Discurso Leido Ante La Real Academia de la Historia Por El Excmo. Senor Don Francisco Fernandez de Bethencourt, Individuo de Numero, En La Sesion Publica Y Solemne Celebrada En 9 de Mayo de 1905, Para Conmemorar El Tercer Centenario del "quijote"
by Francisco Fernandez de Bethencourt
El Quijote Como Juego y Otros Trabajos
by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and Destino Libro
?Como afecta la era post y transnacional a la identidad hispanica? ?Que cambios y mutaciones se registran? ?Que permanece igual? Este libro aborda estas preguntas mediante un enfoque centrado en la identidad como estereotipo. Aprovechando la rica reflexion internacional sobre el concepto, reune por primera vez a los mayores especialistas del estereotipo en un volumen. Cuatro especialistas renombrados de la cultura hispanica reflexionan sobre la pertinencia del concepto para su area de especialid...
The Romantic Movement in Spain (Study in Spanish Literature)
by E Allison Peers
Nineteenth-century Hispanic Fiction (Special Issue of "Bulletin of Hispanic Studies", v. 63/1)
Harsh World and Other Poems (Lockert Library of Poetry in Translation) (Princeton Legacy Library)
by Angel Gonzalez
Although seven volumes of his poetry are available in Spanish, the work of Angel Gonzalez has not been widely translated into English. This bilingual edition, introduced by the poet, presents selections from Palabra sobre palabra (Word upon Word), his definitive collection. Included are poems from Grado elemental (Elementary Grade), which won the Antonio Machado Prize for Poetry. Born in Oviedo, Spain in 1925, Angel Gonzalez published his first book in 1956 to immediate acclaim. His poetry is...
Entremeses Nuevos (1643) (Juan de La Cuesta. Hispanic Monographs Series Ediciones Crit)
Writing and violence have been inextricably linked in Spanish America from the Conquest onward. Spanish authorities used written edicts, laws, permits, regulations, logbooks, and account books to control indigenous peoples whose cultures were predominantly oral, giving rise to a mingled awe and mistrust of the power of the written word that persists in Spanish American culture to the present day. In this masterful study, Anibal Gonzalez traces and describes how Spanish American writers have refl...
Der mexikanische Dichter Octavio Paz ist der Gegenstand einer rasch anwachsenden Sekundarliteratur, verstarkt, seit er 1990 den Literatur-Nobelpreis erhielt. Der Frage, wie er zu seiner heutigen offentlichen Stellung gelangt ist, wird dabei hochst selten nachgegangen. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht diese Frage im Kontext einer Analyse des korporativistischen Gesellschaftssystems Mexikos zu beantworten, wobei der Werdegang des Dichters in diesem System detailliert nachgezeichnet wird. Die kommunika...
Among the many ancient techniques that shift or become problematized during the Renaissance and the Baroque periods, this volume focuses on one in particular, that of ekphrasis. It is through the lens of experimentation with the technique of ekphrasis that we can view Cervantes' texts. Don Quixote can be studied through the constant contamination and agony between the visual and the verbal arts. This collection, then, seeks to foreground Cervantes' contributions to the tradition of ekphrasis, an...
Quevedo y La Poesia Moral Espanola (Nueva Biblioteca de Erudicion y Critica, #11)
by Alfonso Rey
Textual Agency examines the massive proliferation of poetic texts in fifteenth-century Spain, focusing on the important yet little-known cancionero poetry - the largest poetic corpus of the European Middle Ages. Ana M. Gomez-Bravo situates this cultural production within its social, political, and material contexts. She places the different forms of document production fostered by a shifting political and urban model alongside the rise in literacy and access to reading materials and spaces. At...
Die Don-Quijote-Rezeption Friedrich Schlegels Und Heinrich Heines Im Kontext Des Europaischen Kulturtransfers
by Yvonne Joeres
Writing Teresa: The Saint from Avila at the fin-de-siglo examines the Teresa de Jesus "boom" of roughly 1880-1930 and offers an in-depth study of five major Spanish participants in the turn-of-the-twentieth-century explosion of literary treatments of St. Teresa. This historical period's interest in the Saint from Avila relates to popularization and nationalization of aspects of Catholicism, technological advances, a modernist fascination with saintly heroes, the search for new Spanish identities...
Fado Alexandrino / Tr. from Portuguese by Gregory Robassa.
by Antaonio Lobo. Antunes