Representation, Subversion, and Eugenics in Gunter Grass's The Tin Drum
by Peter Arnds
In receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1999, Gunter Grass, a prominent and controversial figure in the ongoing discussion of the German past and reunification, finally gained recognition as Germany's greatest living author, a writer of international importance and acclaim. Grass's 1959 novel The Tin Drum remains one of the most important works of literature for the construction of postwar German identity. Peter Arnds offers a completely newreading of the novel, analyzing an aspect of Gra...
Rachel Carson was a marine biologist credited with the founding of the ecology movement and the rise in ecofeminism. One of her most popular works was Silent Spring, which challenged the use of DDT (an insecticide infamous for its negative environmental effects) and questioned the claims of modern industry. Carson also wrote essays, reviews, articles, and more to educate the public about the impacts of chemical pollutants on both the environment and the human body. This literary companion provid...
Henry Peachams -The Garden of Eloquence- (1593) (Literarische Studien / Literary Studies, #4)
by Beate-Maria Koll
In dieser Arbeit wird Henry Peachams -Garden of Eloquence- erstmals in transkribierter und kommentierter Fassung vorgelegt sowie historisch-kritisch untersucht und zugeordnet. Sie schliesst damit eine Lucke auf dem Forschungsgebiet der englischen Renaissance-Rhetorik. Die Analyse greift zuruck sowohl auf den zeitgenossischen als auch den antiken und neulateinischen Kontext. Vor diesem Hintergrund erweisen sich die christlich-humanistische Ausrichtung, der Oralitats- und Affektcharakter und die p...
The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature (Non-Series)
by Friederike Eigler and Susanne Kord
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism Cum Title Index 2009 (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism)
Contemporary Literary Criticism covers authors who are currently active or who died after December 31, 1959. Each print volume in this long-standing series profiles approximately 6-8 novelists, poets, playwrights and other creative and nonfiction writers
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 (Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, #77)
Each print volume in this long-standing series profiles approximately 4-8 of the greatest writers and thinkers of the late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Restoration periods by providing full-text or excerpted criticism taken from books, magazines, literary reviews, newspapers and scholarly journals. Among those profiled in this volume are: William Camden Miles Coverdale Jean Gerson 18th Century Travel Narratives
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism (Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, #95)
by Juliet Byington
A convenient source of commentary on the careers and works of acclaimed poets, novelists, short story writers, dramatists and philosophers who died between 1800 and 1899. Cumulative title, author, nationality and topic indexes are provided.
Each volume of this reference provides substantial critical essays and biographical information on four to eight major poets from all eras. Entries provide an introductory biographical sketch, an author portrait, a primary bibliography, annotated full text and excerpted criticism of the poets' works and sources for additional reading. When available, comments from the poets themselves are included. Approximately 90-95% of critical essays are full text.Each volume includes cumulative author name...
In our penultimate 70th birthday edition, Meanjin wonders what it takes to make a city: Diana Wells visits Melbourne's ever-shifting outer edge and David Nichols takes a walk through the early housing commission suburb of Doveton. Elizabeth Glickfeld considers Melbourne's latest logo and corporate culture; Rachel Weaver reminds us that, not so long ago, morgues were a place a town's citizens went to be entertained; Michael Harden looks at the impact of the law and policy on the bar and restauran...
Contemporary Literary Criticism (Contemporary Literary Criticism, #382)
Literary Oxford in Old Photographs (Britain in Old Photographs)
by Nancy Hood
This addition to the "Britain in Old Photographs" series brings together a collection of black-and-white pictures spanning the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Drawn from family albums, local collections and professional photographers, they show the way things were and how they have changed. Every photograph is captioned, providing names and dates where possible, revealing historical and anecdotal detail and giving life to the scenes and personalities captured through the camera lens. Bringin...