Multistage Selection and Ranking Procedures (Statistics: A Series of Textbooks and Monographs, #142)
"This useful volume provides a thorough synthesis of second-order asymptotics in multistage sampling methodologies for selection and ranking unifying available second-order results in general and applying them to a host of situations Contains, in each chapter, helpful Notes and Overviews to facilitate comprehension, as well as Complements and Problems for more in-depth study of specific topics!"
Making decisions is a ubiquitous mental activity in our private and professional or public lives. It entails choosing one course of action from an available shortlist of options. Statistics for Making Decisions places decision making at the centre of statistical inference, proposing its theory as a new paradigm for statistical practice. The analysis in this paradigm is earnest about prior information and the consequences of the various kinds of errors that may be committed. Its conclusion is a c...
This book presents a comprehensive treatment of pricing and hedging soccer betting contracts using the modern techniques of probability, statistics, finance, and portfolio management. It introduces betting in general and then addresses the probabilistic intuition needed in the more complex world of soccer betting. The author presents an innovative perspective by thinking about betting odds in terms of the expected number of goals of both teams. In addition, when the betting market is in play, th...
This volume introduces the theoretical ideas in probability and statistics by means of examples. The strengths of the BASIC computer language are exploited to illustrate probabilistic and statistical ideas. Topics described by the Committee on the Under-graduate Program in Mathematics are included.
Monte Carlo techniques have increasingly become a key method used in quantitative research. This book introduces engineers and scientists to the basics of using the Monte-Carlo simulation method which is used in Operations Research and other fields to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in prediction and forecasting models. Monte-Carlo Simulation: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists explores several specific applications in addition to illustrating the principles behind the m...
Bayesian Theory and Applications
The development of hierarchical models and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques forms one of the most profound advances in Bayesian analysis since the 1970s and provides the basis for advances in virtually all areas of applied and theoretical Bayesian statistics. This volume guides the reader along a statistical journey that begins with the basic structure of Bayesian theory, and then provides details on most of the past and present advances in this field. The book has a unique format. Th...
Statistical methods for sequential hypothesis testing and changepoint detection have applications across many fields, including quality control, biomedical engineering, communication networks, econometrics, image processing, security, etc. This book presents an overview of methodology in these related areas, providing a synthesis of research from the last few decades. The methods are illustrated through real data examples, and software is referenced where possible. The emphasis is on providing a...
Probability Models in Engineering and Science (Dekker Mechanical Engineering)
by Haym Benaroya, Seon Mi Han, and Mark Nagurka
Certainty exists only in idealized models. Viewed as the quantification of uncertainties, probabilitry and random processes play a significant role in modern engineering, particularly in areas such as structural dynamics. Unlike this book, however, few texts develop applied probability in the practical manner appropriate for engineers.Probability Models in Engineering and Science provides a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to applied probabilistic modeling. The first four chapters pres...
Multivariate Bonferroni-Type Inequalities: Theory and Applications presents a systematic account of research discoveries on multivariate Bonferroni-type inequalities published in the past decade. The emergence of new bounding approaches pushes the conventional definitions of optimal inequalities and demands new insights into linear and Fréchet optimality. The book explores these advances in bounding techniques with corresponding innovative applications. It presents the method of linear programmi...
Martingales and Markov Chains
by Paolo Baldi, Laurent Mazliak, and Pierre Priouret
A thorough grounding in Markov chains and martingales is essential in dealing with many problems in applied probability, and is a gateway to the more complex situations encountered in the study of stochastic processes. Exercises are a fundamental and valuable training tool that deepen students' understanding of theoretical principles and prepare th
Markov Models & Optimization (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability, #49)
by M. H. A. Davis
This book presents a radically new approach to problems of evaluating and optimizing the performance of continuous-time stochastic systems. This approach is based on the use of a family of Markov processes called Piecewise-Deterministic Processes (PDPs) as a general class of stochastic system models. A PDP is a Markov process that follows deterministic trajectories between random jumps, the latter occurring either spontaneously, in a Poisson-like fashion, or when the process hits the boundary of...
Chain Event Graphs (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer Science & Data Analysis)
by Rodrigo A. Collazo, Christiane Goergen, and Jim Q. Smith
Written by some major contributors to the development of this class of graphical models, Chain Event Graphs introduces a viable and straightforward new tool for statistical inference, model selection and learning techniques. The book extends established technologies used in the study of discrete Bayesian Networks so that they apply in a much more general setting As the first book on Chain Event Graphs, this monograph is expected to become a landmark work on the use of event trees and coloured p...
Supported by a wealth of learning features, exercises, and visual elements as well as online video tutorials and interactive simulations, this book is the first student-focused introduction to Bayesian statistics. Without sacrificing technical integrity for the sake of simplicity, the author draws upon accessible, student-friendly language to provide approachable instruction perfectly aimed at statistics and Bayesian newcomers. Through a logical structure that introduces and builds upon key c...
This textbook systematically presents fundamental methods of statistical analysis: from probability and statistical distributions, through basic concepts of statistical inference, to a collection of methods of analysis useful for scientific research. It is rich in tables, diagrams, and examples, in addition to theoretical justification of the methods of analysis introduced. Each chapter has a section entitled "Exercises and Problems" to accompany the text. There are altogether about 300 exercise...
Issues in the Estimation and Testing of Models for Categorical Data
by Francisca Galindo Garre
This book should be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students of probability theory.
Mein Mandala Malbuch mit 50 Tiermandalas fur Kinder
by Chris Akarito
Risk Measures and Insurance Solvency Benchmarks (Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics)
by Vsevolod K. Malinovskii
Risk Measures and Insurance Solvency Benchmarks: Fixed-Probability Levels in Renewal Risk Models is written for academics and practitioners who are concerned about potential weaknesses of the Solvency II regulatory system. It is also intended for readers who are interested in pure and applied probability, have a taste for classical and asymptotic analysis, and are motivated to delve into rather intensive calculations. The formal prerequisite for this book is a good background in analysis. The...
Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence
by Arkady Shemyakin and Alexander Kniazev
Presents an introduction to Bayesian statistics, presents an emphasis on Bayesian methods (prior and posterior), Bayes estimation, prediction, MCMC,Bayesian regression, and Bayesian analysis of statistical modelsof dependence, and features a focus on copulas for risk management Introduction to Bayesian Estimation and Copula Models of Dependence emphasizes the applications of Bayesian analysis to copula modeling and equips readers with the tools needed to implement the procedures of Bayesian esti...
Introduction to the Theory of Statistical Inference (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
by Hannelore Liero and Silvelyn Zwanzig
Based on the authors' lecture notes, this text presents concise yet complete coverage of statistical inference theory, focusing on the fundamental classical principles. Unlike related textbooks, it combines the theoretical basis of statistical inference with a useful applied toolbox that includes linear models. Suitable for a second semester undergraduate course on statistical inference, the text offers proofs to support the mathematics and does not require any use of measure theory. It illustra...
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology
by Linda J S Allen
An Introduction to Stochastic Processes with Applications to Biology, Second Edition presents the basic theory of stochastic processes necessary in understanding and applying stochastic methods to biological problems in areas such as population growth and extinction, drug kinetics, two-species competition and predation, the spread of epidemics, and
Statistical Methods with Applications to Demography and Life Insurance
by Estate V. Khmaladze
Suitable for statisticians, mathematicians, actuaries, and students interested in the problems of insurance and analysis of lifetimes, Statistical Methods with Applications to Demography and Life Insurance presents contemporary statistical techniques for analyzing life distributions and life insurance problems. It not only contains traditional material but also incorporates new problems and techniques not discussed in existing actuarial literature. The book mainly focuses on the analysis of a...
Statistical Techniques for Project Control (Systems Innovation Book) (Industrial Innovation)
by Adedeji B. Badiru and Tina Agustiady
Winner of the IIE Book of the Month for June 2012 A project can be simple or complex. In each case, proven project management processes must be followed. In all cases of project management implementation, control must be exercised in order to assure that project objectives are achieved. Statistical Techniques for Project Control seamlessly integrates qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques for project control. It fills the void that exists in the application of statistical techniques...