An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
by John Henry Cardinal Newman
Plato on Democracy and Political Technē (Philosophia Antiqua)
by Anders Sorensen
Litterarum Dulces Fructus (Instrumenta Patristica Et Mediaevalia, #85)
In a culture as steeped in communal, scripted acts of prayer as Chaucer's England, a written prayer asks not only to be read, but to be inhabited: its "I" marks a space that readers are invited to occupy. This book examines the implications of accepting that invitation when reading Chaucer's poetry. Both in his often-overlooked pious writings and in his ambitious, innovative pagan narratives, the "I" of prayer provides readers with a subject-position thatcan be at once devotional and literary -...
The Letters of Alciphron (Mnemosyne, Supplements, Late Antique Literature)
The proliferation of books and films about the "undead", those literally returning from the grave, in modern popular culture has been commented on as a recent phenomenon, but it is in fact a storytelling tradition going back more than a millennium. It drew on and was influenced by Christian eschatology, gathered momentum in medieval ecclesiastical chronicles, such as those written by Caesarius of Heisterbach, and then migrated into imaginative literature - famously in John Lydgate's Dance of Dea...
Psychological and Ethical Ideas (Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava, #144)
by Sullivan
The Cort d'Amor (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures)
by Lowanne E. Jones
Jones's edition of Cort d'amor with English facing translation is a welcome addition to studies on Occitan literature. This edition includes notes for both languages, an index of proper names, and a glossary. Prior to the edition itself, the monograph includes seven introductory chapters dedicated to the manuscript, its date, authorship, sources, and the poem's literary value.
Firumbras and Otuel and Roland (Early English Text Society Original)
Old English Homilies and Homiletic Treatises (Early English Text Society Original)
Lydgate's Troy Book IV (Early English Text Society Extra)
The Earliest Arithmetics in English (Early English Text Society Extra)
Athelston (Early English Text Society Original)
Old English Version of the Heptateuch (Early English Text Society Original)
Book of Vices and Virtues (Early English Text Society Original)
Old English Homilies of the 12th Century Vol II (Early English Text Society Original)
The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS (Early English Text Society Original)
The English Charlemagne Romances V The Romances of the Sowdone of Babylone (Early English Text Society Extra)
This volume brings together Lee Patterson's essays published in various venues over the past twenty-seven years. As he observes in his preface, "The one persistent recognition that emerged from writing these otherwise quite disparate essays is that whatever the text . . . and whoever the people . . ., the values at issue remain central to contemporary life." Two dialectics are at work in this book: that between the past and the present and that between the individual and the social, and both ha...
Textual Agency examines the massive proliferation of poetic texts in fifteenth-century Spain, focusing on the important yet little-known cancionero poetry - the largest poetic corpus of the European Middle Ages. Ana M. Gomez-Bravo situates this cultural production within its social, political, and material contexts. She places the different forms of document production fostered by a shifting political and urban model alongside the rise in literacy and access to reading materials and spaces. At...