Game theory studies the strategic interaction of people within various institutions such as political, economic, or other social institutions that are governed by a set or rules or principals. Game theory provides solutions to these strategic interactions by developing models based on assumptions about human behavior and the institution where the interaction occurs. Game theory is an interdisciplinary method to examine decision making in the fields of economics, political science, psychology, so...
Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations
by Maxim Olegovich Korpusov and Alexey Vital Ovchinnikov
This book is about the phenomenon ofthe emergence of blow-up effectsin nonlinear equations.In particular it deals with theirapplicationsin modern mathematical physics.The bookmay also serve as a manual for researchers who want toget an overview ofthe main methods in nonlinear analysis.
This book presents an introduction to Evolutionary Game Theory (EGT) which is an emerging field in the area of complex systems attracting the attention of researchers from disparate scientific communities. EGT allows one to represent and study several complex phenomena, such as the emergence of cooperation in social systems, the role of conformity in shaping the equilibrium of a population, and the dynamics in biological and ecological systems.Since EGT models belong to the area of complex syste...
Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives (Springer Finance)
by Antoon Pelsser
This book provides an overview of the models that can be used for valuing and managing interest rate derivatives. Split into two parts, the first discusses and compares the traditional models, such as spot- and forward-rate models, while the second concentrates on the more recently developed Market models. Unlike most of his competitors, the author's focus is not only on the mathematics: Antoon Pelsser draws on his experience in industry to explore a host of practical issues.
Elections, Voting Rules and Paradoxical Outcomes (Studies in Choice and Welfare)
by William V Gehrlein and Dominique Lepelley
This monograph studies voting procedures based on the probability that paradoxical outcomes like the famous Condorcet Paradox might exist. It is well known that hypothetical examples of many different paradoxical election outcomes can be developed, but this analysis examines factors that are related to the process by which voters form their preferences on candidates that will significantly reduce the likelihood that such voting paradoxes will ever actually be observed. It is found that extreme f...
Combat Modeling (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, #134)
by Alan Washburn and Moshe Kress
"Combat Modeling" is a systematic learning resource and reference text for the quantitative analysis of combat. After a brief overview, authors Washburn and Kress present individual chapters on shooting without feedback; shooting with feedback; target defense; attrition models; game theory and wargames; search; unmanned aerial vehicles; and terror and insurgency. Three appendices provide a review of basic probability concepts, probability distributions, and Markov models; an introduction to opti...
Long-run Collaboration On Long-run Games, A
This book brings together the joint work of Drew Fudenberg and David Levine (through 2008) on the closely connected topics of repeated games and reputation effects, along with related papers on more general issues in game theory and dynamic games. The unified presentation highlights the recurring themes of their work.
‘A joy’ Philippe Sands ‘Glorious’ David Spiegelhalter A fascinating, enchanting and personal look at the meaning of luck, and the way in which it has shaped our shared history and continues to inflect our day to day lives. What does it mean to be lucky? How might we mitigate the effects of bad luck and maximise those of good? Is there actually such a thing as ‘luck’—some force that intervenes between desire and its consummation, that impedes...
The approach presented in this book combines two aspects of generalizations of the noncooperative game as developed by Nash. First, players choose their acts dependent on certain information variables, and second there are constraints on the sets of decisions for players. After the derivation of a general (Nash)equilibrium existence theorem, some results from purification theory are used to prove the existence of an approximate equilibrium in pure strategies, that is in nonrandomized decision fu...
Handbook on Approval Voting (Studies in Choice and Welfare)
I am honoredto write a prefaceto this remarkablybroadand comprehensivevolume on approval voting (AV). It has been almost 35 years since Peter C. Fishburn and I met in 1976 and began research on AV. Besides my 30-year collaboration with Fishburn, I have collaborated with several other scholars - including D. Marc Kilgour,SamuelMerrill,JackH.Nagel,M.RemziSanver,andWilliamS.Zwicker- on AV-related research. Over these years there has been a profusion of articles and books reporting on empirical and...
We live in an uncertain world, is a truism most of us hear more often than we would like. What one usually means to say by this is that we do not know what will happen in the future. Since changes, even major ones, have occurred in the past, it is possible that they will occur again in the future. In politics institutions are ways of coping with continuity and change. In democratic systems the electoral institutions provide ways of peaceful adjustment to changes in popular opinions. This book is...
We live in a highly connected world with multiple self-interested agents interacting and myriad opportunities for conflict and cooperation. The goal of game theory is to understand these opportunities. This book presents a rigorous introduction to the mathematics of game theory without losing sight of the joy of the subject. This is done by focusing on theoretical highlights (e.g., at least six Nobel Prize winning results are developed from scratch) and by presenting exciting connections of gam...
Fuzzy Graph Theory (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, #363)
by Sunil Mathew, John N Mordeson, and Davender S Malik
This book provides a timely overview of fuzzy graph theory, laying the foundation for future applications in a broad range of areas. It introduces readers to fundamental theories, such as Craine's work on fuzzy interval graphs, fuzzy analogs of Marczewski's theorem, and the Gilmore and Hoffman characterization. It also introduces them to the Fulkerson and Gross characterization and Menger's theorem, the applications of which will be discussed in a forthcoming book by the same authors. This book...
Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Gebhard Kirchgassner, Jurgen Wolters, and Uwe Hassler
This book presents modern developments in time series econometrics that are applied to macroeconomic and financial time series, bridging the gap between methods and realistic applications. It presents the most important approaches to the analysis of time series, which may be stationary or nonstationary. Modelling and forecasting univariate time series is the starting point. For multiple stationary time series, Granger causality tests and vector autogressive models are presented. As the modelling...
This volume collects almost two decades of joint work of Sergiu Hart and Andreu Mas-Colell on game dynamics and equilibria. The starting point was the introduction of the adaptive strategy called regret-matching, which on the one hand is simple and natural, and on the other is shown to lead to correlated equilibria. This initial finding - boundedly rational behavior that yields fully rational outcomes in the long run - generated a large body of work on the dynamics of simple adaptive strategies....
The book aims at describing the recent developments in the existence and stability of Nash equilibrium. The two topics are central to game theory and economics and have been extensively researched. Recent results on existence and stability of Nash equilibrium are scattered and the relationship between them has not been explained clearly. The book will make these results easily accessible and understandable to researchers in the field.
Mathematical Methods of Game and Economic Theory (Dover Books on Mathematics) (Studies in Mathematics & its Applications)
by Jean-Pierre Aubin
This book presents a unified treatment of optimization theory, game theory and a general equilibrium theory in economics in the framework of nonlinear functional analysis. It not only provides powerful and versatile tools for solving specific problems in economics and the social sciences but also serves as a unifying theme in the mathematical theory of these subjects as well as in pure mathematics itself.
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, #604)
by Donald Carney and Felix Kubler
This monograph presents a general equilibrium methodology for microeconomic policy analysis. It is intended to serve as an alternative to the now classical, axiomatic general equilibrium theory as exposited in Debreu`s Theory of Value (1959) or Arrow and Hahn`s General Competitive Analysis (1971). The monograph consists of several essays written over the last decade. It also contains an appendix by Charles Steinhorn on the elements of O-minimal structures.
An Introduction to Continuous-time Stochastic Processes (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology)
by Vincenzo Capasso and David Bakstein
This concisely written book is a rigorous and self-contained introduction to the theory of continuous-time stochastic processes. Balancing theory and applications, the authors use stochastic methods and concrete examples to model real-world problems from engineering, biomathematics, biotechnology, and finance. Suitable as a textbook for graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, the work may also be used for self-study or as a reference. The book will be of interest to students, pure and appli...