Rigorous mathematical finance relies strongly on two additional fields: optimal stopping and stochastic analysis. This book is the first one which presents not only main results in the mathematical finance but also these 'related topics' with all proofs and in a self-contained form. The book treats both discrete and continuous time mathematical finance. Some topics, such as Israeli (game) contingent claims, and several proofs have not appeared before in a self-contained book form. The book conta...
Recent Advances in Stochastic Operations Research II
by Tadashi Dohi, Shunji Osaki, and Katsushige Sawaki
Introduction to Stochastic Integration (Probability and Its Applications) (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
by Kai L. Chung and Ruth J. Williams
This is a substantial expansion of the first edition. The last chapter on stochastic differential equations is entirely new, as is the longish section 9.4 on the Cameron-Martin-Girsanov formula. Illustrative examples in Chapter 10 include the warhorses attached to the names of L. S. Ornstein, Uhlenbeck and Bessel, but also a novelty named after Black and Scholes. The Feynman-Kac-Schrooinger development (6.4) and the material on re flected Brownian motions (8.5) have been updated. Needless to sa...
This volume contains pedagogical, review and research level papers on fractional stochastic and quantum processes which have been the focus of intensive mathematical, experimental, and computational studies due to their widening spectrum of applications in natural and social sciences. Novel vis-a-vis standard approaches in fractional stochastic analysis are presented together with experimental and theoretical highlights in applications to single particle tracking, organic semiconductors, polymer...
Stochastic Differential Equations (Dover Books on Mathematics)
by Ludwig Arnold
200 Multiplication Worksheets with 4-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers (200 Days Math Multiplication, #11)
by Kapoo Stem
Featuring previously unpublished results, Semi-Markov Models: Control of Restorable Systems with Latent Failures describes valuable methodology which can be used by readers to build mathematical models of a wide class of systems for various applications. In particular, this information can be applied to build models of reliability, queuing systems, and technical control. Beginning with a brief introduction to the area, the book covers semi-Markov models for different control strategies in one-...
This volume contains the current research in quantum probability, infinite dimensional analysis and related topics. Contributions by experts in these fields highlight the latest developments and interdisciplinary connections with classical probability, stochastic analysis, white noise analysis, functional analysis and quantum information theory.This diversity shows how research in quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis is very active and strongly involved in the modern mathematica...
This book is a collective work by many leading scientists, analysts, mathematicians, and engineers who have been working at the front end of reliability science and engineering. The book covers conventional and contemporary topics in reliability science, all of which have seen extended research activities in recent years. The methods presented in this book are real-world examples that demonstrate improvements in essential reliability and availability for industrial equipment such as medical mag...
This book, suitable for advanced undergraduate, graduate and research courses in such subjects as statistics, applied mathematics, operation research, computer science, different branches of engineering, business and management, economics and life sciences etc., is aimed between elementary probability texts and advanced works on stochastic processes. What distinguishes the text is the illustration of the theorems by examples and applications.
The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers with basic knowledge of Probability and Integration Theory. It introduces classical inequalities in vector and functional spaces with applications to probability. It also develops new extensions of the analytical inequalities, with sharper bounds and generalizations to the sum or the supremum of random variables, to martingales and to transformed Brownian motions. The proofs of the new results are presented in great detail.
Probability, Statistics, and Queueing Theory (Computer Science and Scientific Computing)
by Arnold O. Allen
This is a textbook on applied probability and statistics with computer science applications for students at the upper undergraduate level. It may also be used as a self study book for the practicing computer science professional. The successful first edition of this book proved extremely useful to students who need to use probability, statistics and queueing theory to solve problems in other fields, such as engineering, physics, operations research, and management science. The book has also been...
Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab is a reference work designed to teach students and researchers the basics of data analysis in the environmental sciences using MatLab, and more specifically how to analyze data sets in carefully chosen, realistic scenarios. Although written in a self-contained way, the text is supplemented with data sets and MatLab scripts that can be used as a data analysis tutorial, available at the author's website: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/users/menke/edawm/index.h...
Stochastic Processes, Estimation, and Control (Advances in Design and Control)
by Jason L. Speyer and Walter H. Chung
Uncertainty and risk are integral to engineering because real systems have inherent ambiguities that arise naturally or due to our inability to model complex physics. The authors discuss probability theory, stochastic processes, estimation, and stochastic control strategies and show how probability can be used to model uncertainty in control and estimation problems. The material is practical and rich in research opportunities. The authors provide a comprehensive treatment of stochastic systems...
Stochastic Analysis & Applications, Volume 3
The seventh volume in the SemStat series, Statistical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations presents current research trends and recent developments in statistical methods for stochastic differential equations. Written to be accessible to both new students and seasoned researchers, each self-contained chapter starts with introductions to th
An introduction to the solution of stochastic control problems through the use of dynamic programming. Both discrete and continuous-time stochastic dynamic systems are treated without the use of excessive mathematics.
Stochastic Modeling in Physical and Biological Sciences
by V. Thangaraj and Gautam Choudhury
Discusses basic definitions, important properties and results on Markov Chains giving examples to understand the intricacies of the theory of Markov Chains. This book elaborates continuous time stochastic processes for modeling purpose explaining in detail with examples and includes an application oriented chapter on how stochastic modeling throws light on physical sciences. Basics on branching processes and their applications are explained pedagogically with a view to develop modeling capacity...
The Analysis of Stochastic Processes Using Glim (Lecture Notes in Statistics, #72)
by James K. Lindsey
The aim of this book is to present a survey of the many ways in which the statistical package GLIM may be used to model and analyze stochastic processes. Its emphasis is on using GLIM interactively to apply statistical techniques, and examples are drawn from a wide range of applications including medicine, biology, and the social sciences. It is based on the author's many years of teaching courses along these lines to both undergraduate and graduate students. The author assumes that readers have...
An Introduction to Differential Equations
by Anil G Ladde and G. S. Ladde