Le sujet poetique est une notion paradoxale qui nous renseigne de facon paradigmatique sur le devenir de la poesie moderne. Ses eclatements et ses scissions a la fin du Symbolisme definissent un champ semiotique que les avant-gardes historiques ont adapte ou transforme. L'etude de l'oeuvre d'Apollinaire et de celle de Huidobro montre a quel point une description stable du sujet est pertinente pour comprendre les raisons profondes de la poesie, de la crise a la celebration lyrique et jusqu'a la...
Form and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Spain (Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, #33)
by Carla Almanza-Galvez
Stranger in My Own Land, A: Sofia Casanova, a Spanish Writer in the European Fin de Siecle
by Kirsty Hooper
Carsos Cervantinos Que Tocan a Vallladolid (Classic Reprint)
by Alonso Cortes
Cultural Roundabouts: Spanish Film and Novel on the Road, by Jorge Perez, offers the first comprehensive inquiry about the road genre in Spain. Road narratives have recently received some scholarly attention within the field of Peninsular Studies through a few articles and book chapters, but no book-length study has been published so far. This book investigates how Spanish authors such as Ignacio Martinez de Pison, Ray Loriga, Eugenio Fuentes, and Eugenia Rico, and filmmakers such as Juan Antoni...
Schamhafte Geschichte: Metahistorische Reflexionen Im Werk Von Jorge Luis Borges
by Christine Rath
The Severed Breast (Juan de La Cuesta: Hispanic Monographs)
by Andrew M Beresford
El titulo de este libro, La reinvencion de Latinoamerica, retoma la famosa tesis del historiador mexicano Edmundo O'Gorman (1958), segun la cual la idea de America era ya antes de su descubrimiento una prefiguracion fabulosa de la cultura europea, cuyo imaginaire se habia fomentado por la lectura de los clasicos de la filosofia natural y la firme creencia de Colon de descubrir la India. Desde entonces, ha seguido construyendose un proceso de (re-)invenciones, tanto desde Latinoamerica como desde...
Caballero Noble Desbaratado (Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures)
by Jose Luis Gastanaga Ponce De Leon
First-person narrative does not always fall under the genre of autobiography. In the centuries before the genre was defined, authors often patterned their personal narratives after prestigious discourses, such as hagiography, historiography, and the literary miscellany. Caballero noble desbaratado: Autobiografia e invencion en el siglo XVI (Noble Knight Disrupted: Autobiography and Invention in the Sixteenth Century) analyses several first-person narratives from Spain and the conditions of their...
Vom Modernismo Zur Groteske (Hispanistische Studien, #9)
by Gisbert Kaal
Die Lyrik Valle-Inclans erweist sich entgegen dem bisherigen Urteil der Kritik vor dem Hintergrund des Gesamtwerkes als ein durchdachtes und ausgearbeitetes Ganzes, das in engem Zusammenhang mit theoretischen Ausserungen des Autors steht. Durch die Einordnung in diesen Gesamtzusammenhang zeigt sich, dass die Lyrik mit den Elementen Modernismo und Groteske zwei Schlusselbegriffe der Asthetik Valle-Inclans vorwegnimmt und in deren Realisierung zum Schlussel fur das Gesamtwerk und seine Entwicklung...
Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires
This volume presents the proceedings of the international conference "Theatre Cultures within Globalising Empires: Looking at Early Modern England and Spain", held in 2012 as part of the ERC Advanced Grant Project Early Modern European Drama and the Cultural Net (DramaNet). Implementing the concept of culture as a virtual network, it investigates Early modern European drama and its global dissemination. The 12 articles of the volume - all written by experts in the field teaching in the United Ki...