Weakly Semialgebraic Spaces (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #1367)
by Manfred Knebusch
The book is the second part of an intended three-volume treatise on semialgebraic topology over an arbitrary real closed field R. In the first volume (LNM 1173) the category LSA(R) or regular paracompact locally semialgebraic spaces over R was studied. The category WSA(R) of weakly semialgebraic spaces over R - the focus of this new volume - contains LSA(R) as a full subcategory. The book provides ample evidence that WSA(R) is "the" right cadre to understand homotopy and homology of semialgebrai...
Algebraic Model Theory (NATO Science Series C, #496)
Recent major advances in model theory include connections between model theory and Diophantine and real analytic geometry, permutation groups, and finite algebras. The present book contains lectures on recent results in algebraic model theory, covering topics from the following areas: geometric model theory, the model theory of analytic structures, permutation groups in model theory, the spectra of countable theories, and the structure of finite algebras. Audience: Graduate students in...
Algebraic Geometry, Sitges (Barcelona) 1983 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #1124)
The World Market for Balloons, Dirigibles, and Other Non-Powered Aircraft
by Philip M. Parker
Hyperfunctions on Hypo-Analytic Manifolds (AM-136), Volume 136 (Annals of Mathematics Studies)
by Paulo Cordaro and Francois Treves
In the first two chapters of this book, the reader will find a complete and systematic exposition of the theory of hyperfunctions on totally real submanifolds of multidimensional complex space, in particular of hyperfunction theory in real space. The book provides precise definitions of the hypoanalytic wave-front set and of the Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer transform of a hyperfunction. These are used to prove a very general version of the famed Theorem of the Edge of the Wedge. The last two chapt...
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces (Modern Methods in Mathematics)
The Art of Doing Algebraic Geometry (Trends in Mathematics)
This volume is dedicated to Ciro Ciliberto on the occasion of his 70th birthday and contains refereed papers, offering an overview of important parts of current research in algebraic geometry and related research in the history of mathematics. It presents original research as well as surveys, both providing a valuable overview of the current state of the art of the covered topics and reflecting the versatility of the scientific interests of Ciro Ciliberto.
Motivic Homotopy Theory (Universitext)
by Bjorn Ian Dundas, Marc Levine, P.A. Ostvaer, Oliver Roendigs, and Vladimir Voevodsky
This book is based on lectures given at a summer school on motivic homotopy theory at the Sophus Lie Centre in Nordfjordeid, Norway, in August 2002. Aimed at graduate students in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry, it contains background material from both of these fields, as well as the foundations of motivic homotopy theory. It will serve as a good introduction as well as a convenient reference for a broad group of mathematicians to this important and fascinating new subject. Vladimir V...
Relative Trace Formulas (Simons Symposia)
A series of three symposia took place on the topic of trace formulas, each with an accompanying proceedings volume. The present volume is the third and final in this series and focuses on relative trace formulas in relation to special values of L-functions, integral representations, arithmetic cycles, theta correspondence and branching laws. The first volume focused on Arthur's trace formula, and the second volume focused on methods from algebraic geometry and representation theory. The three pr...
Jordan Triple Systems by the Grid Approach (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, #1280)
by Erhard Neher
Grids are special families of tripotents in Jordan triple systems. This research monograph presents a theory of grids including their classification and coordinization of their cover. Among the applications given are - classification of simple Jordan triple systems covered by a grid, reproving and extending most of the known classification theorems for Jordan algebras and Jordan pairs - a Jordan-theoretic interpretation of the geometry of the 27 lines on a cubic surface - structure theories for...
Algebra & Geometry: An Introduction to University Mathematics, Second Edition provides a bridge between high school and undergraduate mathematics courses on algebra and geometry. The author shows students how mathematics is more than a collection of methods by presenting important ideas and their historical origins throughout the text. He incorporates a hands-on approach to proofs and connects algebra and geometry to various applications. The text focuses on linear equations, polynomial equatio...
Mathematics Study Guide (Journal / Notebook)
by Wild Pages Press Journals & Notebooks
The relation between mathematics and physics has a long history, in which the role of number theory and of other more abstract parts of mathematics has recently become more prominent. More than 10 years after a first meeting between number theorists and physicists at the Centre de Physique des Houches, a second two-week event focused on the broader interface of number theory, geometry, and physics. This book collects the material presented at this meeting.
Positive Polynomials in Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, #312)
Positive Polynomials in Control originates from an invited session presented at the IEEE CDC 2003 and gives a comprehensive overview of existing results in this quickly emerging area. This carefully edited book collects important contributions from several fields of control, optimization, and mathematics, in order to show different views and approaches of polynomial positivity. The book is organized in three parts, reflecting the current trends in the area: 1. applications of positive polynomial...
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Groups (North-Holland Mathematics Studies, #39) (Mathematics)
by Michel Demazure and Peter Gabriel
Algebraic Cobordism (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
by Marc Levine and Fabien Morel
Following Quillen's approach to complex cobordism, the authors introduce the notion of oriented cohomology theory on the category of smooth varieties over a fixed field. They prove the existence of a universal such theory (in characteristic 0) called Algebraic Cobordism. The book also contains some examples of computations and applications.
Rigid Cohomology over Laurent Series Fields (Algebra and Applications, #21)
by Christopher Lazda and Ambrus Pal
In this monograph, the authors develop a new theory of p-adic cohomology for varieties over Laurent series fields in positive characteristic, based on Berthelot's theory of rigid cohomology. Many major fundamental properties of these cohomology groups are proven, such as finite dimensionality and cohomological descent, as well as interpretations in terms of Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology and Le Stum's overconvergent site. Applications of this new theory to arithmetic questions, such as l-independe...
Arrangements, Local Systems and Singularities (Progress in Mathematics, #283)
This volumecomprisesa setof lecturenotes fromthe CIMPASummer School,- rangements and Local systems and Singularities, held at Galatasaray University, Istanbul,during June11-22,2007.Theschoolwasattendedby68mathematicians, 35 of them from 19 countries outside Turkey. The Summer School was made up of eleven short courses and ?ve seminars presented by an outstanding group of lecturers who covered a wide range of topics related to the concepts of arran- ments, localsystems andsingularities.Thelist of...
facts. An elementary acquaintance with topology, algebra, and analysis (in- cluding the notion of a manifold) is sufficient as far as the understanding of this book is concerned. All the necessary properties and theorems have been gathered in the preliminary chapters -either with proofs or with references to standard and elementary textbooks. The first chapter of the book is devoted to a study of the rings Oa of holomorphic functions. The notions of analytic sets and germs are introduced in the...
Computations with Modular Forms (Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, #6)
This volume contains original research articles, survey articles and lecture notes related to the Computations with Modular Forms 2011 Summer School and Conference, held at the University of Heidelberg. A key theme of the Conference and Summer School was the interplay between theory, algorithms and experiment. The 14 papers offer readers both, instructional courses on the latest algorithms for computing modular and automorphic forms, as well as original research articles reporting on the latest...
Progress in Galois Theory (Developments in Mathematics, #12)
The legacy of Galois was the beginning of Galois theory as well as group theory. From this common origin, the development of group theory took its own course, which led to great advances in the latter half of the 20th cenĀ tury. It was John Thompson who shaped finite group theory like no-one else, leading the way towards a major milestone of 20th century mathematics, the classification of finite simple groups. After the classification was announced around 1980, it was again J. ThompĀ son who led...
Computing the Continuous Discretely (Haematology and Blood Transfusion, #1368) (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Matthias Beck and Sinai Robins
This textbook illuminates the field of discrete mathematics with examples, theory, and applications of the discrete volume of a polytope. The authors have weaved a unifying thread through basic yet deep ideas in discrete geometry, combinatorics, and number theory. We encounter here a friendly invitation to the field of "counting integer points in polytopes", and its various connections to elementary finite Fourier analysis, generating functions, the Frobenius coin-exchange problem, solid angles,...
Conics and Cubics offers an accessible and well illustrated introduction to algebraic curves. By classifying irreducible cubics over the real numbers and proving that their points form Abelian groups, the book gives readers easy access to the study of elliptic curves. It includes a simple proof of Bezout's Theorem on the number of intersections of two curves. The subject area is described by means of concrete and accessible examples. The book is a text for a one-semester course.