Calculus for Life Sciences, 1e WileyPLUS Student Package
by Sebastian J. Schreiber, Karl J Smith, and Wayne M. Getz
Rechenschwierigkeiten Vorbeugen (Beitrage Zur Sonderpadagogik, #30) (Beitraege Zur Sonderpaedagogik, #30)
by Christina Ostertag
Es gibt viele Ansatze fur das Kindergartenalter, Rechenschwierigkeiten vorzubeugen. Die Autorin untersucht eine Methode, die die Finger als Veranschaulichungsmittel verwendet. Vorschulkinder mit Lern- und Rechenschwierigkeiten wurden im Rahmen einer Einzelfallstudie uber einen Zeitraum von mehreren Wochen mit der kym(R) gefoerdert. UEberpruft wurden die mathematische Entwicklung und spezifische Fahigkeiten wie z. B. der Zahlensinn. Die Foerderkinder erzielten nach einer kurzen Intervention deutl...
Les coulements Transitoires Dans Les Conduites (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Guizani-M
Oxford Handbook of Panel Data
by Distinguished Professor of Economics Badi H Baltagi
Abhandlung UEber Bestimmte Integrale Zwischen Imaginaren Grenzen (Classic Reprint)
by Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Mit dieser Sammlung von Beispielen mochten wir Studierenden aller Fachrich- tungen Gelegenheit geben zur selbststandigen Erarbeitung einfacher, aber hau- figer Fragestellungen aus der Regressionsanalyse. Ais Voraussetzung geniigt eine einsemestrige Einfiihrungsvorlesung in angewandter Statistik, in der auf dieses Gebiet eingegangen wird, vollauf. 1m ersten Teil werden die Daten unter Angabe der Quelle und einer kurzen Formulierung des Problems prasentiert. 1m zweiten Teil geben wir einen LOsungs...
Renewable Energy Integration: Challenges and Solutions (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Serge Lang and S. Lang
Euler Pseudoprime
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Nonlinear Oscillations in Biology and Chemistry (Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, #66)
This volume contains the proceedings of a meeting entitled 'Nonlinear Oscillations in Biology and Chemistry', which was held at the University of Utah May 9-11,1985. The papers fall into four major categories: (i) those that deal with biological problems, particularly problems arising in cell biology, (ii) those that deal with chemical systems, (iii) those that treat problems which arise in neurophysiology, and (iv), those whose primary emphasis is on more general models and the mathematical tec...
Reminiscences of the Vienna Circle and the Mathematical Colloquium (Vienna Circle Collection, #22)
by Karl Menger
Karl Menger was born in Vienna on January 13, 1902, the only child of two gifted parents. His mother Hermione, nee Andermann (1870-1922), in addition to her musical abilities, wrote and published short stories and novelettes, while his father Carl (1840-1921) was the noted Austrian economist, one of the founders of marginal utility theory. A highly cultured man, and a liberal rationalist in the nineĀ teenth century sense, the elder Menger had witnessed the defeat and humiliation of the old Austr...
Foundations of Computational Mathematics
This book contains a collection of articles corresponding to some of the talks delivered at the Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference held at IMPA in Rio de Janeiro in January 1997. Some ofthe others are published in the December 1996 issue of the Journal of Complexity. Both of these publications were available and distributed at the meeting. Even in this aspect we hope to have achieved a synthesis of the mathematics and computer science cultures as well as of the disciplines. The...