DiBenedetto, J.M.Urbano,V.Vespri: Current...
This is a graduate level textbook that covers the fundamental topics in queuing theory. The book has a broad coverage of methods to calculate important probabilities, and gives attention to proving the general theorems. It includes many recent topics, such as server-vacation models, diffusion approximations and optimal operating policies, and more about bulk-arrival and bull-service models than other general texts.
Hydrodynamic Behavior and Interacting Particle Systems (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, #9)
This is the third volume (out of four) with papers which originated during the course of the Stochastic Equations and Their Applications year at the Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications at the University of Minnesota. This volume which is directed towards researchers in applied mathematics, engineering, and physics, contains contributions by P.M. Chaikin, W.D. Dozier, H.M. Lindsay, D.A. Dawson, R. Figari, G. Papanicolaou, J. Rubinstein, K.F. Freed, S. Wang, J.F. Douglas, J. Fritz, J. G...
Simulation is a controlled statistical sampling technique that can be used to study complex stochastic systems when analytic and/or numerical techniques do not suffice. The focus of this book is on simulations of discrete-event stochastic systems; namely, simulations in which stochastic state transitions occur only at an increasing sequence of random times. The discussion emphasizes simulations on a finite or countably infinite state space.
Data Science: Theory and Applications (Handbook of Statistics)
Data Science: Theory and Applications, Volume 44 in the Handbook of Statistics series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of interesting topics, including Modeling extreme climatic events using the generalized extreme value distribution, Bayesian Methods in Data Science, Mathematical Modeling in Health Economic Evaluations, Data Science in Cancer Genomics, Blockchain Technology: Theory and Practice, Statistical outline of anima...
Stochastic Processes: Harmonizable Theory (Series On Multivariate Analysis, #0)
by Malempati Madhusudana Rao
The book presents, for the first time, a detailed analysis of harmonizable processes and fields (in the weak sense) that contain the corresponding stationary theory as a subclass. It also gives the structural and some key applications in detail. These include Levy's Brownian motion, a probabilistic proof of the longstanding Riemann's hypothesis, random fields indexed by LCA and hypergroups, extensions to bistochastic operators, Cramer-Karhunen classes, as well as bistochastic operators with some...